Sooner or later, a person is faced with the problem of losing teeth. This is mainly due to age-related changes in the body. The solution to this problem is dentures. How to choose the best, because each type has its pros and cons?
What to choose - removable or fixed dentures?
After examining the oral cavity, the dentist can decide which dentures to put on the patient - removable or non-removable. He makes this decision depending on the clinical picture and the individual situation. A removable full prosthesis is used in the absence of all teeth in the oral cavity. Usually such a need arises in older people who lose teeth due to age-related changes. Such prostheses are a complete imitation of natural teeth and part of the jaw. Modern manufacturing technologies and materials make it possible to perform them at a high level, to make them look like natural teeth. They are attached to the gum with special clamps, they can be removed and put on at any time.

Fixed dentures do not have this function, they can only be removed by a specialist in a dental clinic. Prosthetics are done in twoways: either by implantation - the surgical introduction of a metal rod into the gum, or by grinding a he althy tooth and attaching a crown or bridge to it with medical cement. In case of complete loss of teeth, the latter method cannot be implemented, only the use of implants is possible. But the materials used and the work itself are expensive, and rehabilitation after the operation takes a long time. Therefore, removable dentures are commonly used. In case of complete absence of teeth, this is a more economical and convenient option.
Types of removable dentures
Removable dentures have two varieties: plate and clasp. Lamellar removable dentures are the so-called dentures, which imitate teeth with gums in their structure and appearance. Such prostheses are made to order individually for each patient, so that the internal contours adjacent to the gums are as comfortable as possible to wear. There is an opinion that a complete removable denture is uncomfortable and can fall out of the mouth. But this is not at all the case when it comes to a high-quality modern product.

Clasp prostheses are made according to a different principle. They are based on a metal arc on which artificial teeth are located. This option can be used with partial loss of several teeth in a row or with their complete absence. Along the edges of the arch are clamps that tightly hold the prosthesis in place. Currently, such a product is rarely used in the complete absence of teeth, mainly in partial.
Materials formaking removable dentures
Removable full modern prosthesis is performed by specialists from high-quality plastic, acrylic or nylon. Acrylic plastics are lightweight construction that is durable and wear resistant. The shade of the teeth and gums are selected individually, as is the shape of the jaw. The lower one rests on the alveolar process, the gum serves as the upper support.

Nylon prostheses are a relatively new material, more expensive, but also having its undeniable advantages. Such products are easy to confuse with natural teeth, they look very natural. In addition, the nylon used in dentistry is soft and flexible, allowing you to get used to the prosthesis faster. The mounts are made from the same material and hold it securely in your mouth. What is the best removable full denture? The opinions of patients on this matter are different, because each type has its pros and cons.
Benefits of acrylic dentures
Removable full acrylic denture has the following advantages:
- The design of this material is lightweight, very light and does not cause discomfort when worn (of course, at first it will be uncomfortable until the rehabilitation period has passed).
- Identical to natural teeth, the difference is almost imperceptible to others, the color of the gums is matched to natural.
- Affordable price. Acrylic plastic is practical and aesthetic, but inexpensive.
- Easyput on and take off. This is convenient during the care of dentures, which they need. Taking them off at night for cleaning and disinfection or rinsing them after meals is easy.
- Durability. Acrylic dentures are less susceptible to mechanical damage. But if dropped on a hard surface, they may break.
- The load during chewing is distributed evenly over the gum.
- Suitable for all ages.
- Production of individual prostheses takes a little time.

Disadvantages of acrylic
Removable full acrylic prosthesis has a number of disadvantages:
- May cause allergic reactions if worn for a long time. During the manufacture of an acrylic prosthesis, a special liquid is used, which is necessary in production, but is an allergen.
- Possible injury to the oral mucosa.
- Scurf builds up over time from food and drinks consumed. This is due to the structure of acrylic plastic - it has a porous structure. Therefore, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity due to the plaque formed are not excluded.

Dignity of nylon
High-quality material - new, but has already proved itself on the positive side among patients and dentists. It has the following advantages:
- Hypoallergenic. The material does not cause any reactions, is non-toxic and absolutely safe for humans.
- Their other name is invisible prostheses. This is due to their impeccable aesthetic appearance. They are indistinguishable from natural teeth, the interlocutor will not guess about the presence of a prosthesis, since the fasteners are made of the same material and are invisible from the side.
- The anchors securely hold the prosthesis, eliminating the need for additional fixatives such as creams and gels.
- With careful use, such prostheses will last for several years. Despite the fact that this material is flexible and soft, the prostheses are quite strong and reliable. If you follow the rules for their use and do not treat them negligently, nothing will happen to them.
- Nylon removable dentures in the absence of teeth have a shorter habituation period than other types of removable products. Foreign body sensation in the mouth passes quickly.

Does nylon have any downsides?
For all its convenience and beauty, a complete removable denture made of nylon also has opponents who respond not in favor of its use. What it's about:
- Its texture is very delicate, prone to scratches and even changes in pigmentation. To prevent this from happening, you need to treat it with care, follow all the care rules prescribed by the dentist. Nylon requires special treatment, it cannot be cleaned with ordinary brushes and pastes, it is better to use only special products.
- If scratches are nevertheless formed, the prosthesis will have the property of absorbingsmells and be stained with the color of food consumed.
- Due to the plasticity and flexibility of nylon, atrophy of the jaw bone tissue may develop, as a result, the prosthesis will rub the mucous membrane and cause discomfort, but this is a purely individual reaction.
- High price. Nylon is much more expensive than acrylic.

Which dentures are best? How to choose?
Let's find out how to choose the right product. What are the most popular full dentures to use? Which ones are better? Everyone chooses a product for himself, weighing all the pros and cons of using one or another type of prosthesis. Advantages and disadvantages can be combined in a table for easy comparison.
Acrylic |
Nylon |
Hard material | Elastic, flexible |
Keep in shape | May deform over time |
Porous structure causes plaque buildup | The structure is not porous, plaque does not form |
May release toxins and allergens | Non-toxic, hypoallergenic |
Easy to remove. Possible use of means for fixation | The fastening is reliable, no additional funds are used |
Affordable price | High price |
As for the choice between removable and non-removable prostheses, here they playthe role of various factors. The dentist may recommend the use of removable dentures due to the patient's personal contraindications to non-removable ones. This can be age (fixed dentures are not installed for children and the elderly) or a number of diseases (diabetes, tuberculosis, blood problems, and so on). And the patient himself may refuse to use surgical intervention in favor of removable prosthetics. It will take time to get used to anyway. The adaptation period must be experienced and endured, and then new teeth, whether removable or fixed, will be like family.