Dentistry 2024, October

Rinse aid "Colgate": composition, types, benefits and features of use

Rinse aid "Colgate": composition, types, benefits and features of use

COLGATE is a brand specializing in oral care products. Colgate rinse is characterized by ease of use, high efficiency and safety. It does not contain alcohol, is completely safe for children, actively protects periodontal and dental tissue from inflammation

Periodontitis: signs, causes, diagnosis and treatment methods

Periodontitis: signs, causes, diagnosis and treatment methods

One of the most, at first glance, harmless diseases of the oral cavity is gingivitis. Many do not even pay attention to minor inflammation of the gums. But it is gingivitis that is the precursor to a more dangerous pathology called periodontitis. A sign of this disease is bleeding gums, which, by its appearance, indicates that treatment should be started immediately, otherwise there is a risk of being left without teeth

Impression materials in dentistry: review, classification, comparative characteristics

Impression materials in dentistry: review, classification, comparative characteristics

The quality of the final model for prosthetics depends on the material for impressions. Consider the main types of compositions, their advantages and disadvantages. What is better to choose for a good result

Toothpaste "Rembrandt": types, benefits and features

Toothpaste "Rembrandt": types, benefits and features

Rembrandt toothpaste is one of the highest quality whitening products on the dental market. She is especially popular because everyone wants to have a snow-white smile. Such a paste does not change the natural shade of the teeth, which is determined by the color of the dentin. However, it can clear the enamel of persistent plaque that makes it dark. Usually a white color is considered natural in a person, but due to many years of plaque formation, it begins to

Dentistry St. Petersburg: reviews, rating. Addresses of dental clinics in St. Petersburg

Dentistry St. Petersburg: reviews, rating. Addresses of dental clinics in St. Petersburg

Relatively recently, the dentist's office was associated with pain, unpleasant sound and smell for many. Today, going to the dentist is a kind of fashion trend. A large number of clinics with modern equipment, new methods of treatment and professional specialists have been opened. The rating of St. Petersburg dental clinics with addresses and reviews will help you decide on the choice of a suitable institution

Removal of a cyst without tooth extraction: details of the procedure

Removal of a cyst without tooth extraction: details of the procedure

Given the level of modern medicine, now there is no longer a question whether it is possible to cure a tooth cyst without extraction. Modern equipment makes this possible

Painkiller for tooth extraction. Anesthesia in dentistry: an overview of drugs

Painkiller for tooth extraction. Anesthesia in dentistry: an overview of drugs

Now dentistry uses many methods and a variety of drugs that allow you to remove teeth absolutely painlessly. This helps to avoid discomfort and complications. After all, doctors choose drugs individually, depending on the patient's state of he alth and the characteristics of the surgical intervention. Painkillers are used during tooth extraction, treatment of pulpitis, periodontitis, implantation and other dental procedures

Stop bleeding after tooth extraction: causes, choice of hemostatic drugs, homemade mouthwash recipes and dentist advice

Stop bleeding after tooth extraction: causes, choice of hemostatic drugs, homemade mouthwash recipes and dentist advice

The main reasons for the development of bleeding after tooth extraction, the importance of the formation of a blood clot. Tamponade, rinses, the use of antihemorrhagic drugs and other methods to quickly stop bleeding. Tips from dentists to reduce the risk of complications

How to make a Hollywood smile: methods and methods, features of the procedure, reviews

How to make a Hollywood smile: methods and methods, features of the procedure, reviews

How did the concept of "Hollywood smile" come about? The most effective ways to make the dentition perfectly even and snow-white: whitening, using braces, veneers and other orthodontic structures. The cost of a Hollywood smile and patient reviews

Plaque removal: professional teeth cleaning

Plaque removal: professional teeth cleaning

Not everyone knows that plaque and tartar need to be removed. Many consider it just an aesthetic defect. After all, neither the teeth nor the gums hurt, there is nothing to treat, so why go to the dentist? But in fact, plaque and tartar have serious consequences. We invite you to find out why it is necessary to remove plaque and tartar

Dental plaque: composition, causes and stages of formation

Dental plaque: composition, causes and stages of formation

Causes of plaque on the tooth surface and their appearance. The mechanism of formation of dental plaque on the surface of the tooth and the features of its distribution. How to treat plaque and take proper care of your teeth to prevent recurrence?

Retraction thread in dentistry

Retraction thread in dentistry

Dentists during dental treatment, for one reason or another, are often forced to injure the gums and the teeth surrounding them in order to perform their manipulations with high quality. These injuries include gingival retraction

Light-cured filling: pros and cons. Dental materials

Light-cured filling: pros and cons. Dental materials

The quality of dental treatment largely depends on the material used to install the filling. Many patients have an erroneous opinion that it is appropriate to place a light filling anywhere, but experts have different opinions on this. Illuminated dental materials are considered ideal for placement on anterior or adjacent teeth

Filling root canals: materials and methods

Filling root canals: materials and methods

Filling root canals is one of the most important processes associated with the treatment of teeth in which pulps have previously been removed. The degree of long-term result of treatment depends on the quality of the filling. We offer you to find out what a root canal is, filling (stages and methods), as well as what are the complications after the procedure

What do dentists recommend when it becomes necessary to insert teeth?

What do dentists recommend when it becomes necessary to insert teeth?

Many people periodically face the need to insert teeth. This need can arise at any age. After the loss of a tooth due to trauma or after its removal, a person has a number of reasonable questions. Let's try to figure it out

Wisdom tooth: teething symptoms in adults, photo

Wisdom tooth: teething symptoms in adults, photo

Signs of eruption of incisors are quite individual. Some do not feel the wisdom tooth coming in at all. The symptoms characteristic of this process are simply absent. In others, on the contrary, teething is accompanied by unbearable pain, swelling and general malaise

What does an x-ray of a tooth show?

What does an x-ray of a tooth show?

In this article you will learn how to read a dental x-ray and what the procedure is for modern dentistry

Wisdom teeth grow and gums hurt: what to do and how to relieve pain?

Wisdom teeth grow and gums hurt: what to do and how to relieve pain?

Many of us have experienced the unpleasant pain that comes with teething wisdom teeth and inflammation of the gums. In medical practice, this process is called pericoronitis (difficulties in teething molars). In this case, pain sensations do not appear in the eight itself, but in nearby tissues. We will try to find out how much the wisdom tooth grows and the gum hurts

Toothache: treatment

Toothache: treatment

Each of us has encountered at least once in his life with such a problem as toothache, it is accompanied by unpleasant and unbearable sensations. It occurs when the tooth enamel is damaged, the inflammatory process of the tissues of the tooth, gums and neuralgia of the nerve

Pulpitis: treatment and complications

Pulpitis: treatment and complications

Pulpitis, the complications of which are a nightmare for dentists and patients, is the most common cause of toothache

Gangrenous pulpitis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Gangrenous pulpitis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Every trip to the dentist is a real torture for most people. Unfortunately, visits to this doctor are not a habit. Many put off seeing a dentist until a toothache causes sleepless nights and constant irritation

Treat your teeth during pregnancy is safe

Treat your teeth during pregnancy is safe

Treatment is always important, but during pregnancy it is especially true. Treating teeth during pregnancy is a safe and necessary process. A rotten tooth can cause more harm to the fetus than modern anesthesia. The main thing is to decide where it is better to treat your teeth

Exacerbation of chronic pulpitis. Causes, differential diagnosis, treatment of chronic pulpitis

Exacerbation of chronic pulpitis. Causes, differential diagnosis, treatment of chronic pulpitis

Probably there is no such person who has never had a toothache. And when, as they say, the process has begun, all sensations are concentrated around a single diseased tooth. If you postpone the visit to the dentist for later, then the patient has every chance to know all the "charms" of chronic pulpitis

Tooth development: stages of formation, essential substances, normal tooth structure and age-related changes

Tooth development: stages of formation, essential substances, normal tooth structure and age-related changes

Tooth development is a complex and lengthy process, starting in the early stages of life (still in the womb) and ending around 18-20 years of age. About how it proceeds, and what features characterize it, is described in this article

Tooth anesthesia: doctor's appointment, rules, duration, indications, contraindications

Tooth anesthesia: doctor's appointment, rules, duration, indications, contraindications

Probably everyone has had a toothache at least once in their life. This is an unpleasant sensation that can be a symptom of a pathology, so you will need the intervention of a dentist. But many do not want to see a specialist because of fear of pain. But there is anesthesia of the tooth, which makes it possible to alleviate the condition of a person. This will be discussed in the article

Fissure caries - what is it? Causes, treatment, prevention

Fissure caries - what is it? Causes, treatment, prevention

Fissure caries is considered one of the most common forms of dental damage. It is very difficult to diagnose in a timely manner. A neglected pathological process can lead to tooth loss. To prevent this from happening, you need to know the methods of preventing the disease and always follow them

Installation of gum formers during implantation: pros and cons, contraindications, possible complications

Installation of gum formers during implantation: pros and cons, contraindications, possible complications

We all know from childhood how important it is to take care of your teeth from a young age, as well as, in fact, overall he alth, but this is not always possible. Then there is a need for prosthetics. In addition, due to a missing tooth, not only the process of chewing food worsens, there may be other unpleasant consequences. You can correct the situation by installing gum formers

Abscess on the gum: photo, how to treat?

Abscess on the gum: photo, how to treat?

Such an unpleasant surprise as an abscess that appeared on the gum will surely spoil the mood. The initial stage of inflammation of the gums can pass almost imperceptibly - for an abscess, like many other infectious diseases, a long development and course is characteristic. Only an unpleasant sensation while brushing your teeth or while chewing solid food, as well as bleeding gums, will tell you that not everything is in order in the oral cavity

Installation of veneers on teeth: reviews, pros and cons

Installation of veneers on teeth: reviews, pros and cons

In modern times, it is difficult to maintain the integrity and beauty of your teeth, even if there is constant care and visits to the dentist. But yellowness and defects appear on them. To hide this, you can install veneers on your teeth. Reviews about these devices are almost only positive. With proper care, they can last a long time

Infiltration anesthesia: types, indications and application features

Infiltration anesthesia: types, indications and application features

Anesthetics are used for many dental problems. Its type is chosen based on the type of procedure. Infiltration anesthesia is often used, which provides effective pain relief. Its features and types are described in the article

There was a bump on the gum: photo, what to do?

There was a bump on the gum: photo, what to do?

A lump on the gum may indicate the development of dangerous diseases. Untimely seeking help can lead to complete loss of a tooth or the development of chronic ailments in other body systems. Granuloma, epulis, periodontitis, gingivitis - all these troubles can be avoided with regular visits to the dentist

Damon: modern braces

Damon: modern braces

In the modern world, much in a person's life depends on the impression that he makes on people with his appearance. Owners of a beautiful smile and straight teeth feel much more confident. But, unfortunately, nature has not endowed everyone with an impeccable smile. Help modern dentistry

Ionic toothbrush: reviews of dentists

Ionic toothbrush: reviews of dentists

The ionic toothbrush is the latest invention by Japanese experts to help you brush your teeth perfectly. Such a device has a lot of advantages, but some doctors question a number of useful properties of this product, even declare the pointlessness of its use. So do we need such an expensive novelty?

Ceramic braces: description, photos, reviews, pros and cons

Ceramic braces: description, photos, reviews, pros and cons

When there are bite defects, doctors usually prescribe braces. With them, it will be possible to align the teeth, make them attractive. But this procedure is lengthy, so many are concerned about the appearance. Aesthetics will not suffer with the use of ceramic braces, which will be discussed in the article

How to use a mouth guard. Whitening caps. Dentistry: caps

How to use a mouth guard. Whitening caps. Dentistry: caps

Beautiful he althy white teeth are the natural desire of every human being. But, unfortunately, malnutrition, bad habits, a certain lifestyle do not have the best effect on the he alth of the oral cavity. Tooth enamel acquires a yellowish or dark tint, which can lead to the development of complexes: we begin to be ashamed of our smile. Whitening caps will help restore whiteness to your teeth. Read more about their use in the article

Tooth pulled out, gum hurts - what to do? Dentist advice

Tooth pulled out, gum hurts - what to do? Dentist advice

Despite all the amazing advances in dentistry, sometimes teeth have to be extracted. One of the most common complaints after such an operation is pain. This is a natural process - if a tooth is pulled out, the gum hurts. What to do after the operation and how not to aggravate the situation?

Sandwich dentures: features, benefits and reviews

Sandwich dentures: features, benefits and reviews

The "Sandwich" denture is the ideal solution for those who have problems with the integrity of the dentition. The device has a lot of advantages

Nylon prosthesis for complete absence of teeth and partial. Reviews of nylon prostheses

Nylon prosthesis for complete absence of teeth and partial. Reviews of nylon prostheses

A nylon prosthesis in the complete absence of teeth is indicated in many cases, for example, if it is necessary to wait for the installation of a permanent structure, but the functionality of the jaw must not be lost. However, such a product has certain features that need to be considered

If your tooth hurts, what to do at home

If your tooth hurts, what to do at home

How to cope with discomfort if a tooth hurts a lot? What to do? As an emergency remedy, you can try to use medicines and folk remedies. Many also confirm the effectiveness of Chinese medicine

Paradontitis: treatment with folk remedies, photos before and after

Paradontitis: treatment with folk remedies, photos before and after

Treatment of periodontitis, the photo of which is presented below, cannot be postponed. There are many new technologies that help overcome the disease. The main thing is to choose what suits the price. Special mention should be made of prevention, which is indispensable for problems with teeth