According to medical statistics, almost a quarter of the world's population suffers from allergic rhinitis, which is accompanied by nasal congestion and itching, sneezing and tearing. The disease is characterized by the ingestion of allergens on the nasal mucosa, causing its constant inflammation. There are two types of such a runny nose: seasonal, appearing at certain times of the year, and year-round, caused by household allergens. This pathology can be difficult to distinguish from a cold, so it remains without proper treatment for a long time. This article will look at the types, symptoms and treatment of allergic rhinitis in children and adults.
Classification of allergic rhinitis
It is carried out taking into account the causes, mechanisms of development and severity of the course of the disease. Depending on the period of occurrence of a runny nose, they distinguish:
- Seasonal - characterized by a distinct seasonality, which is associated with flowering and pollination of plants. The reaction can be caused by several allergens or one. After exacerbation comes remission. With frequent exacerbations of the nasal mucosa, the disease becomes permanent.
- Year-round - symptoms of allergicrhinitis are present at any time of the year. The reason lies in pets, dust mites, molds, drugs, cosmetics, food allergens. Unlike the seasonal form, the discharge from the nose is thick, sneezing is rare, lacrimation, conjunctivitis and stuffy ears are added.

In addition, another form of allergic rhinitis is known - professional. It is found in medical workers, pharmacists, livestock specialists, confectioners.
Classification by disease duration:
- intermittent - symptoms of the disease disturb less than four days a week or less than four weeks a year;
- persistent - more than four days a week or more than four weeks a year.
According to the severity of the course of the disease:
- mild - minor symptoms, normal sleep, good performance and activity;
- medium - the clinic is intensifying, sleep is disturbed, the quality of work suffers, activity disappears;
- severe - distressing symptoms, inability to sleep without medication, hard work.
Symptoms of disease
A runny nose of an allergic nature is manifested by a different clinical picture. Some of them are detected immediately after the appearance of the allergen, while others - after a few days or weeks. Typical symptoms of the disease include:
- persistent sneezing - occurs immediately after the appearance of the allergen;
- nasal discharge - usually watery and clear, but thickens over time;
- tickling, itching and discomfort in the nose, sore throat;
- tearing - appears due to blockage of the channel connecting the orbit and nose;
- Ear congestion - swelling of the Eustachian tube occurs;
- photophobia;
- decreased sense of smell and taste.
In a child, the symptoms of allergic rhinitis are as follows:
- appetite and sleep problems;
- nasal sounds appear, snoring in sleep;
- lethargy, poor concentration;
- half-open mouth of a child with severe swelling.
Such symptoms may also be present in an adult, but they cause more inconvenience to a baby, are more pronounced, and have more severe consequences.
To make a diagnosis:
- talking with a patient to identify complaints and clarify the symptoms of allergic rhinitis;
- general inspection;
- examination of the nasal mucosa;
- rhinoscopy;
- Eosinophil smear;
- complete blood count;
- skin tests to determine the allergen.
After clarifying the causes, signs of the disease and the results of studies, a course of therapy is prescribed.
Allergic rhinitis in a child: symptoms and treatment
Signs of allergic rhinitis in a baby are very similar to the manifestation of a viral infection, but there are differences, which are as follows:
- frequent sneezing;
- discharge is watery and clear;
- constant itchy nose:
- congestion during sleep;
- puffinessfaces;
- tearful.
When observing a child, parents notice that such symptoms appear when in contact with animals, certain foods, household items, when going outside. If you notice symptoms of allergic rhinitis, you should immediately consult a doctor. After the examination, he will prescribe the appropriate course of therapy. First aid at home is only washing the nose. Treatment consists of the following components:
- Allergen elimination - move to another place during the flowering of the plant, eliminate objects and food that cause the disease.
- The use of medications - use agents that block the release of histamines: Suprastin, Diazolin, Fenkarol. To facilitate breathing, vasoconstrictor drops "Xymelin extra" are used. With a mild course of the disease, these funds are quite enough to combat allergic rhinitis.
- Specific immunotherapy (SIT). The procedure is carried out in a hospital setting or on an outpatient basis in a treatment room and only if the allergen is known. It is administered subcutaneously to the patient in small doses, gradually increasing its amount. The immune system produces protective antibodies that block irritating reactions. This contributes to the reduction or disappearance of the common cold. The effectiveness of treatment appears after 3-4 courses.
Vasomotor allergic rhinitis: symptoms and treatment
Vasomotor rhinitis is a chronic disease that is associated with dysregulation of bloodvessels of the nasal mucosa. As a result of this, swelling of the turbinates occurs with the appearance of an excess amount of mucus. Allergic rhinitis is a form of vasomotor rhinitis. The most common allergens are plant pollen and animal dander, although food, insects, and drugs may play a role. Allergies are most common in people with:
- genetic predisposition;
- frequent use of food additives, drugs, household chemicals.

Nasal congestion is the main symptom of allergic vasomotor rhinitis. It manifests itself periodically and intensifies under the influence of an allergen, physical activity and in a supine position. Other signs include:
- nasive voice;
- sneeze;
- drape of mucus down the throat;
- loss of sensitivity to smells;
- itchy nose;
- conjunctivitis.
With the exudative form of the disease, a large amount of clear watery mucus is released, sneezing appears, symptoms are relieved at night, and vice versa during the day. Obstructive rhinitis is characterized by a constant runny nose, the release of thick mucus. Feeling worse at night compared to daytime.

For the treatment of allergic rhinitis, the symptoms of which were described above, as well as its prevention, an integrated approach is used: the cause is eliminated, massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy, folk remedies,medicines of the following groups:
- Antihistamines - neutralize the effects of histamine, which causes inflammation: Desloratadine, Zyrtec, Levocetirizine.
- Mast cell membrane stabilizers - Kromoheksal. Prevents the release of histamine, which triggers allergies.
- Hormonal drugs - stop the allergic reaction, reduce pain and inflammation: Avamys, Flixonase, Nasonex.
- Preparations for washing "Morenazal", "Salin", "Aqua-Maris". They remove excess mucus, do not allow infection to penetrate.
- Vasoconstrictor - "Naphthyzin", "Sanorin", "Nazivin" alleviate the condition, reduce swelling.
Sometimes immunotherapy is given, leading to the production of antibodies that block allergies. The procedure is carried out with a clarified allergen.
Treatment of allergic rhinitis in adults
The disease in adults has three stages in its development:
- periodic nasal congestion;
- the nose is stuffed up regularly, to facilitate breathing, you have to use vasoconstrictors;
- Severe edema forms in the nasal cavity, the doctor states that the mucosa is cyanotic, breathing through the nose is impossible, drops from the common cold do not bring relief.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis in adults (see symptoms above) and recovery time depends on the severity and form of the disease. The following drugs are prescribed:
- Vasoconstrictive drops. They eliminate the swelling of the mucosa and for a certain period of time make it possiblebreathe freely. You should not increase the dosage and time of taking the drug - this leads to addiction.
- Antihistamines. They have different forms of release: tablets, drops, injection bottles. They are used for exacerbations of year-round rhinitis, and the symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis are warned by pre-administration of these funds. In this case, the severity of the disease is reduced. With prolonged use of medications, preference is given to the latest generation of drugs that are not addictive and do not give severe side effects.
- Mast cell membrane stabilizers are drugs that prevent the release of histamine, which affects inflammatory responses. They help eliminate swelling of the mucosa.
- Hormonal drugs. They are used if there is no effect from antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs. Taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription.
- Enterosorbents - free the body of toxins.
- Hyposensitivity. This technique is used when the type of allergen is known. To do this, it is introduced into the body of the individual in small doses, after getting used to, the symptoms of allergic rhinitis in adults subside and may disappear completely. The procedure is very long and is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
Chronic allergic rhinitis
An inflammatory process that constantly takes place in the nasal mucosa, which is caused by the body's reactions to some kind of irritant, is called chronic allergic rhinitis. The disease is not contagious and can occur in people of any age and gender. Oncethe irritant enters the nose, the immune system immediately begins to fight it, producing a special protein called immunoglobulin E. It affects not only the allergen, but also he althy cells of the body, triggering the inflammatory process, a runny nose appears. Chronic rhinitis is not tied to the season, the disease worsens at any time if provoking factors appear:
- house dust mites;
- fungal and mold spores;
- bird fluff;
- saliva, excrement and animal hair;
- various insects;
- cosmetics;
- household chemicals;
- drugs;
- food.
An important role is played by the hereditary factor, poor ecology, pathological changes in the nasal cavity, infections.

The symptoms of chronic allergic rhinitis are less pronounced than with acute rhinitis, but they cause sensitive discomfort. These include:
- swelling of the nasal mucosa;
- stuffiness;
- transparent abundant discharge;
- difficult nasal breathing, sleep problems;
- sneeze;
- burning in the nose;
- conjunctivitis;
- smell problems;
- sore throat, dry cough.
Persistent inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity contribute to the appearance of a bacterial infection and purulent discharge. A persistent violation of nasal breathing leads to swelling of the auditory tube, the appearance of discomfort in the ears.
Treatment of chronic allergicrunny nose
To obtain positive results in the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to use medicines and the patient to follow all the doctor's instructions. The problem is exacerbated when children become patients. The child's treatment of allergic rhinitis, the symptoms of which we have already mentioned, and the correct formation of the palate and nasopharynx depend on the fulfillment by the parents of all the requirements of the doctor. To eliminate chronic rhinitis, the following complex therapy is used:
- eliminate contact with the allergen;
- take antihistamines to reduce swelling and make breathing easier;
- strictly prescribed by a doctor use vasoconstrictors;
- Special sprays are used to relieve burning sensation in the nose;
- if necessary, use hormonal drugs;
- rinsing nasal passages with saline solutions;
- conduct hyposensitizing therapy.

In the treatment of chronic allergic rhinitis, one should strictly adhere to the recommendations of the attending physician.
Treatment with folk remedies
Traditional medicine always comes to the rescue in the fight against the disease. We must not forget that vegetable raw materials can cause allergies, so its choice should be approached very carefully. For the first time, use the minimum dose and monitor your well-being, if it worsens, immediately stop using it. For the treatment of allergic rhinitis with folk remedies (you already know the symptoms of the disease) and the prevention of the disease, use:
Mummy. Take 1 gsubstances and dissolve in a liter of warm water. Drink the solution throughout the day. For children, reduce the dosage by two or three times

For seasonal allergies, start taking a prophylactic drug two to three weeks before the plant starts flowering.
- Series. For home use, it is better to use pharmaceutical raw materials. Some varieties of grass contain poisonous substances. For a decoction, take 20 g of herbs in a glass of water. Take one tablespoon three times a day after meals.
- Celandine. To prepare the infusion, take a tablespoon of dry grass in half a liter of water. Drink half a glass, children - a quarter, in the morning and in the evening.
- Calendula. Prepare the infusion from a tablespoon of dried flowers in a glass of water. Take twice a day.
- Rinse your nasal passages with saline solution several times a day, it washes away the allergen.
In addition to phytotherapeutic treatment, daily exercise is needed to strengthen the respiratory system and immunity to alleviate the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.
Prevention and consequences
To prevent the disease, the following measures should be taken:
- carry out constant wet cleaning of the premises;
- beware of the allergen entering the body;
- use anti-irritant drugs;
- flush your nasal passages more often.
Prolonged allergic rhinitis promotes the penetration of bacteria into the inflamed mucosa, affects performance,reduces mental activity and leads to depression. The chronic form of rhinitis can cause otitis media, and in children there may be disturbances in the development of the nasopharynx. This disease is present in a person all his life, so you need to learn how to coexist with it and take preventive measures to prevent severe symptoms of allergic rhinitis.