How does gout appear in women, and what are the main methods of its treatment?

How does gout appear in women, and what are the main methods of its treatment?
How does gout appear in women, and what are the main methods of its treatment?

Gout is a joint disease caused by the deposition of uric acid s alts. This pathology occurs in many people, especially in old age. Gout in women, as a rule, develops during menopause, while inflammation covers almost all joints - on the fingers, elbows, hands, knees and feet. The most vulnerable are the fingers of the lower extremities, which are often affected as a result of the progression of arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Predisposing factors of the disease also include heredity and alcohol abuse. Gout in women is accompanied by severe sudden pain, while the inflamed joints become red and hot.

How does the disease manifest itself?

gout in women
gout in women

The first symptoms of gout in women are manifested by bouts of arthritis, with only one joint inflamed, mainly on the big toe, ankle or knee. Usuallygout attacks disturb at night or early in the morning, accompanied by unexpected severe pain in the affected joint, its swelling, redness and fever. As a rule, pain sensations during the day weaken, but in the evening they increase again. This condition can be observed from several days to several weeks, and with each subsequent attack, he althy joints may be involved in the pathological process, which ultimately leads to their partial destruction.

Long-term progressive symptoms of gout in women often lead to the development of gouty arthritis, which is manifested by the formation of painful nodes, as well as the occurrence of urolithiasis, which is accompanied by the appearance of stones.

Drug treatment of gout

symptoms of gout in women
symptoms of gout in women

Gout in women in an acute form requires the appointment of bed rest and complete rest of the diseased limb. The affected joint should be slightly lifted, a cold compress applied to it, and after the pain subsides, it should be warmed up with a warm heating pad. Of the drugs, anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs are prescribed, the dosage of which is selected by the doctor. In order to significantly lower the amount of uric acid and prevent further progression of the disease, anti-gout drugs are prescribed, which patients can take for years.

Gout in women in severe form is accompanied by the formation of large tissue ulcerations and fistulas, which require surgical treatment, becausethey can no longer dissolve on their own. In addition, it will be useful to carry out physiotherapy procedures, such as mud and paraffin applications, as well as herbal medicine, balneotherapy and spa treatment.

Eating basics for gout

symptoms of gout in women
symptoms of gout in women

A he althy and proper diet is one of the most important methods of treating the disease, since with the help of the diet you can successfully regulate the exchange of uric acid. First of all, it is necessary to limit the amount of protein consumed, which is found in foods such as meat, fish, offal, mushrooms, legumes, chocolate, cocoa, caviar and yeast. Dairy products can be eaten in any quantity, as they help to remove purines from the body. In addition, walnuts and chicken eggs will be useful. It is very important to eat more fruits and vegetables, drink alkaline mineral waters, and limit your s alt intake.

During periods of persistent remission of the disease, experts recommend moderate physical activity, therapeutic exercises and more frequent warm baths.
