Meniscal tears are one of the most common knee injuries. The meniscus is a disk that creates a soft layer between the bones of the knee. There are only two menisci in the knee joint. One is located in the inner cavity, the second - in the outer. These discs support the stability of the joint and distribute the load of body weight on it. If the meniscus is damaged, then this, of course, will lead to a malfunction of the knee joint.

Ruptures of the menisci occur due to unfortunate abrupt movements of the leg during a turn. This injury can also be the result of heavy lifting. The most common ruptures are observed in athletes. But the elderly are also at risk, as the meniscus wears out with age.
The most important factor influencing the rate of healing of a tear is the location of the injury. Either of the two menisci can be damaged. If the gap occurred with the externalOn the other hand, most often the joint returns to normal quite quickly due to good blood supply. If the injury is in the inner area, then healing will be longer and more difficult.

There are three types of meniscus tears. Each of them has a different severity of symptoms.
1. Small gap. It is accompanied by swelling and mild pain. As a rule, discomfort disappears on its own after 3 weeks.
2. Medium rupture. The pain is localized in the central region of the knee. Within three days after the injury, a strong swelling grows. This leads to stiffness when extending the knee. But the ability to walk, leaning on the injured leg, is preserved. Symptoms of a torn meniscus disappear within a few weeks, but with excessive physical exertion, they may reappear. If the damage is left untreated, it will make itself felt for several years.
3. Severe meniscal tears can immobilize a limb. In addition, fragments of a damaged disc can get into the joint space. In this case, the knee often makes specific sounds. It becomes very difficult to straighten the leg. If the knee remains movable, it may suddenly flex. Within two days, a swelling appears, as it grows, the knee joint becomes more and more constrained.

If in athletes the gap occurs sharply due to an unsuccessful movement, then in elderly people it is slowprocess. A person may not remember at what point the injury occurred. At first there is a slight pain, more often when standing up. It is followed by a slight swelling. If these symptoms are observed, then it is necessary to seek the advice of a doctor. He will conduct a thorough examination, ask about previous injuries. Only then will a preliminary diagnosis be made. For a more thorough examination, you may have to visit an orthopedic surgeon. You will also need to pass a series of tests. They will allow you to see a clearer picture of the damage. Of course, the treatment is long, because this is not a bruise or dislocation, but a meniscus tear. The operation is prescribed in the most difficult cases.