Restoration of front teeth with filling material. Modern technologies of aesthetic dentistry

Restoration of front teeth with filling material. Modern technologies of aesthetic dentistry
Restoration of front teeth with filling material. Modern technologies of aesthetic dentistry

Every person periodically faces various dental problems. Among the most unpleasant, deformation can be distinguished, as well as partial or complete destruction of molars. This greatly affects the quality of life, since not only the functionality of the oral cavity decreases, but it also becomes embarrassing for people to smile, because the front row of teeth is not the most pleasant sight. Fortunately, modern medicine is at a very high level of development and there is a solution to this problem. "What" - you ask? One of the most effective methods is the restoration of the front teeth with filling material. Let's take a closer look at what it is, find out the advantages and disadvantages of this method of therapy, and also find out its key features. Also at the end of the article will be presented reviews of real people, personallyundergone this procedure. You will be able to familiarize yourself with them and draw certain conclusions for yourself.

Indications for prescription

modern filling materials in dentistry
modern filling materials in dentistry

Let's take a closer look at this aspect. Restoration of anterior teeth with filling material is one of the modern methods of treatment in dental practice. It is prescribed to patients with the following problems:

  • mechanical damage and visual defects of tooth enamel;
  • last stage of the carious process;
  • incorrect bite formation;
  • cavity formation;
  • jaw deformity;
  • hypoplasia;
  • abrasive tooth wear;
  • trema and diastema;
  • molar destruction of varying severity;
  • darkening of the enamel;
  • Misalignment of teeth.

Despite the large number of problems that the restoration of molars allows to solve, there are a number of contraindications. According to qualified specialists, the procedure cannot be performed if the patient:

  • severe inflammation of the soft tissues of the oral cavity;
  • deep caries;
  • individual intolerance to any of the materials;
  • lack of chewing teeth;
  • poor oral hygiene.

It is worth noting that modern filling materials in dentistry in very rare situations lead to the development of an allergic reaction. In most cases, the impossibility of filling is associated withvarious oral he alth problems. Therefore, the final decision is made by the doctor based on the clinical picture of the patient.

General information about the procedure

Many people, especially girls, dream of having a Hollywood smile. Artistic restoration of teeth can help with this. But what does she mean? In dentistry, correction is giving the molar an ideal anatomical shape and color while maintaining functionality and the ability to withstand certain loads. It is prescribed after the end of the main therapy program. A hole is drilled in the tooth, which is then filled with a special solution. Thanks to this, it is possible not only to preserve the aesthetic appearance of the smile, but also not to damage the molar.

Main methods

modern aesthetic dentistry
modern aesthetic dentistry

Which technology will be used to restore the front teeth with filling material is determined by a qualified specialist for each patient on an individual basis. Not only the disease and the stage of its course are taken into account, but also the features of the anatomical structure of the jaw and oral cavity. Recovery and correction can be done in one of the following ways:

  • direct reconstruction - multi-component mixtures are fixed directly to the prepared place in compliance with the technological process provided for a particular material;
  • indirect - a special tab is glued into the hole, which is filled with mortar.

What kind of technologythe restoration of the chipped front tooth will be carried out, the dentist determines, taking into account the area of \u200b\u200bdamage, bite characteristics and other factors. Preliminary examination of the oral cavity is carried out and a detailed picture of the state of her he alth is drawn up. Without it, the correction will not be performed, because if the polymer material is chosen incorrectly, the filling will last for a relatively short time.

A few words about materials

light-cured composite materials
light-cured composite materials

This is a very important question, since the cost of the procedure largely depends on the polymers used. Today there are various classes of filling materials. Working mixtures differ from each other in the following characteristics:

  • volume filler;
  • curing method;
  • consistency;
  • destination.

In most cases, light-curing composite materials are used. They allow you to restore the aesthetics of the tooth, perfectly match the shade, and also have high strength and a long service life. In addition, aesthetic correction can be carried out using ceramics and cermets, as well as zirconium and aluminum oxide.

In case of extensive caries, when a molar cannot be saved with a conventional filling, a crown is placed on top of it, after grinding the adjacent teeth. They are made from the same polymeric materials as mixtures for aesthetic correction, according to individual parameters. In the most difficult cases, when there is nothing to save, a surgical operation is performed to removesubsequent prosthetics.

It is worth noting that modern filling materials in dentistry make it possible to perform a complete reconstruction of a tooth while maintaining its previous shape, aesthetic appearance and functionality. In this case, the color is as close as possible to the shade of the enamel. Visually, the seal will be almost invisible to the naked eye. In addition, they are distinguished by polymerization shrinkage, low abrasion and are able to withstand heavy loads.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Hollywood smile
Hollywood smile

This aspect should be given special attention. In modern dental practice, many different methods are used to restore damaged molars. Each of them has certain pros and cons. As for the aesthetic correction, the following can be distinguished among the main advantages:

  • speed of work;
  • high strength and durability of polymer materials;
  • minimum polymer shrinkage;
  • possibility of correcting both individual teeth and a whole row;
  • prevent further bone destruction;
  • no pain or discomfort during the procedure;
  • excellent aesthetics.

However, despite the large number of advantages, there are certain disadvantages. The main ones are:

  • high cost of the procedure;
  • tabs take a long time to make;
  • correction is a complex technological process, so its success depends on professionalismmasters;
  • fillings require special cleaning products;
  • material changes color over time and becomes dimmer.

Despite all the shortcomings, the restoration of anterior teeth with a filling material based on modern polymers is one of the most effective methods of treatment and restoration of damaged molars that exist today.

Preparatory stage

What do you need to know about this? Achieving a Hollywood smile is quite difficult. The final result depends entirely on the skill level of the specialist. In addition, it is necessary to pre-prepare the oral cavity. This stage implies the following:

  • careful polishing of enamel with nylon sticks using a special paste;
  • selection of the optimal shade of filling material;
  • anesthesia.

Besides this, if the patient has any dental diseases, they are treated first. If this is not done, then not even a single private clinic will sign you up for artistic restoration of teeth.


classes of filling materials
classes of filling materials

Let's take a closer look at this aspect. Correction begins with the fact that the doctor cuts off the gum in the area of the damaged molar. Most often, Lidocaine or similar medications are used for this. After that, the procedure itself begins, which takes place in the followingsequences:

  1. Tooth is being turned. It is very important to remove the old filling or carious area, as well as carefully clean the surface for strong adhesion of the material to it.
  2. The shade that best suits the enamel is selected.
  3. The work area is isolated from saliva and human breath. This is a very important process, since even a small amount of moisture can adversely affect the quality and durability of the polymer material. In addition, if the technological process is not followed, there is a risk of re-development of caries.
  4. Processing of enamel with special medicines that degrease it and kill pathogenic microflora and harmful microorganisms.
  5. If the tooth is severely damaged and needs to be operated on, then a surgical operation is performed and an implant is implanted into the jawbone. If the incisor is he althy, then you can put a seal. Solar composite will be an excellent solution.
  6. The composite material is applied in layers, after which it is heated with a special lamp until it hardens.
  7. At the final stage, the tooth is modeled and given an ideal shape with a drill.
  8. Last of all, the filling is ground and polished with a special paste to give it a characteristic shine and attractive appearance.

Here, in fact, this is how the artistic restoration of the affected tooth takes place. The whole procedure lasts about one hour, but the exact time depends on the specific situation. In this case, the patient will not experience any unpleasantsensation or discomfort.

How much does a perfect smile cost?

It is advisable to familiarize yourself with this aspect in the very first place. It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, since prices are not fixed. The exact amount depends not only on what fillings are placed on the front teeth, but also on a number of factors. Among the main ones are the following:

  • cause of defect;
  • scale of defeat;
  • need for treatment;
  • selected workflow;
  • materials used;
  • dentist skill level;
  • price policy of the clinic.

Today, prices vary in a very wide range. But the average numbers look something like this:

  • anesthesia - 200 rubles;
  • workspace isolation - 350 rubles;
  • implant installation - 1500 rubles;
  • molar correction - 4000 rubles;
  • sterile kit - 100 rubles

Thus, one photopolymer filling for the front tooth will cost approximately 6150 rubles. However, it is important to understand here that the cost in different regions of the country will differ. In large cities, where people live more prosperously, dental services are much more expensive than in provincial towns. Therefore, if you want to regain a beautiful smile, you must first make an appointment with a doctor. He will examine the oral cavity and name the exact amount.

Alternative Art Correction Methods

how to restore front teeth
how to restore front teeth

For no oneIt will become a secret that a beautiful smile gives confidence to absolutely every person. As mentioned earlier, modern aesthetic dentistry is at a very high level of development. There are many different methods for restoring molars. If filling using polymeric materials for some reason cannot be performed, then the doctor selects alternative methods of treatment. So what are they? One of the most common is the installation of veneers. These are special overlays made of ceramic or composite materials.

Today, this method is optimal for uneven color or increased enamel abrasion, displacement, chips and uneven bite. Before installation, the tooth is turned. This is necessary in order to preserve the natural size of the molar after the procedure. The impression is made according to previously taken dimensions, so it completely repeats the reliefs of the working surface, and also fits snugly to the enamel and does not interfere with the person. The only downside to veneers is that they take a long time to make. You can't get away with just one visit to the dentist. But there is also one big advantage. Their service life is much higher than that of polymer fillings. One overlay made of quality materials and with proper technology can last up to 20 years.

What do patients say about art correction?

Reviews on the restoration of the front teeth with filling material are mostly positive. The procedure allowscompletely restore the aesthetics and functionality of both an individual molar and a whole row. Also, many are satisfied with the affordable cost of artistic correction. As for the negative reviews, most of them, as a rule, relate to the shade. If it is chosen incorrectly, then the seal will be noticeable, which negatively affects the aesthetics.

filling heliocomposite
filling heliocomposite

There are also those who are dissatisfied with the quality of the tooth modeling. However, it is not the composite materials and the shortcomings of the technology that are to blame here, but the insufficient qualifications of the specialist. People who did the correction in a good clinic were completely satisfied with the result. Therefore, if you have problems with your teeth, then make an appointment with the dentist, and he will quickly fix everything.
