Today, more and more people suffer from hypertension. This disease affects both the older generation and young people. Hypertension is usually called the phenomenon in which blood pressure is constantly at a level above 140/90.

Against the background of this disease, the walls of blood vessels soften, which makes them rough. This leads to the fact that calcium and cholesterol accumulate on them. This results in the formation of so-called plaques, which make the vessels much stiffer. Blood cannot flow through them normally. There is a deterioration in the nutrition of the internal organs of a person. If you do not start treatment and prevention of hypertension in a timely manner, this can lead to a wide variety of ailments, including stroke or myocardial infarction.
Medicated treatment
Depending on the specific situation, the doctor prescribes certain drugs that belong to the group of antihypertensive drugs. Also, people suffering from this pathology should constantly consult with a cardiologist and monitor blood pressure.
If hypertension is not treated and prevented in a timely manner, then thisleads to deterioration of the human condition. As a rule, therapy includes taking Captopril, Lazartan, Ramipril, Enalapril, as well as diuretics. In some situations, the doctor may prescribe additional measures. For example, IVs to prevent hypertension can be quite effective.

Side effects of drug treatment
Undoubtedly, with the help of drugs prescribed by a specialist, it is much easier for a person to deal with the manifestations of hypertension. However, these drugs have a huge number of side effects.
Most often, when taking drugs to prevent hypertension and treat the disease, patients complain of dizziness, fluid retention and changes in heartbeat. Also, while taking medications, nausea and vomiting, excessive sweating, impotence and frequent headaches can develop.
If a person notices any of the listed symptoms, then in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor with a doctor and reduce the dosage of the drug (or even refuse it).

Some people are wary of taking hypertension medication because they believe there is a high risk of severe weight gain. However, these drugs are not able to have this effect. However, some of them cause swelling. In this case, diuretics are most often required additionally. No less effective in the treatment and prevention of arterialhypertension diet and taking traditional medicines.
Eating Rules
First of all, in order not to aggravate the situation, it is necessary to try to remove cholesterol from the blood. It is he who becomes the most common cause of increased pressure. It leads to narrowing of the arteries.
It is necessary to include useful substances in the diet that will favorably affect blood pressure. Boiled fish, low-fat dairy products, fresh berries and fruits cope with this task best of all. It would also be useful to start using dried apricots, viburnum and rosehip decoctions.
What not to eat
Primary prevention of hypertension involves avoiding certain foods. To get rid of an excess of cholesterol, you should exclude mayonnaise, margarine, smoked and fatty meat, lard, eggs, alcoholic beverages, strong rich broths and aspic from your diet.
It is also worth giving up spicy, s alty, fatty, sweet and starchy foods. If a person cannot do without refined sugar or something sweet, then it is worth replacing it with honey. It is very difficult to give up table s alt, but at least it is worth replacing it with sea s alt.
What foods are recommended for the prevention of hypertension
To bring the pressure back to normal, it is recommended to always keep cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkin in the house. If you bake potatoes with the skin on, then the patient can get a large amount of nutrients. Jerusalem artichoke is no less useful, as it helps to regulate metabolism inbody.
Beetroot is a very effective remedy for high blood pressure. In addition, this vegetable cleanses the blood. Also, beets help restore the vascular system and relieve a person of cholesterol plaques.

For the prevention of hypertension, experts recommend including seaweed in your diet. This food product is a remedy for sclerosis. This pathology very often develops against the background of high blood pressure.
It will be useful in the morning to eat buckwheat, oatmeal and other cereals. If we talk about oils, it is best to use corn, walnut or pumpkin. Bread should be bought only with bran, as such a product contains much more fiber. It helps lower cholesterol levels.
Alcohol and smoking
Bad habits are absolutely incompatible with this pathology. Most often, recommendations for the prevention of juvenile hypertension include recommendations for avoiding such addictions.
If we talk about smoking, then tobacco smoke enters the body (even with passive smoking) and negatively affects the condition of the vascular walls. The mucous membrane is destroyed, which leads to vasospasm and too rapid development of atherosclerosis. At the same time, smoking leads to oxygen starvation not only of the cells of the body, but also of the brain. If a person smokes even one cigarette a day, then, according to studies, this greatly affects the state of the cardiovascular system and aggravatesstate of hypertension.

Alcohol is strictly contraindicated in people with hypertension, especially those who have persistent high blood pressure. If a person drinks more than 30 milligrams of alcohol per day, then this leads to a sharp vasospasm. In this case, the condition is greatly aggravated. Therefore, speaking about the prevention of hypertension, it is imperative to stop taking strong drinks, especially if a person has an addiction.
Anti-stress prevention
Since it is very harmful to experience nervous excitement with high blood pressure, it is important to take measures so that the patient is less nervous. To do this, you can go on a short vacation to a resort or a sanatorium. Psychotherapy sessions will also be effective. It is worth taking a massage course and starting taking light sedatives (for example, Glycine). If a person lives near a busy highway or near a noisy stadium, you should consider moving to a quieter place.
However, any activities must be discussed with the doctor. Some procedures may be contraindicated for a person.
General preventive advice
In order to avoid the occurrence of this disease or alleviate the condition when receiving such a diagnosis, it is necessary to adhere to general rules. First of all, you need to normalize your lifestyle. This means that a person should avoid stressful situations and intense physical exertion.
Standard measures to prevent hypertension includeself normalization of weight and dietary nutrition. All food is recommended to be steamed (or at least baked in the oven). Add as little oil as possible to your meals and avoid animal fats.
Tea is recommended to be replaced with decoctions of herbs, such as lingonberry leaf or wild rose. You need to spend more time outdoors. It is also worth timely undergoing a standard examination and visiting a specialist. In the fight against a disease such as hypertension, traditional medicine can also help.

Unabi fruits
This product has excellent properties to help normalize blood pressure. At the same time, a large amount of cholesterol is excreted from the human body. Therefore, patients stop complaining about unpleasant pain in the heart area. Also, many note getting rid of headaches. Therefore, unabi fruits are an excellent tool for the prevention of hypertension in old age.
In order to get rid of the pathology or at least reduce the risk of an attack, it is recommended to consume at least 8 fruits of this plant daily. By and large, this product is a type of date.
There is also a special course of treatment, in which it is necessary to use the fruits of this plant. To do this, you need to prepare a medicine. It is necessary to pour 5 dates with several glasses of hot water and cook the resulting mixture in a water bath for 30 minutes. After that, the broth is infused for 10minutes, strain and squeeze. The next step is to add some water to get the original volume.
It is necessary to take the medicine 80-100 ml 3 times a day, 15 minutes before meals. In this case, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of blood pressure. The course of such treatment is 14 days. You can repeat the procedure only after 10 days.
Herbal baths
Primary prevention of hypertension includes these treatments, as these treatments are considered the most effective when a person is suffering from the early stages of the disease.
For procedures it is necessary to prepare warm water, the temperature of which should not exceed 38 °C. In baths with herbs, you need to lie about 20-25 minutes 3 times a week. In this case, the body relaxes, the blood vessels strengthen. Also, herbal baths help normalize sleep, soothe and perfectly help get rid of overexertion during the daytime.

It is best to add decoctions prepared with the addition of motherwort, valerian, needles, chamomile or thyme to warm water. If these herbs were not at hand, then you can replace them with essential oils of the same plants. As a rule, 4-5 drops of fragrant liquid are enough for 1 bath. You can also add some bee honey, table sea s alt or sour cream to the water.
Effective treatments
Prevention of hypertension with folk remedies includes a few more recipes that will help you quickly normalize blood pressure.
For example, you can finely grate a lemon, add a spoonful of cranberries and a little grated rosehip. All ingredients are diluted in 400 g of honey. The resulting medicinal product must be taken on an empty stomach a few hours before bedtime.
You can also make a mixture of May honey and onions. This will also require 25 grams of lemon zest. Prepared ingredients must be mixed with 200 ml of white onion juice and a glass of May honey. The resulting mixture is tightly sealed and infused in a cold place. This liquid should be drunk after meals, 2 times a day, 1 tablespoon.
You can quickly relieve the symptoms of hypertension with ice. To do this, frozen water cubes are applied to the cervical vertebrae. After that, it remains to wait a bit until the ice completely melts. After that, the treated area is lubricated with warm vegetable oil. After that, you need to do a massage in this area.
Persimmon juice also has excellent healing properties. In order to prepare a medicine, it is necessary to grind 1 astringent fruit in a meat grinder and drink approximately 50 ml of such juice daily.

Along with cold procedures, you can reduce the pressure with hot water. It must be poured into the pelvis and lowered there legs. You can also try using mustard plasters, which are installed on the neck area. The procedure lasts about 20 minutes, after which the blood pressure is significantly reduced. Plantain and other natural remedies for high blood pressure will also help.prevention of hypertension.
Features of the treatment of the elderly
Elderly people should be much more careful when using folk recipes. A person must clearly know whether he really has low or high blood pressure at the moment, since some procedures with warming up or, conversely, severe hypothermia can give the opposite result.
It is also worth paying attention to the severity of the disease. In some situations, drug treatment is the only possible option to alleviate the patient's condition. All drugs must be selected individually. If a person decides to resort to traditional medicine, then it is necessary to inform the doctor about this and consult with him. It is also recommended to exercise at least three times a week, but you should not strain too much either. It is worth including foods that contain potassium, magnesium, calcium and fiber in your diet.