Lymph nodes on the back of the head, as well as on other parts of the body, are a formation of connective tissue in those places where several vessels are combined. Their functions include not only filtering the lymph, but also cleaning it from bacteria, various viruses and harmful microorganisms. Cells of the immune system are involved in this process.

Why is the lymph node enlarged at the back of the head?
Lymph nodes are the first level of protection of a living organism from infection, however, during the inflammatory process in the body, the load on the nodes increases, which leads to their increase. If the lymph node on the back of the head is inflamed, it is most likely a consequence of tonsillitis or conjunctivitis. Infection of the scalp and trauma also lead to this unpleasant phenomenon.
Connection of lymph nodes with organs
The cervical lymph nodes are responsible for cleansing the tissues located on the head. They become inflamed and enlarge with SARS (rhinitis, pharyngitis) or with more serious infections (tuberculosis, mononucleosis). Submandibular lymph nodesassociated with the oral cavity, i.e. their inflammation can be caused by diseases of the teeth, gums and throat.

If only one side is enlarged, a blood test should be done to rule out reactive lymphadenitis. Lymph nodes behind the ears increase with caries, colds, otitis and sinusitis, and with rubella they also become inflamed in front. If the inflammation affects the axillary region, most likely the person has arthritis or mastitis. Inguinal lymph nodes become inflamed with infections associated with the genital area, injuries.
Features of the disease in children
Lymph nodes on the back of the head in children also increase when an infection enters the body, which indicates normal immunity. If their inflammation is localized in the neck, most often this is a consequence of tonsillitis or inflammation of the adenoids. Diphtheria often leads to swelling of the neck. This group of nodes is susceptible to toxoplasmosis, cat scratch disease. Chickenpox and ulcers on the body cause an increase in the lymph nodes under the arms.
When do you need urgent medical attention?
Most often, patients complain to the doctor about enlarged lymph nodes on the back of the head and other parts of the body, but there is no pain. This is a consequence of the inflammatory process in the body. If pain appears, this means that the infection has covered the node itself, i.e. developed lymphadenitis. The reason for this may be reduced immunity. A visit to the doctor in this case should be immediate.

Tumor processes
Suspicion of a tumor occurs when the fusion and excessive compaction of the lymph nodes. Before starting local treatment, you should find the source of infection in the body and sanitize it. Enlarged lymph nodes at the back of the head are a direct indication of a problem in the body. Therefore, you need to carefully check the condition of the throat, teeth, exclude gynecological diseases and get rid of the root cause of the disease. Enlarged lymph nodes are often a symptom of many serious diseases such as cancer. At the same time, their size increases to 3 or more centimeters, a fairly strong compaction is observed. Various tumors form metastases in the lymph nodes, and then spread through them throughout the body.