The real plague of our time is considered to be such an ailment as the immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This disease can weaken the protective shell of the body so much that it will be affected by absolutely any microbes.

In the case of an advanced stage of the disease, death is possible even from a banal acute respiratory disease. Many consider HIV to be a death sentence: its treatment today does not guarantee recovery, and sooner or later a person dies anyway. But do not exaggerate too much, because there is a certain set of methods and means that will significantly reduce the power of the virus and prolong the life of the infected. However, you should immediately take into account that the fight against the virus will continue throughout life.
It is worth noting that not every medicine will allow you to cope with a fairly rapid spread of the disease in the body and carry out high-quality HIV treatment. At the same time, the medical news relentlessly reports on the development of more and more modern and advanced medicines that will reduce the impactdiseases on the human body. The main group of drugs that an infected person will have to use for the rest of his life includes mainly antiviral drugs. These drugs can significantly slow down the reproduction of the virus and give some hope to people infected with HIV. This treatment is quite effective. For example, the so-called antiretroviral therapy is necessary, which should be carried out from the moment the virus is detected in the human body.

This step is the first in a long fight against the disease. The drugs given at this stage are designed to interrupt any stage of viral replication. Among the most modern drugs are nucleotide and nucleoside inhibitors, such as Tenofovir, Lamivudine, Nevirapine and Zidovudine. This also includes fusion inhibitors such as Maraviroc and other modern HIV drugs.
For the greatest efficiency, modern medicine recommends using the latest antiviral drugs in combination in order to prevent the possibility of the occurrence and progression of various viruses in advance. For example, entry inhibitors block the virus from entering a cell in the body, making HIV treatment effective.

In addition to the use of purely medical methods, do not forget about the methods of traditional medicine,that will give you the maximum effect. A worthy example is the use of honey and natural products to get rid of the most striking symptoms of HIV. Treatment and prevention in this case will be to increase the body's own immune system.
Any treatment for HIV infection requires constant medical monitoring to ensure that the medication is effective.