How to remove the swelling of the flux at home

How to remove the swelling of the flux at home
How to remove the swelling of the flux at home

The most common fear among people is the fear of dentists. Therefore, often a person delays a visit to this doctor to the last. As a rule, only severe persistent pain forces him to turn. There are home remedies that can help alleviate the condition. But even after using them, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible.

Before you treat the flux, you need to make sure that it is he. Flux is an inflammatory process. It affects the periosteum, which is why severe pain can be considered a characteristic symptom. In the future, a gum tumor appears. Treatment helps to remove swelling of the face and reduce symptoms. The most common symptom is an increase in body temperature.

Before thinking about how to remove the flux tumor, it is important to determine why it arose. Dentists distinguish several diseases that can lead to inflammatory processes. The first is caries. If left untreated, or if it is performed poorly, a flux develops. Periodontitis and pulpitis can also lead to it. Sometimes the flux is due to mechanical damage to the jaw.

Gum tumor treatment
Gum tumor treatment

How to remove the swelling of the flux fromdoctor? The dentist prescribes conservative treatment. In severe cases, surgery may be performed to remove pus from the gums. A diseased tooth is most often removed. The doctor also prescribes medications aimed at combating the inflammatory process.

Folk recipes recommend using decoctions of herbs. For example, sage, nettle, calamus and oak bark. All these plants need to be brewed in one liter of water. The resulting tea should be rinsed in the mouth every hour. It is important that the drink is warm, but not hot. Sage has anti-inflammatory properties, while nettle has hemostatic properties. You can brew chamomile, it has the same properties as sage.

How to remove the swelling of the flux, except with the use of decoctions? You can try to prepare a special ointment. To do this, use natural honey. Keep in mind that now it is often faked, and therefore look for honey directly from the apiary. It is best to use lime. Warm up a small amount of honey in a bowl, put in

Treat Flux
Treat Flux

it's a rusty nail. A black mass should form. Apply it to the tumor. Another bee product that can help manage inflammation is propolis. Just chew it.

You can prepare another ointment. Take a glass of sunflower oil, heat it in a water bath. Add beeswax and wait for it to completely dissolve. After that, add the yolk of the egg, which was previously hard-boiled, into the mixture. Apply the resulting warm mixture to the inflamed areas.

Folk recipes,aimed at solving the problem, they will tell you how to remove the flux tumor, but they will not help to eliminate the cause of the problem. They alleviate the condition, slow down inflammation. Therefore, it is important to consult a dentist as soon as possible. Otherwise, the disease will become chronic or spread to other areas, which is fraught with serious consequences. In rare cases - up to death.