The drug "Kanefron" (dragee) includes crushed raw materials of plant origin. The product contains centaury herb, lovage root powder and rosemary leaves. Additional components: corn starch, lactose monohydrate, highly dispersed silicon dioxide, red iron oxide, glucose syrup, calcium carbonate, castor oil, talc, sucrose and others. The drug "Canephron N" is also available in the form of a solution.

The product is combined and has a complex antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and diuretic effect.
The drug "Canephron N" is indicated for pyelonephritis and cystitis, chronic nephritis (interstitial), glomerulonephritis. The remedy is also prescribed to prevent urolithiasis, including after the removal of stones.
The drug "Canephron N" is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components.
Dosage is adjusted according to age. Adults are recommended fifty drops of the solution or two tablets three times a day. Infants are prescribed a solution (ten drops a day 3 times). Students should take one tablet three times a day. In some cases, a solution is recommended. The dosage in this case is twenty-five drops. The solution is also recommended for preschoolers. For them, the dosage is usually fifteen drops three times a day.

If necessary, course treatment is prescribed. The duration of use of the drug is determined by the clinical picture. After the onset of improvement, it is recommended to continue using the product for another two to four weeks. The drug may be prescribed for long-term therapy.
Means "Canephron N" in solution can be taken with various liquids. Granules are not advised to be chewed.
When using the product, allergic reactions are likely if there is intolerance to one of the components.
The drug is prescribed as both additional and main therapy.

During storage, the solution is likely to become cloudy and form a slight precipitate. It should be said that this does not affect the effectiveness of the tool. It is recommended to shake the drug before use.
When prescribing a medicine to patients with diabetes, it must be taken into account that in one tablet the content of digestible carbohydrates is less than 0.03 XE.
Ethanol is present in the solution. In this regard, this dosage form is not used in patients who have undergone successful treatment of chronic alcoholism.
The use of the drug in conjunction with antibacterial agents enhances the effectiveness of therapy.
Dragee and solution must be stored ina place protected from light, dry and out of the reach of children. Storage temperature is not more than twenty-five degrees. After opening the vial, it is allowed to use within six months.
Although the price of the drug "Canephron N" is relatively affordable, you should not buy it on your own initiative, you should consult a specialist before using the product.