At what age can you put braces: age norms, restrictions, recommendations from dentists

At what age can you put braces: age norms, restrictions, recommendations from dentists
At what age can you put braces: age norms, restrictions, recommendations from dentists

Mistake problems can occur at any age. If you do not pay due attention to this problem in time, the teeth can begin to collapse and fall out. To prevent such a development of events, dentists recommend using special braces to restore a beautiful smile and prevent the development of various diseases associated with malocclusion. Have you thought about the age at which you can put braces on an adult? You will find the answer in our article.

Varieties of orthodontic systems

At what age can a child get braces? This question can be heard quite often in the dentist's office. The answer to this question will depend on the type of orthodontic system you plan to use. Some of themare designed to correct teeth and are suitable even for an old man, others are designed to eliminate serious bite anomalies in childhood and adolescence. Therefore, the choice of a particular system is based not only on the personal preferences of the patient, but also on the individual characteristics of the body.

  1. Metal system. This type of braces is attached to the outer surface of the teeth and is quite noticeable during conversations. The period of adaptation of the body to the system is quite short - 5-7 days. The course of therapy usually lasts from 1 to 3 years. A fairly reliable option that guarantees almost one hundred percent results.
  2. Ceramic system. The undoubted advantage of these braces is that they are almost invisible (although fastening is carried out from the outside of the teeth). A similar effect is achieved through the use of ceramics of various shades. The period of adaptation to such a system is from 1 to 2 weeks. Therapy usually ends after 2-4 years. As for reliability, it is quite high, but still less than in the previous version.
  3. Lingual system. These metal braces are attached to the inner surface of the teeth and are completely invisible when talking or smiling. The adaptation period can last from two weeks to a month. In addition, the course of therapy is usually at least 5 years. The reliability of the system is quite low, so most dentists recommend considering this option as a last resort.
Ceramic braces on teeth.
Ceramic braces on teeth.

At what age canto put braces on a child will depend on the type of system that his parent chooses. For dental braces to be as effective as possible, dentists strongly recommend consulting with an experienced specialist. The more attention paid to this issue, the less your child will have to wear braces.

Maximum age for braces

And up to what age can braces be put on a man or woman who is already in adulthood, but needs bite adjustment? To answer this question, the patient must realize that braces are a universal method for eliminating any problems associated with malocclusion. This trend is due to a special mechanism that is used in orthodontic braces. Braces are able to change the location of even those teeth that erupted a long time ago. Therefore, the age of a person does not limit the dentist in any way in recommending the installation of a bracket system to the patient.

Installation of braces
Installation of braces

Another thing is if a person suffers from pronounced deformations of the teeth. In this case, the installation of staples can lead to the reconstruction of the jaw bone and the walls of the alveoli. Therefore, sometimes it may not be possible to correct an overbite even in adolescence. Remember that the impact on the jaw apparatus is a rather painful procedure. If braces are placed on a patient with severely misaligned teeth, this can lead to severe pain. So be sure to check with your dentist.before agreeing to the procedure.

Optimal age for braces

Thought about the age at which you can put braces on a child? Most dentists believe that such a procedure can only be carried out in a strengthened body, whose age is at least eight years. However, the installation of braces is resorted to so early only if the child has severe deformities of the maxillofacial apparatus, which can harm the baby in the future. The most common indications for braces are:

  • malocclusion that leads to permanent injuries of the tongue and cheeks;
  • severe problems chewing and swallowing food;
  • pronounced speech or breathing problems;
  • growing facial asymmetry.
A boy with barely visible braces
A boy with barely visible braces

As for the recommended age for installing a bracket system, doctors consider 12-14 years old to be the best option. By this time, most children have a permanent bite, so the dentist can confidently assert the presence of certain deformities. In addition, a teenager's teeth can change their position almost painlessly, so wearing braces will cause little or no discomfort to the child.

Features of installing braces after 25 years

Now you know at what age you can put braces on your child's teeth. However, in some cases, a similar procedure is required for an adult. How to be a young mantwenty-five years of age, in which bite deformities were found? Everything is very simple. Treatment with orthodontic braces can be carried out at any age, but the result will be achieved much faster in adolescence than in adults. In addition, teeth in a stronger body can return to their previous position even after several years of wearing braces, so the patient will have to put on a special mouthguard for some time before going to bed.

Woman with braces laughs
Woman with braces laughs

However, each patient should understand that the installation of braces for an adult is much more difficult than for adolescents. This trend is due to many dental problems that are typical for this age: tooth decay, caries, thinning of enamel, and so on. Therefore, before installing an orthodontic structure, it is so important to undergo an examination by a dentist. In some cases, it may turn out that a person simply does not have enough space in his mouth to install the staples. Correcting such a defect is possible only with the help of surgical intervention and special procedures that are aimed at changing the shape and size of the jaw.

What determines the effectiveness of therapy?

Many patients are wondering at what age it is possible to put braces on adult teeth. If you decide on such a procedure, then you should choose a suitable orthodontic system that will not only satisfy your personal preferences, but also prevent the development of various disorders of the masticatory apparatus. Efficiencytherapy will depend on the following factors:

  • absence of serious violations in the structure of the jaw;
  • correctly selected orthodontic system;
  • correct and careful care of braces;
  • high-quality installation of braces;
  • dental conditions.

So, if you do not have any congenital pathologies, and your teeth are not very crooked, then you can safely install braces in adulthood. The main thing is to properly care for the braces and follow all the recommendations of your dentist. In this case, the course of therapy will be no more than two years, and adaptation to the bracket system will be as fast as possible.

Adult Invisible Braces Choice

If you ask your doctor about the age at which it is too late to put braces, he will most likely ask you to demonstrate the condition of your teeth. Remember that even an old man can install an orthodontic system if it does not harm the patient's he alth. However, during installation, you should also choose the appropriate model based on the recommendations of the doctor and your own preferences.

For example, today plastic braces are very popular. As a rule, they are used for minor bite correction and are installed on the front of the dentition. The disadvantage of such a system is its excessive fragility. But the patient can choose such braces that will be fully combined with the shade of his teeth, which will make the wearing of braces almost invisible.

braces are different
braces are different

If you do not want to risk your budget by installing plastic braces, you can use the sapphire version. Such an orthodontic system is not much more expensive than a plastic one, but it is much more durable. In addition, the staple locks are made of transparent material, so wearing them is almost invisible. The sapphire system does not irritate the mucous membrane and does not destroy the enamel of the teeth.

Restrictions for fitting orthodontic braces

In our article, we tried to analyze in detail the question of at what age you can put braces to correct an overbite. However, age is far from the only limitation that the patient must consider. Dentists do not recommend installing them in the presence of certain factors. These usually include:

  • gum pathology (periodontitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease) - due to inflammatory processes, bone tissue can begin to break down, and if you also take into account the increased load from braces, the process will not be long in coming;
  • name system pathologies (diabetes mellitus) - such diseases can worsen trophism in dental tissues, which is why wearing braces can lead not to displacement of teeth, but to their loss;
  • Missing multiple teeth – When multiple jaw units are removed, there may be a problem with fixing the orthodontic system or the likelihood that the jaw will begin to deform.
The doctor forbids the patient to install braces
The doctor forbids the patient to install braces

In addition, most dentists stronglydo not recommend resorting to the use of braces for those patients who wear implants. Staples can deform the post, causing the artificial tooth to fail.

Installation of braces for a teenager

Thought about the age at which it is better to put braces on a girl or a boy? It is generally best to perform this procedure during adolescence, when the tooth roots are well formed and can withstand a lot of stress. In addition, the soft tissues of a 12-year-old child are very pliable, so wearing the braces will not result in severe pain, as it can happen in the case of installation of the system in an adult body.

Girl with braces with her friend
Girl with braces with her friend

However, a specialist may refuse to install staples if the adolescent's oral musculature is out of balance. In addition, various anomalies of the teeth or underdevelopment of the jaw can become a limiting factor - and this is not a whim of a specialist. If the bracket system is installed on teeth that cannot withstand its load, then sooner or later this will lead to jaw deformation or destruction of its units.

Of course, the question of what age can braces be put on a teenager's teeth is quite correct in itself, but do not forget about the various restrictions that are described in this and the previous section. Otherwise, you risk dooming your child to oral discomfort or even tooth loss. So be sure to consult with an experienced specialist before deciding onbracket installation. All his recommendations must be strictly followed.

Timing of correction

Typically, children, teens and young adults (under 25) wear braces for 1 to 1.5 years to achieve a dental correction. In older patients, this period can last from 2 to 3 years. This trend is usually due to the following reasons:

  • developed root system is difficult to deform;
  • Teeth stop growing in adults;
  • metabolism slows down with age.

Also, do not forget that some braces are designed for longer wear. For example, lingual braces do not cause such discomfort and are almost invisible during communication, but you will have to pay for such advantages in that they are usually worn for five years. In addition, such a system is more expensive than any other, so the final choice always remains with the patient.



The article answers the question at what age you can put braces to correct your bite. If this information was not enough for you, then you can watch a short video in which a professional orthodontist talks about when it is best to put braces on a patient. Be sure to check with your dentist before deciding to get braces for yourself or your child.