Smegma is the secret of the glands of the foreskin in men and boys, which accumulates under the head and on the furrows of the penis. It consists of fats and specific non-pathogenic flora - mycobacteria.

Smegma in boys is a problem for many parents who do not know about the proper care of the genitals. Its stagnation can lead to infectious diseases, especially in the presence of phimosis.
What is phimosis?
In a newborn child, the inner sheet of the foreskin fits snugly against the head, as if glued to it. This is considered the norm and does not require any action on the part of the parents. The boy grows, the sexual organ develops along with the whole body. Approximately in the second or third year of a boy's life, a gradual independent separation of the foreskin from the glans penis occurs.

It is smegma in boys that helps this process to occur painlessly, as it is a fat-like substance that moisturizes the foreskin. There is an easy, effortless, exposure of the head of the penis. Thus, smegma in boys is absolutely normal, as in adult, he althy men.
Often, parents caring forchild, begin to forcibly push back the foreskin. These actions are unacceptable and can lead to serious injury and inflammation. Smegma in boys is not a reason for unreasonable manipulation of the genitals. The process of separation of the foreskin should occur naturally.
Smegma in men
It should be borne in mind that this is a normal phenomenon, which intensifies during a period of high sexual activity (at the age of 18-26 years). The formation of smegma in men in old age decreases and practically stops in senile age. If the rules of personal hygiene are violated, it stagnates.
What happens then?
Microflora begins to multiply actively, this is facilitated by fat-like lubricant substances. There is a danger of the appearance of diseases such as balanitis, balanoposthitis and even precancerous diseases (papilloma of the genital organ, etc.) and the cancer of the penis itself. It must be understood that in addition to the fat-like substance, dead cells of the epithelium of the head and foreskin accumulate in smegma. All this, together with the components of urine, is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microflora.

How is smegma formed?
Treatment of smegma itself is not required - it is a natural physiological fluid necessary for the normal functioning of the male sexual organ. When the discharge is fresh, not stagnant, its color is white and it is usually evenly distributed on the head of the penis. Smegma reduces her friction against the foreskin. In its normal state, it has a spicy aroma. Stagnation of smegma is dangerous, especially when it is released in excess.
It's easy enough to avoid. All substances that serve as a lubricant, including smegma, must be removed daily during hygiene procedures. Thorough cleansing of the penis is the key to he alth. When a man does not do this, the accumulated smegma begins to irritate the foreskin, itching, redness appears. Irritation contributes to the appearance of neoplasms, more often in places of friction. Any man should understand the importance of hygiene procedures for his he alth and well-being. Daily washing of the genitals is the norm. If it is enough for boys to do this without moving the skin near the head (due to physiological phimosis), then for an adult sexually mature man (whose process of smeg formation is at its peak), this procedure should be carried out in the most thorough way.
It is necessary to understand that the formation of smegma is not dangerous and is vital. You just need to clearly learn the rules of personal hygiene, starting from a very young age.