Hypertensive type NCD is a fairly common pathology. It often occurs in adolescent children and young patients. Elderly people rarely suffer from this disease. The full name of this disease is neurocirculatory dystonia. If the pathology proceeds according to the hypertensive type, then its signs resemble the symptoms of high blood pressure. At the same time, no organic changes are noted in patients, but their he alth deteriorates greatly. Manifestations of the disease are associated with functional disorders of the autonomic nervous system.
What is NDC
NDC by hypertensive type is one of the varieties of VVD (vegetative-vascular dystonia). The autonomic nervous system functions in the body. It is divided into parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions. These parts of the central nervous system provide an adequate response of the body to environmental changes. The sympathetic division is responsible for heart rate and vascular tone. If a personhe althy, then the vascular walls are strained only when the organs need additional nutrition.
With neurocirculatory dystonia, there is a malfunction in the sympathetic department. The tone of the vascular walls rises too often, with any emotional experience or physical stress. This is an inadequate response of the body to external stimuli.
At the same time, the patient does not have any pathological changes characteristic of hypertension. Vascular tone is changed solely due to improper regulation by the autonomic system.
Often such a violation occurs in children in middle and high school age. This is due to the endocrine restructuring of the body of adolescents. Hormonal changes during the maturation period sometimes lead to malfunctions in the sympathetic department. Often, parents of children believe that all autonomic disorders will disappear after the end of puberty. However, this is not always the case. If therapy is not carried out in time, then unpleasant symptoms can appear even at an older age. In children, this condition is treated easily, you can even do without the use of drugs. But the older a person becomes, the more difficult it is to get rid of the pathology.

Causes of pathology
The main cause of hypertonic NCD is a violation of adaptation to environmental changes due to a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. There are unfavorable factors that can provoke a malfunction of the sympathetic department:
- stress;
- congenital features of the heart, blood vessels and nervous system;
- pregnancy;
- menstrual irregularities in women;
- emotional features (temper, irritability, over-sensitivity);
- overwork;
- smoking;
- transferred severe illness;
- heredity;
- excessive drinking;
- diseases of the psyche;
- poisoning;
- severe overheating of the body;
- physical and mental injury;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- radiation exposure.

Often the cause of the disease is not one, but several provoking factors. As NCD progresses along the hypertensive type, failures occur not only in the sympathetic department, but also in the hypothalamus. This exacerbates the manifestations of pathology.
ICD code
According to the International Classification of Diseases, this pathology is included in group F (mental and behavioral disorders). This indicates the psychogenic nature of such a disorder. Block F45 includes diseases with somatic symptoms, which are based on malfunctions in the autonomic nervous system. The full NDC code for hypertensive type in the ICD is F45.3.
The leading symptom of pathology is a headache. It usually occurs in the evening, localized in the temples, neck or forehead, and is accompanied by a feeling of pulsation in the vessels. This resembles the symptoms of a mild form of hypertension.
Pressure oftenincreased. Systolic indicators are within 160 mm Hg. Art. Lower blood pressure usually remains normal. However, the pressure is unstable and can change during the day. Tachycardia is noted, the heart rate reaches 100 beats per minute.
The clinical picture of this disease is very diverse. The patient complains of a whole range of discomfort. In addition to headaches, there are other symptoms of NCD of the hypertensive type:
- The patient often suffers from dizziness, a feeling of unsteadiness when walking.
- A person has a sharp decrease in efficiency, he feels constantly tired.
- The patient's hands and feet are always cold, even in warm conditions. This is due to circulatory disorders. A person often feels chills, but at the same time sweats profusely due to a malfunction of the sympathetic regulation of the skin glands.
- It often becomes difficult for the patient to breathe.
- Stinging pains in the heart may occur, but no pathology is detected on the ECG.
- The patient does not sleep well, becomes irritable, nervous.
- Dermographism is a characteristic symptom of the disease. If you pass any object over the patient's skin, then white stripes remain for a long time.

With such unpleasant symptoms, a person can visit many doctors. However, studies do not show any organic disturbances. It is quite difficult to identify this disease. The manifestations of pathology are not permanent, they can sharply intensify with emotional experiences and disappear whenthe person is calm.
Often, patients do not know which doctor to contact with NCD for hypertensive type. These conditions are usually treated by neurologists and cardiologists. Since high blood pressure is noted with the disease, the help of a general practitioner may be required. If the cause of vegetative disorders is stress and emotional overstrain, then a psychotherapist's consultation is necessary.
Degrees of disease
NDC by hypertensive type is classified according to the severity of the course. There are 3 degrees of the disease:
- Easy. Symptoms are rare and mild. There is only slight fatigue. The patient does not become disabled.
- Average. Signs of autonomic disorders are pronounced and observed quite often. Periodically, a person has to take a sick leave due to the inability to work.
- Heavy. The patient suffers from multiple symptoms of autonomic disorders. The manifestations of the disease are observed constantly and are pronounced. Employability is significantly reduced. In some cases, the patient has to be hospitalized.
With a mild degree, it is still possible to improve the patient's condition without the use of drugs. With an average degree, you often have to use drugs. In severe cases, it is impossible to stop unpleasant symptoms without long-term drug therapy.
NCD in pregnant women
Often, NCD of the hypertensive type during pregnancy is noted for the first time. Previously, the woman was absolutely he althy. This is due to hormonal changes during pregnancy.fetus, to which the autonomic nervous system responds. Often, patients mistake the manifestations of NCD for symptoms of toxicosis.
Pregnant women with this type of vascular dystonia often suffer from severe headaches and high blood pressure. Emotional disturbances are also noted, patients complain of feelings of anxiety and panic. If such symptoms occur for the first time during pregnancy, they usually disappear after childbirth.
During pregnancy, this disease is far from harmless. It can provoke gestosis in the later stages. Increased vascular tone can cause placental abruption and miscarriage. Therefore, autonomic disorders during gestation are subject to mandatory treatment. A pregnant woman with NCD should be under the special supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist.
When diagnosing NCD by hypertensive type, it is necessary to differentiate this pathology from organic cardiovascular diseases, depression, myocarditis, menopausal manifestations. It is not always easy to identify this disease. It masquerades as hypertension of the 1st degree.
The doctor examines the patient and collects an anamnesis. Already at this stage, you can notice the increased nervousness of the patient, sweating, cold extremities. In order to clarify the diagnosis, the following examinations are prescribed:
- Examination of the fundus. With hypertension, there are changes in the retina, but with NCD they are not.
- EKG. This study is carried out using various functional tests. Serious deviations in dystonia are not observed. Quiet heart murmurs and rhythm disturbances are detected.
- Measuring blood pressure and pulse. There is an increase in heart rate during exercise. The pressure is measured several times within 1 hour. The patient's blood pressure is unstable, and during this time you can get different indicators.
- Blood test for thyroid hormones. Helps to distinguish manifestations of NCD from thyrotoxicosis.
- Ultrasound of the heart and kidneys. In hypertension, pathological changes in these organs are revealed. With dystonia, the structure of the heart and kidneys remains normal.

You may also need to consult a psychotherapist and an endocrinologist. This is necessary to identify neuroses and endocrine pathologies that often accompany dystonia.
Doctors' recommendations
Treatment of NCD for hypertensive type begins with recommendations regarding changes in the patient's lifestyle. It is necessary to eliminate the unfavorable factors that caused the disease.
If the patient is often overworked, it is recommended that he adjust his work and rest schedule. Excessive physical exertion should be abandoned and, if possible, stress and emotional tension should be avoided. The patient needs to spend more time outdoors and take enough time to sleep. It is also recommended to eat well and avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
With a mild degree of the disease, these activities are often enough for a full recovery. If the pathology proceeds with pronouncedsymptoms, then medical and physiotherapy treatment is necessary.
Medication treatment
Patients are often interested in whether there are pills for neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypertensive type. Usually the treatment of this disease is symptomatic and complex. Patients are prescribed a number of drugs that relieve the unpleasant manifestations of autonomic disorders:
- Herbal sedatives. Eliminate nervousness and normalize sleep. The use of "Novopassit", "Corvalol", "Persena", "Negrustin", "Valerian tinctures" is shown.
- Tranquilizers and sedative antidepressants. These drugs are prescribed for severe nervousness, irritability and severe sleep disturbances. These include: Phenazepam, Amitriptyline, Diazepam, Trioxazine Most of these drugs are prescription drugs and should only be taken with your doctor's prescription.
- Beta-blockers. They are prescribed for severe tachycardia, they reduce the heart rate. It is recommended to take Nebilet, Atenolol, Karteolol.
- Nootropics. These drugs are indicated for decreased performance and fatigue. The use of Piracetam, Cavinton, Cinnarizine is shown.
- Drug "Betaserk". Recommended for severe dizziness. This medicine has a positive effect on the vestibular apparatus.
- Venotonics. These drugs have a positive effect on the tone of the veins of the brain. They areeffectively relieve headaches. Usually prescribed drugs: "Venoplant", "Vazoket", "Detralex".

Beta-blockers and sedatives are usually sufficient to lower blood pressure. Antihypertensive drugs with a vasodilatory effect should not be taken in NCD. Increased pressure in this disease is not associated with atherosclerosis, but with dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system. In most cases, the pressure decreases as soon as the patient calms down.
Drug treatment complements physiotherapy. Assign the following procedures:
- Darsonvalization. Therapeutic currents improve blood circulation and help reduce blood pressure.
- Acupuncture. Acupuncture helps many patients. This procedure relieves headaches and neurotic manifestations.
- Electro sleep. The cerebral cortex is affected by low frequency currents. A person plunges into a state close to natural sleep, during which the body rests and recovers.
- Electrophoresis with phytopreparations. Sedative medicinal substances of plant origin are introduced into the body through the skin using an electric current. This helps to quickly calm the nervous system.
- Massage. The procedure has a general relaxing effect on the body and leads to increased blood flow.

How to eat right with NCD
Important role in treatmentplays compliance with the diet in NCD of the hypertensive type. From the diet it is necessary to exclude strong tea, coffee and alcohol. You should also avoid fatty foods, it worsens the condition of the vessels. It is useful to eat bananas, apricots and prunes, they contain a lot of potassium. This element has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

If the patient has extra pounds, then a diet with calorie restriction and fasting days is indicated. Obesity in dystonia can provoke the development of permanent arterial hypertension. However, you should not arrange hungry days, food should be complete.
The disease is not life-threatening. However, with moderate to severe pathology, there is a risk of arterial hypertension. Therefore, disorders of the autonomic nervous system need to be treated in time.
Usually, the younger the patient, the more likely it is that the disease will end in full recovery. Autonomic disorders respond well to therapy in children and adolescents. At an older age, it is much more difficult to achieve the disappearance of all symptoms.
Are sick people subject to conscription
Vegetative disorders often affect young men of military age. Young people often have a question: "Are NDCs compatible in terms of hypertensive type and the army?"
A conscript may be declared unfit for service if he has an average daily blood pressure above 160/100 mm Hg. Art., severe tachycardia, pronounced vegetativeviolations.
If NDC was detected in a young man at the draft board, then he is sent to a hospital. The young man is undergoing treatment there. After 6 months, he is examined at a repeated medical commission. If his condition has not improved and the pressure is still elevated, then he is considered partially fit or completely unfit for service.
However, this rarely happens. In young men, blood pressure indicators are usually unstable. With NCD, several pressure surges can occur during the day. On the commission in the military registration and enlistment office, the average blood pressure per day is taken into account, and often it turns out to be less than 160/100 mm Hg. st.
To avoid disease, you should follow the rules of a he althy lifestyle. It is necessary to prevent excessive physical stress and overwork, to allocate sufficient time for sleep. Mental stress should also be moderate. In this case, it is not necessary to completely avoid physical activity, because physical inactivity is one of the causes of the disease. Daily gymnastics and walks in the fresh air will only benefit.
It is necessary to avoid the influence of negative factors: excessive overheating, exposure to radiation and toxic substances. It is also important to take care of your mental he alth. It is useful for overly emotional people in stressful situations to take decoctions of sedative herbs for prevention: valerian, motherwort, chamomile or lemon balm.