In modern times, it is difficult to maintain the integrity and beauty of your teeth, even if there is constant care and visits to the dentist. But yellowness and defects appear on them. To hide this, you can install veneers on your teeth. Reviews about these devices are almost only positive. With proper care, they can last a long time.
What is this?
Veneers are called non-removable orthopedic constructions for the correction of aesthetic defects of teeth. With them, you can eliminate violations of the color and shape of the tooth. They imitate the tooth surface, they are a kind of facing material that qualitatively masks noticeable aesthetic flaws.

Visually, veneers are like overlays covering the surface of one or more teeth. Thin plates are invisible, while allowing you to restore the correct shape of the tooth and the natural color of the enamel.
When used?
According to reviews, dental veneers are used not only for beautifulsmiles. Dentists advise using them in the restoration and alignment of teeth. Attachments must be used when:
- the appearance of chips and cracks due to demineralization and erosion of the enamel;
- changing the natural color of the teeth and the appearance of yellowness, as well as the allocation of fillings;
- rapid enamel wear;
- abnormally shaped or misaligned teeth;
- large gaps.
Many wish to have a snow-white smile. But before using these designs, you need to consult a dentist. Judging by the reviews of experts, veneers allow you to eliminate the listed problems in a short time.
When not to use?
But there are situations when veneers cannot be used. This applies to:
- pathological abrasion and very thin enamel;
- advanced caries and periodontitis;
- uncontrollable grinding (bruxism) manifested in sleep;
- serious bite or jaw problems;
- absence of many chewing teeth, their destruction by more than 50%.
In these cases, the doctor must choose a different method of correction, as evidenced by numerous reviews. The disadvantages of veneers for teeth also lie in the fact that they cannot be installed with bad habits, martial arts, extreme sports.

If there are no contraindications, there is no more interference with the installation. With such devices, it will be possible to close the front of the teeth. Usually theyuse only in the smile zone. The doctor must study the outpatient card and examine the oral cavity. According to reviews, it is often necessary to undergo a course of gum treatment in order to proceed to the manufacture and installation of the structure.
Special attention should be paid to the choice of material. The time of manufacture, installation, price depends on its type. According to reviews, veneers for teeth of any kind are practical and effective. The following varieties are in demand:
- Ceramic. They are created in the laboratory for 2 weeks. For this, special porcelain and zirconium dioxide are used to obtain a natural color and increase strength. The thickness can be 0.3-0.5mm. Installation and fixation are carried out using a cement composition.
- Composite. This option is cheaper, it is immediately installed on the teeth, for 1 visit to the dentist. Devices are not very durable and change color over time. A plus is the gentle installation method.
- Porcelain. On the basis of special porcelain, popular Hollywood lumineers with a thickness of 0.2 mm are made. It will not be necessary to grind the enamel, the service life is long. They can also be glued on artificial crowns.
According to reviews, veneers for teeth should be chosen after examining the dentist and his recommendations. The installation procedure is conditionally divided into several stages and is determined from the selected variety. According to reviews, veneers on the lower teeth, as well as on the front teeth, require high-quality care. Only then can any of these species be able to serve for a long time.
There are composite, therapeutic and porcelain orthopedic veneers for teeth. Reviews of dentists indicate that, depending on the type, the installation method and the manufacturing method are determined:
- Ceramic products are applied gradually and in layers. Then the firing procedure is carried out.
- Elevated temperature and pressure are used in injection molding, which makes it possible to make a reliable design.
- With the direct method, the overlay is installed in the cabinet. A small layer of enamel is removed, and then a composite material is applied in layers. When polishing and grinding are completed, the restoration of the tooth is carried out. It will be possible to eliminate all small and large chips, cracks, defects.
- Prosthetic veneer is created by a dental technician using a plaster cast. To obtain a model, a temporary composite veneer is fixed in order to make adjustments after fitting.
- Zirconium dioxide is turned using a milling machine that operates on the basis of a special program. As a result, exact parameters and thickness are obtained.
- Computer modeling is replaced by a plaster cast. You can make a 3D image, choose a color, and correct imperfections.

According to dentists, a manual cast has its own advantages. An experienced specialist can make a quality design. After turning performed at the first visit, it is advisable to wear a temporary overlay to eliminate externalimpact on the tooth.
Step by step installation
First, inspection and diagnostics are carried out, as evidenced by the reviews. The installation of veneers on the front teeth can only be performed after gum problems and caries have been eliminated. The procedure is as follows:
- Selection of a suitable material is in progress, it is necessary to coordinate the shade of the color.
- In order to avoid difficulties with the bite and the plate, each tooth is prepared. You need to clean them, and only then you can perform the procedure.
- A layer of enamel and hard bone tissue is removed from the front surface within 0.5-0.7 mm. The thickness is determined by the thickness of the lining. The minimum parameter will be when installing lumineers and composite.
- Turning is not completed to the end to set the product for 10-15 days while the veneer is being created. The temporary plate is usually made of plastic.
- For an impression, a special solution is required, which is applied and waiting for hardening. It takes 5 minutes for the composition to set, and then it is removed and sent to the laboratory.
- The impression technician makes a plaster impression with composite overlays.
- The ceramic plate is checked for color and shape. It is worn several times to check bite and fit. There should be no discomfort when eating and smiling.
- When the fit is done, the plate and mouth are cleaned to keep germs out.
- Veneers are rough inside. Gel is applied to the teeth to make them rough for good adhesion.
- Used for fixationcement paste that hardens when light is directed.
- Residual cement removed and bite rechecked.
Lumineers are thin so teeth may not be turned. For fixation, dental glue is used. According to reviews, veneers on teeth without turning are installed within an hour. To exclude inflammation, which usually occurs due to the presence of a foreign substance, an examination is carried out after a while.

It is important to follow the doctor's recommendations about bad habits. Do not open bottles with your teeth or crack nuts with them. The plate is an excellent replacement for filling and allows you to save damaged teeth. Only veneers have more benefits.
Pros and cons
Before installing such structures, you should familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of veneers on your teeth. Reviews of dentists indicate that this method of restoration is only becoming in demand in Russia, although it is already actively used in the world. The features of veneers include the following:
- Many patients are attracted by the aesthetic factor. All people are pleased to smile, show beautiful teeth.
- Veneers, like enamel, transmit light compared to fillings. They are noticeable and stand out.
- With ceramic plates will not accumulate plaque and stains from coffee, tea and other drinks. Teeth will always be white and will not turn yellow.
- Zirconium and ceramic based veneers last up to 30 years due to their durability andabrasion resistance. They are also biocompatible, inflammation is very rare.
- The composite is not very durable and lasts 4-5 years. Then a replacement is needed.
- Since the thickness of the plates, especially composite ones, is small, they are fragile.
- During installation, the edge and layer of enamel is removed, which makes the tooth vulnerable, especially when drinking hot and cold drinks.
- Porcelain plates are expensive and take more time to create and install.
- If the veneers break, the repair cannot be done, you need to go through all the installation steps again.

According to reviews, front teeth veneers will be a profitable investment, especially if they are made of ceramic. The main thing is that the work is done well. According to reviews, the disadvantages of veneers for teeth may concern some of their types. The composite will not be as attractive, and the constant replacement of dark plates leads to additional costs.
It is necessary to follow simple care rules to prolong the life of dental veneers. From the photo, the reviews will evaluate the excellent result. Extend the service life with the following rules:
- The mouth should be cleaned at least 2-3 times a day. To do this, use a brush, dental floss, a special paste and solution. Avoid caries and gum disease.
- There will be no loss or displacement of the veneer if the teeth are subjected to constant pressure. For bruxism, a mouthguard is used.
- Need to be reducedthe use of products with a strong coloring pigment. Pomegranate juice or coffee enters the cement layer, which changes the original color.
What determines the price?
The installation of these products is quite expensive. This is due to several factors:
- Veneers are made from imported materials of excellent quality.
- The procedure is lengthy, complex, requires experience and skill. Particularly difficult is the work of insertion into the patient's mouth.

On average, one veneer costs from 15 thousand rubles. If a person has small flaws, the design can cost about 6,000 rubles. The final price depends on:
- tooth condition;
- material;
- specialist qualifications;
- amount of work;
- the need for anesthesia;
- of the chosen restoration method.
To save money, it is desirable to perform restoration in those places that are located in the visibility area. Other teeth are treated differently. The final price is set only after consultation.
In addition to veneers, you can update the appearance of your teeth in other ways:
- Whitening. Enamel discoloration is due to buildup of plaque, soft deposits, or tartar, so it is much safer to whiten your teeth than to grind them. But if the unnatural color is associated with serious causes or chronic ailments, then microprostheses are installed, and bleaching will not help.
- Crowns. Veneers can be installedonly on he althy teeth, if there are aesthetic defects or minor destruction. Because it requires a solid foundation to hold. And crowns will restore the aesthetics and functionality of damaged teeth by 60% or more.
- Brackets. Veneers are used only for minor violations of the dentition and bite. Some flaws cannot be hidden, they need orthopedic treatment - wearing braces.
- Restoration. This procedure and veneers have the same indications. But the restoration gives a short result, and after 3-5 years the procedure must be repeated. And ceramic plates and lumineers can last for many years. Moreover, with them, the dentition looks more attractive and aesthetic, and the restored teeth look dull and unnatural.

Therefore, if you are interested in which option for updating teeth is more suitable, it is advisable to contact a specialist. Only an experienced dentist will choose the most appropriate restoration option.
You can evaluate the installation result by photo, reviews. The disadvantages of veneers for teeth are that you need to go to the dentist every six months for a preventive examination and timely correction. But this will extend the life of the appliances, as well as prevent tooth and gum disease.