Cough with phlegm without fever: how to get rid of it?

Cough with phlegm without fever: how to get rid of it?
Cough with phlegm without fever: how to get rid of it?

The constant cough that bubbling in the bronchi, in the lungs, in the trachea, shaking the whole body, does not allow you to breathe calmly - this is a terrible feeling. And it can be quite difficult to get rid of it. Treatment may not bring noticeable results. Cough with phlegm without fever is even more exhausting than a fever.

Cough with sputum without fever
Cough with sputum without fever

Improvement comes for a short time, but then everything starts again. You have tried everything: injections, tablets, and inhalers, but relief has not come, coughing with sputum without fever does not stop. Sometimes this phenomenon overtakes even pregnant women, in whose case it is not only painfully unpleasant, but also dangerous. Children also often suffer from cough with sputum without fever, and it can last for several weeks.

To successfully treat this phenomenon, we must remember that it is not an independent disease. This is just a symptom of the disease, a consequence of the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract. This state of affairs leads tothere is a cough with sputum without fever. Sputum is mucus with products of the body's struggle against viruses and bacteria.

How to cure cough with phlegm
How to cure cough with phlegm

Particles of mucous membranes come out with it. Sometimes the patient finds blood in the sputum (but this phenomenon is not always a serious cause for concern).

Prolonged cough with phlegm can be caused by many reasons, which determine the direction of treatment. Decent results in this case can be achieved only if the cause of the phenomenon is established accurately. That is why only a qualified doctor can tell you how to cure a cough with phlegm.

Sputum alone can say a lot. For example, its color can vary from green to black. And the consistency is from thick to curdled. Some pathological conditions of the respiratory tract give sputum a putrid odor.

If the mucus is green or yellow, then its nature is bacterial. Greenery speaks of the presence of pus. Such sputum is thick, has an unpleasant smell of rot (as already mentioned). If the discharge is plentiful, and the cough is prolonged, then this may indicate that there is a large abscess in the lungs. Also, this kind of sputum can talk about sinusitis or sinusitis. Then, however, the cough is of a different nature.

Long cough with phlegm
Long cough with phlegm

In the treatment of cough, it is important to record the time of occurrence of attacks. If sputum is separated in the morning, then most likely it is bronchitis, sinusitis, bronchiectasis, or cystic fibrosis. AtIn the first and second diseases, sputum is secreted profusely and is quite simply coughed up. With bronchiectasis, the cough is painful, painful, long. Coughing up to the end does not work. If such a phenomenon as a long cough with sputum bothers you in the morning, and you smoke at the same time, then perhaps this is how a smoker's bronchitis manifests itself, in which the bronchi are deformed. With cystic fibrosis, sputum is viscous, scanty, and difficult to separate. With this disease, changes are also observed in the stomach, liver.

Coughing up phlegm in the morning can be a symptom of asthma or tracheitis. With asthma, it is difficult for the patient to exhale, the attack ends suddenly. With tracheitis, the cough does not recede at any time of the day.

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