
Beautiful teeth: dentist advice. Teeth Alignment Technologies

Beautiful teeth: dentist advice. Teeth Alignment Technologies

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Beauty, of course, is a relative and loose concept, but it never touched the teeth. At all times, even with the advent of the first civilizations, strong he althy teeth were the measure of beauty. Of course, it's nice when the most beautiful teeth in the general photo are yours. But if a smile is a long-forgotten thing for you, be sure to read this article. We will reveal the main points of the restoration of teeth, their transformation and even bite correction

The best electric toothbrush: review and manufacturer reviews

The best electric toothbrush: review and manufacturer reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Let's try to list the best electric toothbrushes. Reviews about manufacturers, characteristics of specific models, as well as the advisability of buying a particular device will be discussed in our article

Gingival smile: causes, methods and features of correction

Gingival smile: causes, methods and features of correction

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Modern people have long understood how important a smile is. It gives the first impression of a person, establishes relationships. And one of the first investments business people make is in their teeth, if they are not all right. True, sometimes defects are purely cosmetic in nature, for example, in the case of a gingival smile

What is stomatitis? Types, causes, treatment and consequences

What is stomatitis? Types, causes, treatment and consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Stomatitis is the most common type of inflammation of the oral mucosa. It manifests itself in the form of small ulcers and lasts from several days to several weeks. According to statistics, about 20% of the world's population suffer from stomatitis

If a tooth hurts, what should I do? Causes and Treatments

If a tooth hurts, what should I do? Causes and Treatments

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

All people experience toothache repeatedly. For various reasons, we put off going to the dentist and go to him only when we become seriously ill

How to remove the swelling of the flux at home

How to remove the swelling of the flux at home

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The most common fear among people is the fear of dentists. Therefore, often a person delays a visit to this doctor to the last

If the gum swells, what should I do?

If the gum swells, what should I do?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

As a rule, people most often think that dentists treat only caries. But in fact, there are many diseases of the oral cavity. Many of them have similar symptoms. For example, swelling on the gums may be due to flux or gingivitis. Therefore, it is important to correctly determine the source of the disease and after that look for ways to treat it

Removal of milk teeth in a child: agree or not?

Removal of milk teeth in a child: agree or not?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Almost every baby begins to get their milk teeth even before he turns one year old. A few years later, at the age of five or six, the child begins a serious and responsible period, when the first milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones. It is already known that children's milk teeth also have roots, but the latter at a certain point begin to gradually dissolve

"Dentin-paste" - a tool for creating temporary fillings

"Dentin-paste" - a tool for creating temporary fillings

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

"Dentine-paste" is widely used in dentistry to create temporary fillings. This is one of the most popular tools. Why do doctors love him?

Crooked teeth in children: causes, correction of the problem and methods of treatment

Crooked teeth in children: causes, correction of the problem and methods of treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Crooked teeth, which are an anomaly of bite, is a problem that a person develops in childhood. Similar violations are detected in almost 90% of adults. At the same time, almost half of them need to seek help from an orthodontist. Why do crooked teeth grow in children? What is the danger of this phenomenon, and in what ways is this pathology corrected?

Fixed dentures will help restore a beautiful smile

Fixed dentures will help restore a beautiful smile

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

From this article you will learn what fixed prosthetics are, in which case it is used, and also about what materials are used in the construction of fixed prostheses

Choosing crowns. Metal ceramics on your teeth

Choosing crowns. Metal ceramics on your teeth

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Do you have problems with your teeth? Are they weakened or caries defeated them, or maybe the enamel has worn off too much, the teeth have become too brittle? Crowns are the solution to all these problems. Metal ceramics are much better than other materials. This is a quality, reliable and durable material

For a beautiful smile, clasp prosthetics will be the best solution

For a beautiful smile, clasp prosthetics will be the best solution

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The article describes what clasp prosthetics are, how to care for such prostheses

Upper jaw: structure, functions, possible damage

Upper jaw: structure, functions, possible damage

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The correct structure and physiological capabilities of all organs and tissues of a person's face determine not only he alth, but also appearance. What deviations can be in the development of the upper jaw, and what is this organ responsible for?

Removable full prosthesis: advantages and disadvantages

Removable full prosthesis: advantages and disadvantages

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Sooner or later, a person is faced with the problem of losing teeth. This is mainly due to age-related changes in the body. The solution to this problem is dentures. How to choose the best, because each type has its pros and cons?

Clasp prostheses for the upper jaw. Dentures: prices

Clasp prostheses for the upper jaw. Dentures: prices

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Bugel dentures are a modern and correct solution for those people who have problems with their dentition. This is an excellent method of restoring all the functions of the teeth. Read about the features of their installation and care in the article

Fixed dentures for teeth: reviews and features

Fixed dentures for teeth: reviews and features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Modern dentistry is one of the most advanced areas of medicine. She is able to solve almost any problem that is associated with the teeth and jaw. The patient can be offered many options for solving a particular problem. At the same time, the orientation is aimed at the individual characteristics of the body and the nuances of a particular clinical case

Dystopped tooth. What is a dystopian wisdom tooth

Dystopped tooth. What is a dystopian wisdom tooth

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

According to dentists, he althy teeth are not only a guarantee of good he alth, but also a social marker. It just so happened that only a gift horse can do without a beautiful radiant smile, while any conscious citizen is simply obliged to monitor the condition of his oral cavity

Stomatitis: symptoms and treatment, photo, prevention

Stomatitis: symptoms and treatment, photo, prevention

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

This article will detail the prevention, symptoms and treatment of stomatitis. The photos of this disease, presented below, will help determine its presence and stage of development

Stomatitis: causes, diagnosis, consequences and prevention

Stomatitis: causes, diagnosis, consequences and prevention

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Knowing the causes of stomatitis, you can protect yourself from this extremely unpleasant disease. The he alth problem itself is extremely common, which is explained by several factors at once - both the way of life, the habits of many people, and the weakness of the immune system, and pathological agents. Consider what is usually denoted by the term "stomatitis", where it comes from and how you can deal with trouble

Terrible teeth in diseases

Terrible teeth in diseases

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Who doesn't dream of beautiful white teeth and a dazzling smile? A beautiful smile attracts, bewitches. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of a gorgeous smile. If a person has terrible teeth, then the conversation becomes unpleasant, disgusting. Almost 90% of the world's population over the age of 30 suffer from various diseases of the oral cavity. In the article, we present the top 5 most dental diseases when teeth become scary

Is it necessary to treat milk teeth: dentist's advice

Is it necessary to treat milk teeth: dentist's advice

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

There is a widespread belief that milk teeth should not be treated, as they will fall out anyway and be replaced by other teeth. But it's not that easy

Complete tooth decay: possible causes and features of treatment

Complete tooth decay: possible causes and features of treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Every day our teeth are exposed to destructive factors. Enamel - the armor of our teeth - under the influence of these factors may not always resist. It gradually thins out. The tooth begins to decay. How you can stop tooth decay, read this article

Dentistry "Pearl" in Murom: description of services, where is

Dentistry "Pearl" in Murom: description of services, where is

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Dentistry "Zhemchug" in Murom is a network of new generation clinics for people who choose diagnostics and treatment using modern materials and technologies. Zhemchug employees are highly professional specialists who are responsible for the results of their work and devoted to their favorite work. Every day, conditions are created here so that patients are not afraid to visit the clinic and remain satisfied after seeing a doctor

Medicated stomatitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Medicated stomatitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Stomatitis is a generalized diagnosis of a whole subgroup of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. The disease can be triggered by a number of reasons: the activity of pathogenic agents, an infection, a weakened immune system. Specialists separately distinguish drug-induced stomatitis, which is an allergic reaction to any medications or their components

Why do Americans have such white teeth? Maybe it's the white-toothed race?

Why do Americans have such white teeth? Maybe it's the white-toothed race?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you see beautiful, even, white teeth? He just has a Hollywood smile! American teeth have always been a delight. Take even their films. Post-apocalypse, devastation reigns around, and the heroes with a snow-white, perfect smile, in ironed T-shirts and clean socks. But why do Americans have such white teeth? It is worth figuring out whether this is due to genetics, or maybe it's something else

Good paste for sensitive teeth: an overview of manufacturers, application features

Good paste for sensitive teeth: an overview of manufacturers, application features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

With tooth enamel hypersensitivity, slight discomfort or acute pain occurs in response to the use of sweets and sour, carbonated drinks, hot tea or coffee, cold foods. Sensitivity is not always a pathology, but often occurs against the background of the appearance of tartar or an inflammatory process. To fix the problem, you must first find out exactly the cause. Then you should choose a good toothpaste for sensitive teeth

Restoration of front teeth with filling material. Modern technologies of aesthetic dentistry

Restoration of front teeth with filling material. Modern technologies of aesthetic dentistry

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Every person periodically faces various dental problems. Among the most unpleasant, deformation can be distinguished, as well as partial or complete destruction of molars. Fortunately, modern medicine is at a very high level of development and there is a solution to this problem. "Which?" - you ask? One of the most effective methods is the restoration of the front teeth with filling material

Inflamed gums in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Inflamed gums in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

If the gums in a child are inflamed, this is understood as a pathological process, manifested by irritation of the oral mucosa. Inflammation can be accompanied by swelling, bleeding, the appearance of small scratches and wounds on the gums. At the same time, the patient feels pain when eating, brushing his teeth. It becomes difficult for him to chew food, as the process is accompanied by severe pain. The process can progress, affecting more and more tissues of the mucous membranes of the mouth

How does a paid filling differ from a free one: types, composition, comparisons and opinions of dentists

How does a paid filling differ from a free one: types, composition, comparisons and opinions of dentists

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

How is a paid seal different from a free one? The former contains various additives and additional components that provide better polymerization. Thanks to this, the mixture is more homogeneous and has no air bubbles, and also freezes much better

Twin Lotus toothpastes: overview of funds, cost, composition

Twin Lotus toothpastes: overview of funds, cost, composition

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Everyone's favorite "Colgate" and "Blendamed" today are considered commonplace toothpastes. Recently, Thai oral care products have been in great demand among Russians. One of the bestsellers from Thailand is Twin Lotus toothpastes. The tool has many positive reviews on the Internet. Let's try to figure out why the pastes of this manufacturer are good, learn about the composition and effectiveness

Dentistry in Krasnodar: reviews, rating, addresses

Dentistry in Krasnodar: reviews, rating, addresses

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Dentistry in Krasnodar is very well developed. High-quality dental treatment is carried out in both public and private medical institutions. If there is no need for emergency assistance, you should study the reviews about specialists in advance

At what age can you put braces: age norms, restrictions, recommendations from dentists

At what age can you put braces: age norms, restrictions, recommendations from dentists

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Mistake problems can occur at any age. If you do not pay due attention to this problem in time, the teeth can begin to collapse and fall out. To prevent such a development of events, dentists recommend using special braces to restore a beautiful smile and prevent the development of various diseases associated with malocclusion. Have you thought about the age at which you can put braces on an adult? You will find the answer in the article

How to determine which tooth hurts if the whole jaw aches?

How to determine which tooth hurts if the whole jaw aches?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

He althy teeth are an indicator of a he althy body. However, in some cases, toothache occurs unexpectedly, and it is not so easy to determine its exact localization. This task is most difficult if the painful sensations are very intense. Pain can radiate to the neck, back of the head, ear, intensify when a person chews food or yawns

Metal-ceramic dental bridges

Metal-ceramic dental bridges

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The loss of one or more teeth in a row causes some discomfort in people. Indeed, as a result, not only aesthetic functionality suffers (loss of front elements). The chewing ability is reduced (we are talking about molars). Fortunately, there is the right solution to fix this problem - ceramic-metal bridges

Devital pulp amputation: indications, stages, contraindications

Devital pulp amputation: indications, stages, contraindications

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

When a toothache appears, which is not yet very intense, you should immediately go to the dental clinic in order to avoid a number of complications. One of them is pulpitis. In case of delay, dentists often have to resort to a devital amputation procedure. As a result, the dental nerve is removed. At the same time, there are indications and cases when it should not be carried out

Innervation of teeth: concept, features of the procedure and reviews

Innervation of teeth: concept, features of the procedure and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Innervation is a biological process of supplying different organs and tissues of a person with nerves. Thanks to this, a connection arises between them and the main share of the nervous system, which is central. This supply is efferent, otherwise it is also called motor, as well as afferent. Any information about the organs, their general condition and various processes occurring in them is perceived through receptors, and then sent directly to the central nervous system via a sensitive fiber

Dental clinic in Strogino: address, opening hours and appointment schedule

Dental clinic in Strogino: address, opening hours and appointment schedule

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The Strogino Dental Polyclinic is a public he alth institution that is directly subordinate to the relevant metropolitan department. She has been working since the spring of 1995, the position of chief physician is currently occupied by Evgeny Vladimirovich Ternyak. From this article you will learn about the work schedule of the medical institution, the services that visitors are provided here, read the reviews of patients who sought help

Denture rubs the gums: what to do? New generation dentures without palate

Denture rubs the gums: what to do? New generation dentures without palate

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Often, the installation of dentures provokes discomfort in the patient. In particular, the gums, which the new design will rub, may suffer. What to do in such cases is described in the article. It should be borne in mind that new dentures without a palate bring less discomfort

How stars make teeth: all methods and methods, medical advice, reviews

How stars make teeth: all methods and methods, medical advice, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Probably, there is not a single person who would not dream of a snow-white smile, like the stars of show business. But their secret lies not only in excellent genetics, but also in constant high-quality oral care, as well as in the involvement of modern methods of dental restoration. After all, medicine today has advanced a lot, especially the dental field