How to determine which tooth hurts if the whole jaw aches?

How to determine which tooth hurts if the whole jaw aches?
How to determine which tooth hurts if the whole jaw aches?

In the article, we will look at how to determine which tooth hurts.

He althy teeth are an indicator of a he althy body. However, in some cases, toothache occurs unexpectedly, and it is not so easy to determine its exact localization. This task is most difficult if the painful sensations are very intense. The pain can radiate to the neck, back of the head, ear, intensify when a person chews food or yawns. However, there are several ways to determine which tooth hurts.

how to determine which tooth hurts if it aches
how to determine which tooth hurts if it aches


It is possible to determine in which tooth the pain is localized through a simple external examination. This method does not guarantee a completely accurate result, therefore, after self-examination, it is necessary to visit a dentist.

So, how to determine which tooth hurts a child or an adult?

Inspection with a mirror

Should take a smallmirror and carefully examine the entire oral cavity. A damaged tooth will differ from he althy ones in the presence of black dots and color. When destroyed, the teeth acquire a yellowish and brown tint. This is due to the fact that internal tissues are affected.

In addition, the process of inflammation and sometimes flux can occur on the gums in the area of the damaged tooth. When pressing on the flux, severe pain will occur, and after a while a purulent exudate will come out.

Another way to tell which tooth hurts?

How does a dentist determine which tooth hurts?
How does a dentist determine which tooth hurts?

Light tap method

The easiest way to determine the location of pain is the light tapping method. You can use a spoon for this, you should check very carefully.

The most damaged tooth will respond very quickly to such an impact. However, this method also does not always allow you to get a positive result.

Circumstances in which the problem occurs

You should pay attention to the circumstances under which toothache occurs. In cases where pain occurs after eating cold, sweet, hot food, when inhaling cold air, it can be assumed that it is provoked by damage to the gums, and not to the tooth.

This problem can backfire on the entire jaw. That is, when examining the oral cavity with a mirror, you should pay attention not only to the teeth, but also to the gums.

how to determine which tooth hurts a child
how to determine which tooth hurts a child

How to determine ifwhat tooth hurts if your whole face hurts?

Diseases Behind Dental Symptoms

Toothache of uncertain localization can also provoke damage to the wisdom teeth. Sometimes these teeth do not grow properly.

Wisdom teeth are located in the area of the facial nerve, throat, ear, so pain can be felt in these places.

How to determine which tooth hurts if it aches in the right side? This is a joke, of course, but the discomfort associated with a toothache can radiate elsewhere.

Inflammatory lesion of the trigeminal nerve

Another reason that causes pain in the entire jaw is an inflammatory process in the trigeminal nerve. This nerve passes through the entire face, its three main branches are located on the cheek. One of them departs from the ear in the direction of the lower jaw, the second - in the direction of the upper jaw, the third - in the direction of the eyes. In many cases, soreness and inflammation of the trigeminal nerve are due to hypothermia.

Toothache can also accompany other diseases:

  1. Tit.
  2. Headache.
  3. Angina.
how to determine which tooth hurts
how to determine which tooth hurts

These conditions and pathologies can exacerbate existing dental problems, and in some cases they simply radiate pain into the oral cavity.

How does a dentist know which tooth hurts?

Medical examination

If you cannot determine the localization of a toothache on your own, you need to visit a dentist. The specialist hasa wider arsenal of diagnostic tools. In addition, during the inspection process, he will use his professional knowledge. The doctor will palpate the painful area. Additionally, this technique will identify possible tooth mobility.

Dentist can also determine how the tooth is hurting by using the metal tapping method or hot application to the gums.

how to determine which tooth hurts if it aches in the right side
how to determine which tooth hurts if it aches in the right side

Palpation and visual inspection do not always allow you to accurately determine the cause of the pain. Many dentists use a safer method - visiography. The visiograph is a high-precision innovative equipment that can significantly reduce the time of the diagnostic procedure due to the fact that there is no intermediate stage associated with the development of the film. In addition, this method helps to reduce the level of radiation exposure.

You can also determine the source of pain using CT, panoramic or sighting. Specialists choose the method that will be most appropriate in a particular situation.

X-ray examination allows you to determine the condition of the canals, the presence of cysts in the area of the tooth root, pathological changes in the cervical region. Also, the picture allows you to see the wisdom tooth, which is just starting to grow, but is already able to hurt.

my tooth hurts
my tooth hurts

How to determine which tooth hurts, a qualified specialist knows for sure.

If dent althe clinic is not nearby, then you need to think about how to anesthetize the tooth. Especially if the whole jaw aches, and there is no strength to endure discomfort. There are medications that can relieve excruciating toothache ("Ketorol", for example). It is important to remember that all medicines have side effects.

If the doctor could not determine the cause

It happens that a patient complains of a toothache, but the dentist claims that the teeth are in order. In some cases, aching pain can develop as a result of stress. In this case, aching pain may have varying degrees of severity, and it is not possible to determine the location of the pain. This situation often worries people, who very often try to keep their opinions unspoken or try to remain silent when a conflict arises. That is, pain can be psychosomatic in nature.

The reason may also lie in the intervertebral hernia, protrusion of the cervical discs. A pinched nerve causes irritation, the pain becomes intense.

how to define
how to define

In such cases, the doctor cannot identify the cause of the pain either through examination or on the basis of the results of an X-ray examination. You should seek the advice of a neurologist.

In some cases, pain may develop due to a broken jaw. Even after a fracture has completely healed, the jaw can respond to weather changes. Such pains disappear after a while without any intervention.

We looked at howdetermine which tooth hurts.