The demodex parasitic mite, localized in the hair follicles and fatty ducts, causes such a pathological process as demodicosis. Infection occurs with a decrease in the body's defense reactions to the introduction of a parasite into it. The tick provokes several diseases at the same time, so doctors set themselves the task of diagnosing the pathology in time. Scrapings for demodicosis allow you to diagnose pathology at an early stage, as well as determine the type of tick, prescribe the correct therapy.

Analysis for demodex is prescribed for chronically occurring pathologies. In this case, the patient has the following manifestations:
- irritation of the skin of the face, as well as rashes that are localized in the eyelids, eyelashes;
- patient complains of redness and itching of affected areas;
- pathological rashes that look like acne appear in the face and head area;
- skin has paleor grayish tint;
- when the eyelids are affected, their edges become red, conjunctivitis develops;
- the edges of the eyelids are covered with scales.
If a patient is concerned about rashes with severe itching in the face area, then this is the first sign that there is a need for diagnostics and treatment procedures.
Where to get tested?
Demodecosis occurs with severe clinical symptoms, however, to make a diagnosis, it is necessary to pass a scraping. You can get tested in the laboratory of a medical institution, in a dispensary.

You can take an analysis for Demodex in a budget clinic only in the morning. As for commercial organizations, the patient can take a scraping at any time. Demodex worries the patient most often at night, and hides in the layers of the epidermis during the day. Therefore, the delivery of biological material for research is recommended in the evening hours. At the same time, the advantage of a paid organization is obvious.
If the patient noticed skin rashes accompanied by itching, redness of the skin, then he should contact the following highly specialized specialists:
- if the localization of the parasite is observed on the eyelids, affecting the ciliary bulbs, then the ophthalmologist is engaged in the treatment of this disease;
- for hairline lesions - trichologists:
- with inflammatory lesions on the skin, a dermatologist treats the disease.
Many people are wondering how to prepare for demodex analysis. We'll talk about it below.
Preparing for analysis
To getthe most reliable results of laboratory analysis for Demodex, you need to carefully prepare. Before giving a scraping, taking eyelashes for examination, the patient must adhere to the following rules:

- don't wash your face for 24 hours;
- do not use cosmetics, ointments and creams;
- when washing your hair, avoid getting cosmetics in your eyes;
- stop using eye drops.
If a patient develops a serious eye disease, it is necessary to notify the specialist about this when passing laboratory tests.
Diagnosis for the presence of Demodex mite is aimed at the study of biological material from scrapings, the study of the structure of hair follicles and eyelashes. The diagnostic procedure itself does not cause pain to the patient. The patient can receive a transcript of the results after 72 hours. There are some ways to take a scraping to identify the parasite.
Eyelash analysis
Eyelash analysis is a fairly informative method for identifying the causative agent of demodicosis. At the same time, doctors pull out several eyelashes from the upper and lower eyelids. The material is placed under glass, on special reagents. After that, the laboratory assistant conducts an examination: examines the biological material under a microscope.
This is what analysis is all about.
Scraping for demodex skin
Scraping is carried out during inflammatory processes on the skin. The biomaterial is collected from damaged facial skin. If significant signs of damagethere is no skin, then the biomaterial is taken from several places: from the head, face, ears, thighs, etc. Using a scalpel, the specialist separates a small fragment of the epidermis, takes a purulent discharge from the inflamed follicle. After that, an alkali solution is added to the collected material. After this manipulation, the specialist evaluates the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin under a microscope.

With positive results, the doctor prescribes a therapy regimen, this allows you to get rid of this disease in a short time. During the study, a specialist can identify two types of parasites:
- long demodex;
- short demo.
The short version of the parasite is somewhat more difficult to deal with, since it can penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis, where they also multiply. Negative results are set not only in the absence of a tick, but also traces of their presence in the body. Positive results are issued if the specialist noticed the shell of the tick, the parasite itself or its egg.
In addition to the laboratory diagnosis of Demodex, you can conduct a study at home.
Home collection of material
If the patient does not have the opportunity to conduct an analysis in a specialized institution, you can take the biological material yourself. Rules for scraping for demodicosis:
- preparation of adhesive tape and glass slides, which can be taken from the laboratory in advance;
- in the evening the tape is glued to the skinbody and face, then stick to the glass;
- ready biomaterial should be taken to the medical laboratory for examination.
If a patient has a rash accompanied by itching, then this is the body's response to Demodex damage.

Causes of disease
The most common factors leading to the development of pathology are:
- disorders in the liver and other digestive organs;
- hormonal cosmetics;
- dysfunction of the sebaceous glands;
- disorders of the nervous system;
- depressive states;
- frequent stress.
The pathological process is accompanied by symptoms of discomfort, therapy is prescribed after examination of the affected areas.
What are the symptoms of demodex on the eyelashes and other areas of the body?

Manifestations that indicate tick activity:
- itching on the scalp;
- hair loss;
- discomfort in hearing organs;
- acne;
- teenage acne;
- pustules and sores on the face;
- itchy eyelashes;
- grey complexion;
- enlarged pores;
- excessive oily skin.
Most often, visual manifestations of the disease are observed on the face, and in advanced stages of the disease, traces of the parasite are noted on the chest, back and hips. Eye involvement is accompanied by frothydischarge, tearing, eyelash loss, eyelid swelling.
How to cure demodex?
During the medical treatment of this disease, drugs such as "Delex-Acne Forte", "Delex-Acne" are prescribed. As a supplement, a variety of creams with anti-inflammatory properties, antiviral, immunomodulatory, antibacterial agents are used. The selection of medicines is carried out on an individual basis, based on the data of diagnostic studies. During therapy, special attention should be paid to cosmetic procedures, which include:
- cryomassage with liquid nitrogen (the procedure relieves redness of the skin);
- mesotherapy, which strengthens the vascular walls;
- lymphatic drainage massage that eliminates the bumps and spots that accompany this disease.

Home Therapy
There are many methods that will relieve the symptoms of the disease and show high performance.
Folk recipes:
- Juniper berries are crushed in a mortar or passed through a coffee grinder, poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for about 7 hours. With this infusion, lotions are made on the affected areas. The procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a day.
- Linden blossom is poured with boiling water, languishing in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. This solution is intended for wiping the skin of the face, the procedure is carried out twice a day.
- Bark of buckthorn is poureda glass of water, after which it should be boiled for 15 minutes under the lid. Infusion is recommended for compresses on the skin of the face. Before lotions, you need to wipe the skin with alcohol tincture. The procedure is carried out twice a day.
- Grate wormwood grass into a powder mass, add alum, honey, vegetable oil, crushed viburnum berries, after which the mixture must be mixed to a creamy consistency. This ointment is applied to cotton pieces of cloth, which must be applied to the face for two hours, then washed with s alted water.
Now it has become known how to take an analysis for demodex, what it is, how to treat it.