How does a paid filling differ from a free one: types, composition, comparisons and opinions of dentists

How does a paid filling differ from a free one: types, composition, comparisons and opinions of dentists
How does a paid filling differ from a free one: types, composition, comparisons and opinions of dentists

There are many types of pain, but the most unpleasant is toothache. It gives a person unbearable torment and does not allow sleep at night. Therefore, as soon as dentalgia appears, you must immediately go to the dentist. If treatment is started in time, the tooth can be saved by filling. Today, a variety of materials are used to make fillings, which differ from each other in their characteristics. Some fillings are put in the clinic for free, while others have to fork out. But are the differences so critical and do they really justify the costs? To answer this question, let's try to figure out how a paid seal differs from a free one. We will also find out which modern materials are considered the best in dental practice.

Classification of seals

difference between paid and free seal
difference between paid and free seal

Let's take a closer look at this. Once at the doctor's office, people are interested in what exactly they will do. In the absence of serious diseases of the oralcavity, the most optimal therapy program is selected. If the integrity of the tooth is broken, the doctor eliminates bone defects. This is where the question arises of which seal is better - paid or free. To understand this, you need to have an idea of what they are. The classification of seals is as follows:

  • temporary;
  • cement;
  • composite;
  • commeric;
  • amalgam.

Let's take a closer look at each of them in order to better understand how a paid seal differs from a free one. The information below will help you make the right choice.

Temporary fillings

So what do you need to know about them? Their main purpose is to temporarily block the channel for the period of therapy. To combat many diseases, cotton swabs are placed on the teeth of patients, which are closed with temporary fillings. For their manufacture, cheap materials are used that have low strength so that they can be quickly and easily removed. Contains safe ingredients that do not cause any problems if swallowed.

Cement fillings

paid or free tooth filling
paid or free tooth filling

Has been used in dentistry for a long period of time. The material has good tack and optimum chemical properties. However, there are also disadvantages. Over time, the cement mixture wears out, so it will need to be replaced. It is because of this minus that many people think about whether to put a paid or free seal. And it's notsurprising, because who wants to go to the dentist once again.

People are treated free of charge in public hospitals, so conventional cement compositions are used for fillings. But in private clinics today, additional components are added to their composition that increase strength and durability. Depending on the additives used, cement fillings are divided into the following types:

  • silicate;
  • phosphate;
  • glass ionomer.

What is the difference between paid and free seals? The former are stronger and more durable, and also do not wear out so much. Therefore, it is preferable not to save, but to put them exactly.

Composite fillings

What are they and what is their speci alty? They are made from modern polymeric materials with high strength. However, compared to cement, they have a shorter service life - only 5 years. Composite fillings, depending on their composition, are divided into the following types:

  • acrylic oxide;
  • epoxy;
  • light-cured.

Composite materials have appeared relatively recently, but today they are widely used in dentistry. If you are limited in financial resources and are considering which filling to put - paid or free, then composite will be an ideal option. It has many benefits and is relatively inexpensive.

Compomeric fillings

what seal to put paid or free
what seal to put paid or free

Glass ionomers andpolymer materials, so they combine excellent performance, high strength and aesthetics. However, there is one drawback that is characteristic of all modern types of fillings, namely, low durability. The average service life is 5 years, after which they need to be replaced. It should be noted that compomer materials are used for the treatment of incisors and canines, since these groups of teeth have the least physical load.

How is a paid seal different from a free one? The former contains various additives and additional components that provide better polymerization. This makes the mixture more homogeneous and free of air bubbles and also sets much better.

Amalgam fillings

So what's special about them? They have been used to restore damaged teeth for almost two centuries. They differ from their counterparts in high durability, low cost, availability and the ability to install in one session. But quality comes at the cost of unaesthetic quality. Over time, the material darkens, and can also crack with sudden changes in temperature. Today they are practically not used anywhere, but at the request of the patient, the doctor can make an exception and put an amalgam filling. Some people, mostly the older generation, prefer it because the average life of the material is 20 years.

Which fillings are free?

which seal is better paid or free
which seal is better paid or free

Above we reviewed the maintypes of materials used in dentistry to restore partially or completely damaged teeth. But for sure, many will have a question about what kind of filling is placed on a tooth in public hospitals - paid or free. Legislation now provides for the provision of minimal medical care to citizens, so, alas, there can be no talk of any quality materials. In the vast majority of cases, the simple cement mixtures mentioned above are used for filling, since they have good characteristics, high strength and low cost. However, many people, having previously read the relevant information, do not want to put free seals, motivating their refusal by the fact that toxic substances are added to the solution that increase the level of adhesion. Paid seals are better in this regard. They are environmentally friendly and safe. But these are not their only advantages. This will be discussed in more detail later.

Comparison of paid and free seals

Let's take a closer look at this aspect. Nowadays, the variety of materials used in dental practice for the treatment of various diseases is simply huge, so it is very difficult to choose the best one. To simplify the task, let's see how a paid seal differs from a free one, in addition to the price itself.

The difference is pretty simple, and it's quality. After all, as everyone knows, it costs money. For the manufacture of paid seals, modern high-quality materials with a long service life are used. Apart fromMoreover, they do not create any discomfort in the mouth and do not change their color over time. Free ones gradually wear out and sometimes fall out while eating.

The differences also apply to the quality of service. As practice shows, employees of paid clinics are more attentive and friendly to patients. The staff is formed from real professionals with a high level of qualification. In public hospitals, the situation often leaves much to be desired. They use cheap materials, and the equipment, as a rule, is morally and technically obsolete. Cheap, toxic mixtures are used to make fillings, which can later lead to the development of various oral he alth problems.

What is the difference between a paid seal and a free one?

put a paid or free seal
put a paid or free seal

Today, there are many different methods of restoring the integrity of a partially or completely destroyed tooth. As mentioned above, the difference between paid and free seals lies in the quality of the materials used. The advent of modern polymers has brought the development of dentistry to a whole new level. Thanks to them, purchased fillings are superior to social fillings in a number of criteria. Among the main ones are the following:

  • aesthetic;
  • environmental and safety;
  • high strength;
  • opportunity to perfectly model the tooth;
  • quick and easy installation;
  • insolubility;
  • resistance to abrasion and polymer shrinkage;
  • fasthardening;
  • color retention for a long time.

Thus, taking into account all of the above, the conclusion about which seal is better to put, suggests itself. Paid ones are undeniably superior to free ones in all respects.

Issue price

What is the difference between a paid seal and a free one?
What is the difference between a paid seal and a free one?

Many people are wondering how much it will cost them to have their teeth filled in a private clinic. It is rather difficult to answer unambiguously, since everything here depends on the amount of work performed, the material used, the pricing policy of dentistry and the specific region. In our country, on average, you will have to pay 5-6 thousand rubles for dental treatment, provided that the filling is made of composite mixtures with excellent performance characteristics.

Opinion of dentists

Which is better - paid or free fillings? Doctors know the best answer to this question. All as one speak positively about paid ones and recommend putting them in dental treatment. And it's not just a matter of financial interest: composite materials allow you to maintain the functionality of the teeth and ideally model them. Fillings in their shape and appearance resemble teeth, so people do not even feel their presence. In addition, they do not contain any toxic substances, so that the risk of re-development of caries is minimal. As for free ones, dentists say that they can be installed only as a last resort, when there is simply no other choice. They are short-lived, unaesthetic and can cause inconvenience. Andof course, this option is better than not going to the doctor at all.


paid and free seals difference
paid and free seals difference

So, in this article we examined in detail what is the difference between a paid seal and a free one. Previously, the cost of materials was quite high, so not everyone could afford the treatment. But with the advent of polymer and composite mixtures, the situation has changed. Yes, and saving on your he alth is inappropriate. Once you lose a tooth, you can't get it back. And with timely treatment using high-quality fillings, you can save it for several decades. So decide for yourself whether it's worth it or not.
