There is no such woman who in her life at least once did not encounter the negative manifestations of thrush and did not look for an answer to the question of how to get rid of it. Although this sensitive topic is of concern to many, it is often shy to discuss it.
But why do women get thrush - candidiasis? The reason is quite simple: the Candida fungus is constantly in the human body. It is he who is the cause of the development of the disease, but only in the case when his colonies begin to actively multiply, and the protective functions of immunity cease to control this process. At this point, there comes a period when the treatment of candidiasis in women should come to the fore.

Causes of candidiasis in women:
- injuries of various etiologies;
- change in habitual climate (increase in temperature and humidity);
- consequences of taking antibiotics, hormonal drugs;
- side effect of taking contraceptives (oral);
- immunodeficiency;
- disruption of the endocrine and nervoussystems;
- chronic diseases that are conducive to illness;
- pregnancy.

Symptoms of candidiasis
Candida affects not only the mucous membranes of the genital organs, but the entire body as a whole. The most unpleasant symptoms of vaginal candidiasis can be inflammation and itching in the genital area, whitish discharge, discomfort during urination and sexual intercourse.
Vaginal candidiasis can be diagnosed after a visual examination by a gynecologist and a smear showing excessive activity of pathogenic fungi. Based on the data obtained, the doctor will be able to confirm or deny the presence of the disease and prescribe a suitable treatment for candidiasis in women.
It will not be superfluous to pass an analysis for sensitivity to antifungal drugs. This will facilitate the selection of a drug that is suitable for effectiveness and reduce the possibility of developing resistance to its action. Indeed, today for most of the strains of fungi that cause candidiasis in women, it is very difficult to choose a treatment because of the chronic course of the disease and previous self-treatment. Also, the toxic effects of drugs that adversely affect the entire body should not be ruled out.

Modern medical techniques make it possible to treat candidiasis in women with proven methods - with the help of effective antifungal drugs, which are used in the form of tablets, capsules or suppositories, gels. In any case suitablemedicines should be used only on the advice of a doctor.
When the diagnosis of urogenital candidiasis is confirmed, treatment should be started immediately. An integrated approach will stop the aggressive attack of Candida fungi, and will also allow you to avoid possible relapses in the future.
Timely treatment of candidiasis in women and respect for one's own he alth guarantees a long, eventful life filled with pleasant intimate moments that only a permanent partner who respects and loves his fair half can give.