Chiriy, or scientifically furuncle, is a fairly common dermatological disease. It may appear for various reasons. Most people have had a boil at least once in their lifetime. If it is not treated, there may be a complication, and the pus will have to be removed surgically. Therefore, it is necessary to start fighting the boil at an early stage of its appearance. In this case, you can treat yourself at home with the help of external preparations. You just need to know which chiria ointment helps better.
What is this
Furuncle, which is popularly called chiri, is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding tissues. It is caused by bacteria, mainly staphylococci. Most often, chiry jumps up on the face, neck, back of the head, buttocks, legs or arms. It is a thickening and redness of the skin with a purulent head. The disease may be accompanied by fever, enlargement of nearby lymph nodes, severe pain.

In its maturation, the boil goes through several stages. First there is a smallinduration on the skin, it reddens and itches. Then a purulent process develops, a white "head" appears in the seal. This intensifies pain and inflammation. At the last stage, the boil opens, pus is released. Then the pain goes away, and the redness can last another 1-2 weeks. The skin may heal on its own without treatment, but scarring may occur in the area.
Besides, if you do not treat chiri correctly, complications are possible. If pus is squeezed out, it can enter the bloodstream and cause meningitis or sepsis. Pus can spread to surrounding tissues, resulting in furunculosis or carbuncle.
Causes of a boil
Most often, chiri jumps up in people with weakened immunity or with insufficient adherence to cleanliness of the skin. Inflammation can occur due to excessive sweating, hypothermia, insect bites, an allergic reaction, or irritation from chemical or physical factors.

People with the following pathologies are most susceptible to the appearance of boils:
- diabetes mellitus;
- diseases of the endocrine system;
- avitaminosis;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- violation of metabolic processes.
Treatment of chiria at home
In no case should a boil be removed on its own. In this case, pus with blood flow can spread throughout the body. And in order to get rid of it faster, it is necessary to use special medications. Most often, chiria ointments are used, which are applied under a bandage in the form of a compress. If you start such treatment at the initial stage, you can prevent suppuration and stop the inflammatory process. For more complex situations, you can take antibacterial or anti-inflammatory drugs by mouth, but only as directed by a doctor.
Ointments for boils
Treatment of chiria in most cases is carried out with the help of external means. The drug must be selected by a doctor. It is impossible to say unequivocally which ointment from chiria is better, since in each case different drugs can help. At the initial stage, disinfectants or those that draw out pus are used. This is Vishnevsky's ointment, ichthyol, heparin or synthomycin.

If the abscess has opened, or the doctor suspects a bacterial infection, antibiotic ointments are applied. This is Levomekol, Oflokain or tetracycline ointment. After the opening of the chiria and the release of pus, healing preparations are needed. Zinc ointment or Vishnevsky ointment, as well as Actovegin, Solcoseryl or D-Panthenol are best suited for this.
Antibiotic ointments
Such drugs are often used in the treatment of boils. Antibacterial ointment from chiria is used if it jumped up on the face, if there are a lot of boils, and also if the person has weakened immunity. There are some of the most popular and effective antibiotic-based drugs.
- "Levomekol" is probably the best ointment for chiria. She ishas a pulling, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and healing effect. Therefore, it can be used at any stage of the disease. In addition to the destruction of bacteria, "Levomekol" restores tissue by improving metabolic processes. Apply the medicine under a sterile bandage, which must be changed daily.
- Tetracycline ointment is more affordable. It is effective against chiria, as it is based on an antibiotic that is active specifically against staphylococci. On an immature boil, this ointment can be applied in a thin layer 2-3 times a day. And after removing the pus, you should use it under a bandage.
- "Oflokain" contains, in addition to the antibiotic lidocaine, therefore it reduces pain and relieves swelling.
Vishnevsky's ointment
From what this drug helps, everyone used to know, and it was in every home first-aid kit. Vishnevsky's ointment is effective both at the initial stage of furuncle maturation and after removal of pus.

This drug has the following properties:
- destroys pathogens;
- improves circulation;
- stops inflammation and purulent process;
- accelerates the maturation of the abscess.
If you know what Vishnevsky's ointment helps with, you can prevent the development of a boil, as it can stop it at an early stage. Apply this remedy in the form of dressings or compresses, which work best when kept warm. At the first stage of the inflammatory process, they are changed every10-12 hours. And for healing, the ointment is applied 3-4 times a day.
Ichthyol ointment
This is an inexpensive sulfur based product. The ointment looks like a thick, almost black, tar-like mass with an unpleasant odor, so not everyone likes it. But ichthyol ointment from chiria is very effective. Reviews note that it helps at any stage of its maturation. The ointment has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Destroys staphylococci, streptococci and other pathogenic microorganisms. Ichthyol effectively relieves pain and stimulates tissue regeneration.

Ichthyol ointment for the treatment of boils is used in the form of a 10 or 20 percent composition. It helps to get rid of chiria in a short time. If you start treatment at the initial stage, you can prevent the formation of an abscess, relieve redness, induration and inflammation. It is used in the form of bandages that need to be changed every 2-3 hours. Ichthyol ointment should not be applied to open wounds.
Zinc Ointment
This drug has a very simple composition: only petrolatum and zinc oxide. Despite this, zinc ointment from chiria is very effective. It has a strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. In addition, its distinctive property is the ability to dry the site of inflammation, quickly restoring tissue. It is best to use this ointment during the healing phase. It quickly relieves inflammation, redness and soreness. The advantage of its use is that it protects against the penetration of infection into the wound.and prevents recurrence. There are no contraindications for the use of zinc ointment. It will not harm even pregnant women and small children. For the treatment of chiria, apply the ointment in a thin layer 4-6 times a day.
Ointment "Baneocin" from chiria and boils
Reviews about this treatment are mostly positive. "Baneocin" is a complex antibacterial drug based on two antibiotics: neomycin and bacitracin. Thanks to their combination, an effective action against any bacteria is ensured, they cannot develop resistance to such a complex. "Baneocin" is used after surgical opening of the boil and removal of pus.

This chiria ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected area 2-3 times a day. To enhance the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, it can be used under a bandage. Due to the serious antibiotics included in the composition, it is not recommended to use the ointment in large dosages and for longer than a week. For the same reason, Baneocin should not be used during pregnancy.
Treatment of chiria on the eye
A boil can jump up anywhere, even on the eyelids, at the border of eyelash growth. In this case, it is called barley. It is also necessary to treat such inflammation with ointments, but due to the proximity of the eye, other drugs are used for this. Treatment should be special so as not to harm the organ of vision. It is best if the doctor prescribes an ointment for chiria on the eye after the examination. The names of these drugs may be the same as for the treatment of conventionalboils, but the dosage of the active substance is different. When buying, you need to make sure that it is written that this is an eye ointment.

Most often, tetracycline ointment, erythromycin or hydrocortisone is used for barley. In addition, drugs such as Floxal or Tobrex are effective.