Dystopped tooth. What is a dystopian wisdom tooth

Dystopped tooth. What is a dystopian wisdom tooth
Dystopped tooth. What is a dystopian wisdom tooth

According to dentists, he althy teeth are not only a guarantee of good he alth, but also a social marker. It just so happened that only a gift horse can do without a beautiful radiant smile, while any conscious citizen is simply obliged to monitor the condition of his oral cavity. Caries, plaque and similar diseases are quite common in modern society and are the result of malnutrition and lack of proper hygiene, while tooth dystopia should be attributed to genetic disorders.

dystopic tooth
dystopic tooth

So, first let's find out what this definition means. A dystopian is a misaligned or incorrectly positioned tooth.

Reasons for the development of the anomaly

As a rule, the main causes of this disease are usually attributed to:

  • Genetic predisposition. It causes a violation in the formation of molars. This reason is the most common, according to numerous sources. Like any other typedystopia, this type of disease is a violation in the location of certain organs, in this case the tooth, which is inherited.
  • Often the reason for the development of this defect is the absence of adjacent teeth that form the arrangement and shape in the row. In addition, such a situation is also not uncommon, in which the adjacent milk teeth have already been replaced by molars, and there is simply no room for new formations.
dystopic tooth extraction
dystopic tooth extraction

Possible consequences

Young people are often sensitive to their appearance, and therefore a dystopian tooth can become a considerable problem on the way to achieving external beauty. In addition, even if we do not take into account the significant deterioration in the aesthetics of the oral cavity, such a defect, if ignored, can lead to the following consequences:

  • A dystopic tooth is located in an unintended place for it, which entails various soft tissue injuries - cuts and scratches.
  • One of the worst scenarios will be malocclusion.
  • The functions of the speech apparatus also suffer, diction disorders are possible.

Problem Solving

removal of impacted dystopic tooth
removal of impacted dystopic tooth

When a person realizes how dangerous ignoring this disease can be, he begins to think that the extraction of a dystopic tooth is the best way out of the situation.

Unfortunately, a certain phobia has formed in society aboutdental offices - most people still imagine them as gloomy rooms filled with shining devices to cause incredible pain. Screams and suffering - this is what appears in the thoughts of the average person, one has only to say the phrase "extraction of a dystopian tooth." Fortunately, technology has advanced a lot, and now operations are carried out on modern equipment, which allows the process to be carried out as pleasantly and comfortably as possible.

Possible options

So, the most common case is belated intervention. In such a situation, either several adjacent ones are removed, or the dystopian tooth itself is removed directly. It is worth noting that it will be quite difficult to eliminate such a neglected defect, because the location of the object is completely atypical. And therefore, if you want to see a doctor, in no case should you wait for a better moment or be afraid. By doing so, you will only aggravate an already not too good situation.

Removing a dystopian wisdom tooth is a rather difficult process, and therefore it is more expedient to remove ordinary teeth to prevent further development of the defect. If you visit a doctor before the age of fifteen, that is, at a time when it is still possible to solve the problem most gently, you will be offered to remove the least significant tooth in the row.

dental treatment prices
dental treatment prices

The most problematic tooth

A separate point is to consider the removal of an impacted dystopic tooth, that is, not erupted completely or partially. Unlike a standard tooth withdefect, such a canine is inside, not outside. Naturally, this situation is much more dangerous for your he alth. The tooth inside is also subject to destruction, which can cause a lot of problems for its owner.

Removal of an impacted dystopic tooth is a complicated, but quite safe operation. Modern anesthesia will make it possible to carry out the procedure as painlessly as possible and save you from painful sensations, and professional machines will reduce the waiting time for the result to literally up to an hour. The doctor will do the rest - good old forceps will play their role here.

dystopian wisdom tooth
dystopian wisdom tooth

Where to go?

Now that you realize the importance of timely contacting a specialist who will not only help you decide on the direction of treatment, but also give a detailed answer about further prevention, you need to decide on the place where you will perform this surgical procedure.

Of course, the first thing you should pay attention to if you have dental treatment is prices. Here, the old English proverb will come in handy: "The miser pays twice." That is why in choosing a clinic for treatment, the determining factor for you should not be how much you have to pay in the end, but the qualifications of the specialists working there and the quality of the equipment.

With absolute certainty, it can be said that if the price of a surgical procedure is high, it is justified by the range of services offered. As a rule, in such a clinic, you will be operated not with a standard scalpel, but with a laser beam, which will lead to a more accurate and much less traumatic effect.

It is also worth noting that the quality of the materials used will differ depending on the company, which, of course, cannot but affect the cost of providing services.

And, of course, the decisive factor is the staff who will remove the dystopic tooth. Such work requires maximum precision and accuracy, as well as professional education. That is why it is so important to turn to qualified specialists - experts in their field.

If you carefully study the service market, you will notice that in such a direction as dental treatment, prices differ quite slightly. As a rule, the difference in the cost of the operation is about ten percent between the smallest and largest limits. On average, the removal of a dystopic tooth costs about 4 thousand rubles.

removal of a displaced wisdom tooth
removal of a displaced wisdom tooth


Modern development of medicine, and in particular dentistry, allows you to cope with almost any, even the most complex disease. Remember that he alth is one of the most important components of your life, and therefore it is worth monitoring it from a young age. There is no need to postpone the solution of the problem indefinitely. An untreated dystopian wisdom tooth and neglect in such a serious matter can lead to disastrous consequences.
