Often, in diseases of the cardiovascular system, circulatory hypoxia develops as a result of a decrease in cardiac output and circulatory disorders. With the development of shock or collapse, the cause of a violation of the supply of oxygen to the tissues is a decrease in the amount of circulating blood. At the same time, hemoglobin values remain within the normal range, and a high oxygen content in arterial blood is also observed.
Problem description
Circulatory hypoxia is a pathological disease characterized by impaired oxygen transport to organs and tissues as a result of a temporary slowdown or cessation of blood flow in tissue capillaries with the development of congestion in them. This pathology is observed in violation of the activity of the cardiovascular system, the development of a state of shock, heart defects, hypertension, acute and chronic inflammation in various organs and tissues of the body. The disease is characterized by a decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the venous blood, while in the arterial blood its indicator is within the normal range.

Inadequate blood supply leads to the accumulation of various under-oxidized products in the tissues. Therefore, their need for oxygen increases. Thus, the disease has the following characteristics:
- slow blood flow;
- local stasis;
- ischemia;
- stagnation phenomena.
Types of hypoxia
In medicine, it is customary to distinguish several varieties of this disease. So, there are the following types of hypoxia:
- Local, which is characterized by local circulatory disorders and the penetration of oxygen into tissues from the blood. Pathology occurs in the area of thrombosis, ischemia, embolism, hyperemia in certain organs and tissues of the body.
- Systemic, which develops as a result of heart failure, a decrease in total peripheral vascular resistance, as well as the amount of circulating blood, dehydration, DIC and other phenomena. If blood flow disturbances are observed in the systemic circulation, the supply of oxygen to the blood of the lungs remains within the normal range, but its transportation to the tissues is disrupted. In case of circulatory disorders in the small circle, oxygen saturation of arterial blood is disturbed.
- Regional hypoxia develops due to the fact that the blood pH decreases and the gas composition is disturbed, the coefficient of the difference in oxygen in the venous and arterial blood increases. This phenomenon can be observed with pulmonary edema, excess water inside the cells.

Other types of pathology
Also exist:
- Congestive cardiovascular hypoxia, which is caused by absolute circulatory failure in its general disorders (heart failure, shock).
- Ischemic hypoxia, which occurs with local blood flow disorders (venous congestion of ischemia, arterial spasm).
Causes of disease
Consider the factors that lead to such a disease. Hypoxia is an insufficient blood supply to the organs and tissues of the body. This condition is quite dangerous for human he alth. Causes of hypoxia include:
- decrease in the amount of circulating blood;
- decrease in minute volume of blood circulation in violation of vascular tone, heart failure;
- violation of microcirculation;
- disorder of oxygen penetration through the vascular walls during their inflammation.

Thus, circulatory hypoxia, the causes of which are described above, develops as a result of impaired transport of oxygenated arterial blood to the tissues. This phenomenon occurs quite often in diseases of the cardiac and vascular systems.
Symptoms and signs of hypoxia
The severity of the disease is determined by a decrease in local blood flow, as well as a decrease in its overall speed. Violation of blood circulation as a result of spasm of blood vessels or their sclerotic changes, the formation of blood clots can provoke the development of severe complications frombrain. In this case, signs of hypoxia are manifested in dizziness, nausea, impaired coordination of movements, and a disorder in the activity of the higher parts of the brain. In severe cases, there may be loss of consciousness, paresis and paralysis.

When the local blood flow is disturbed, necrosis of the areas of the skin is observed, accompanied by pain. Also in this case, the occurrence of heart attacks in the lungs, liver and kidneys is possible. Violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the heart leads to the development of ischemia, myocardial infarction. When the blood supply to the muscles of the limbs is stopped, necrosis of some areas occurs, which leads to gangrene.
When the rate of general blood flow decreases, gas exchange processes in the lungs worsen, so the arterial blood does not receive enough oxygen, resulting in arterial hypoxemia. Lightning acute circulatory hypoxia leads to loss of consciousness, stopping the functioning of the body and its death. Chronic pathology is accompanied by the body's adaptation to the disease.
Adaptation of the body to disease
There are two forms of adaptation to hypoxia:
1. Emergency, which provides activation of the mechanism for transporting oxygen to cells. Such mechanisms exist in every organism and are activated immediately with the development of pathology. In this case, there is an increase in the volume of alveolar ventilation, respiratory rate, cardiac output and heart rate,redistribution of blood flow, a change in the diameter of blood vessels in the brain and heart, and an increase in oxygen capacity in the blood.

2. Long-term adaptation occurs at all levels of the body's vital activity, including cellular metabolism. These mechanisms develop gradually, they provide optimal conditions for the life of the organism in the extreme conditions of its existence. First of all, the efficiency of biological oxidation in cells increases, the degree of inclusion of oxygen into the blood of the lungs, the number of mitochondria increases, the lungs, myocardium, and cardiac outputs increase, the blood supply to the heart tissues increases, and arterial hyperemia develops. As a result, the efficiency of the functioning of organs and tissues increases, and the efficiency of metabolism increases.
Usually, circulatory hypoxia involves etiotropic treatment, which is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease. To do this, the pathology is eliminated by restoring the oxygen pressure in the air. To do this, the room is ventilated or air with a normal oxygen concentration is supplied to it. In the presence of diseases of organs and systems, they are treated. During therapy, the patient must observe bed rest and rest.
Symptomatic treatment is carried out in order to eliminate the pathological conditions of the patient, as well as the complications of the disease. To this end, the doctor prescribes anesthetics, analgesics, cardiac medicines and tranquilizers.

In acute disease, direct-acting antihypoxants are used. They are considered as first aid, synthetic drugs are usually prescribed. In chronic disease, herbal preparations are often used. In most cases, this treatment is indicated for older people. In this case, preference should be given to the remedy that, in addition to eliminating hypoxia, has a therapeutic effect on the pathology of the organ that caused the development of this disease.