Dentistry 2024, October

Torusal anesthesia in dentistry: technique, area of anesthesia

Torusal anesthesia in dentistry: technique, area of anesthesia

Torusal anesthesia is a type of mandibular anesthesia. It is produced in order to anesthetize the entire region of the lower jaw

Supplement classification description

Supplement classification description

Very important in the daily practice of a doctor is the classification of diseases associated with the oral mucosa. This allows the specialist to navigate in the multiplicity of nosological types of pathologies, and hence it follows that the correct diagnosis will be made and reasonable therapy will be prescribed, as well as preventive measures (including clinical examination) will be provided

Teething and growth in children: table. All about baby teething

Teething and growth in children: table. All about baby teething

Many parents are concerned about the growth of their children's teeth. The table clearly shows the approximate timing of their appearance. But it should be remembered that the growth schedule of teeth in a child is quite individual, and the number of teeth in different children at a certain age can vary significantly

Devitalizing paste: composition, application, effectiveness, reviews

Devitalizing paste: composition, application, effectiveness, reviews

Devitalization is the killing of the living core (pulp) of the tooth with its subsequent removal. This inevitably leads to death and destruction of the tooth, since the death of the pulp entails the death of the smallest vessels and nerves present in the tooth cavity, which are able to respond to changing conditions

Blackened tooth - what to do? Blackened tooth in a child

Blackened tooth - what to do? Blackened tooth in a child

Over the past decade, pediatric dentists have heard the terrifying question more and more often: “Why did the tooth turn black?” Unfortunately, not only the adult population suffers from the problem of darkening of the teeth

Tooth restoration: when and how should the procedure be applied?

Tooth restoration: when and how should the procedure be applied?

Tooth restoration is the best procedure that will help preserve its beauty and functionality for a long time

How to anesthetize a tooth at home: tips

How to anesthetize a tooth at home: tips

As a result of research, scientists have found that toothache is one of the most severe types of pain for a person. Test participants admit that her sudden attacks provoke irritability and often completely paralyze the psychological state

Anti-caries solution "Flutorak" for teeth

Anti-caries solution "Flutorak" for teeth

Today, the medicinal solution "Ftorlak" for teeth has been elevated to the rank of effective and high-quality drugs. It will be discussed further

How to strengthen tooth enamel at home?

How to strengthen tooth enamel at home?

Is it possible to cure decaying tooth enamel on your own? This is a difficult question for people whom nature has endowed with a kind of fragile tooth surface. Beneath the enamel is dentin, which is the hard tissue of the tooth. Therefore, many are very concerned about the question of how to strengthen tooth enamel

Effective methods of treating periodontal disease at home

Effective methods of treating periodontal disease at home

Let's consider the most effective treatment for periodontal disease. This is a disease characterized by damage to the tissues of the mouth around the teeth, reduction and thinning of the bony septa, as well as atrophy of the tooth cells. Gaps form between the gums and teeth, which contributes to the infection getting to the roots and complicated caries. Later, the teeth become loose and fall out. Similar diseases occur in approximately 6-7% of all patients in dental institutions

Cofferdam is The use of rubberdam in dentistry

Cofferdam is The use of rubberdam in dentistry

Cofferdam is a special latex veil that is used to increase the efficiency of the work of a specialist, as well as protect the patient's oral cavity. It has many advantages

What are the pastes: prevention and treatment of oral diseases

What are the pastes: prevention and treatment of oral diseases

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. What are the pastes, and how to apply them correctly to prevent caries, periodontal disease and other unpleasant diseases?

What to do if the tooth reacts to hot and cold?

What to do if the tooth reacts to hot and cold?

"The tooth reacts to hot and cold" - such complaints are very common in the dentist's office. Today, a fairly large number of people suffer from hypersensitivity, which doctors call hyperesthesia. In the presence of this disease, the symptoms of each are quite individual. There can be a lot of irritating factors - ranging from acidic foods to spicy foods

Dentin - the bone substance of the tooth

Dentin - the bone substance of the tooth

Teeth are an integral part of the human body, as well as an indicator of he alth. Their loss leads to significant problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and the aesthetic appearance of a person deteriorates

Dental treatment under the MHI policy: a list of services and conditions for obtaining

Dental treatment under the MHI policy: a list of services and conditions for obtaining

Everyone sooner or later faces the need to go to the dentist. The reasons can be very different: the occurrence of caries, improper teething, periodontitis, inflammation of the gums and much more. Where to go with your problem and what kind of help can citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners count on?

Dead tooth hurts when pressed: what to do?

Dead tooth hurts when pressed: what to do?

A tooth is considered dead after depulpation has been performed, that is, the removal of the nerve. After this procedure, circulatory arrest, mineralization, and innervation occur. In some cases, patients complain of pain when pressing on a dead tooth. Often this is due to the effect on the soft tissues under the pulpless tooth

Tooth drops: indications, instructions for use, reviews

Tooth drops: indications, instructions for use, reviews

Toothache is one of the most severe that a person can experience. Almost everyone has faced this problem in their life. Sometimes the pain becomes so unbearable that it is impossible to endure. Most often, painkillers in the form of tablets are used to stop this symptom. However, today there are no less effective means, and even safer for the body - these are tooth drops

White diet: stick to it?

White diet: stick to it?

Teeth whitening is a fairly popular procedure. It is done quickly and painlessly. But to consolidate the result, you need a white diet. The doctor must issue a memo of permitted and prohibited foods. But in fact, everything is quite simple, you can only eat white foods. We will talk about this in detail in the article

Aphthae in the mouth: causes, description and features of treatment

Aphthae in the mouth: causes, description and features of treatment

Aftas in the mouth can appear in an adult and a child. They resemble small sores that are very painful. Aphthae may disappear on their own, but in some cases require treatment. The implementation of preventive measures helps to avoid the appearance of wounds and prevents the occurrence of relapses

Tooth occlusion: types, symptoms, treatment

Tooth occlusion: types, symptoms, treatment

Identification of central occlusion with partial or complete absence of teeth. What is occlusion and how dangerous is its violation for the he alth of the structure of the teeth in the oral cavity? How to diagnose and make a treatment?

Tooth fracture: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, tips

Tooth fracture: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, tips

In dental practice, a tooth fracture is one of the most difficult cases, since it often causes a violation of the anatomical structure of the alveoli. With very strong mechanical damage, a fracture of the entire jaw can even occur in its weakest point

Dentistry "Mishutka", Yaroslavl: fun and not painful

Dentistry "Mishutka", Yaroslavl: fun and not painful

Benefits of visiting children's dentistry "Mishutka" in the city of Yaroslavl. Clinic equipment and parent reviews

Oral b tip: types and features

Oral b tip: types and features

Toothbrushes "Oral B" are very popular, especially electric models. And no wonder. These brushes combine two main qualities for the consumer - an acceptable price and a high result from use. Therefore, we offer you to learn more about this personal hygiene item, as well as to get acquainted with what Oral b replacement nozzles exist

Rare teeth: causes, treatment methods, photos

Rare teeth: causes, treatment methods, photos

An orthodontist deals with the correction of a cosmetic defect. Initially, the specialist prescribes a comprehensive examination to the patient, based on the results of which the doctor determines the further treatment tactics. Currently, the following methods are most common: implantation; filling; installation of bridges, crowns and veneers

The name of a person's teeth. The name of the teeth (scheme). Names of milk teeth

The name of a person's teeth. The name of the teeth (scheme). Names of milk teeth

Teeth are one of the most important human organs involved in the digestive system. Neglecting to care for them is fraught with serious he alth problems. Therefore, it is very important to know as much as possible about these bone formations. The topic of our review will be the name of the teeth

Why do teeth hurt at night: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Why do teeth hurt at night: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Causes of severe pain in the oral cavity: possible diseases and physiological processes. Visiting the dentist and choosing the right and effective oral treatment. What means should be used to suppress pain?

Hypoplasia of tooth enamel: diagnosis and treatment

Hypoplasia of tooth enamel: diagnosis and treatment

The most common problem with teeth is caries. Therefore, most people assume that caries is the only reason why teeth can decay. But in fact, there are diseases that do not have a carious nature, in which damage and destruction of teeth occurs not under the influence of environmental factors, but because of the peculiarities of their structure

Whiten your teeth at home: practical tips

Whiten your teeth at home: practical tips

How to make teeth clean, white and not harm them? In this article, you will learn about the most popular and effective ways to whiten your teeth at home and you will be able to choose the one that suits you personally

Belyayevo metro station: dentistry

Belyayevo metro station: dentistry

Did you know that tooth enamel is the hardest substance in our body? The beauty of teeth determines a lot. For example, in the US, people form their first impression of a person based on their smile. Regular dental care ensures good he alth and he althy appearance

Why the gum moves away from the tooth and how to put it back in place

Why the gum moves away from the tooth and how to put it back in place

Gum that moves away from the tooth is a sign of periodontitis, an inflammatory process. With this disease, pockets form in the gums, and an active lesion of the ligamentous apparatus of the teeth occurs. Causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease in this article

What are molars? Molar tooth: structural features

What are molars? Molar tooth: structural features

Molars are the largest teeth in the mouth. What is a molar tooth? When molars erupt, how do they differ from premolars? How to find out that molars are erupting in a child and what to do? Answers to these and many other questions in the article

Orthognathic bite: signs, characteristics

Orthognathic bite: signs, characteristics

Proper alignment of teeth is not only the key to he alth, but also a beautiful smile. The straighter your teeth, the more aesthetic it looks. But at present, it is really extremely rare to find the correct bite. Increasingly, parents bring their children with a problem of loose teeth and other dental defects. How to determine the correct bite and what deviations are, we learn from this article

Waxed floss for cleaning teeth: application features, varieties, advantages and disadvantages

Waxed floss for cleaning teeth: application features, varieties, advantages and disadvantages

The general condition of the teeth is directly reflected in digestion. From time immemorial, brushes have been used to care for the oral cavity. Currently, waxed thread is in high demand, which is able to remove plaque in the most inaccessible places

Inflammation of the gums? Treatment is essential

Inflammation of the gums? Treatment is essential

Do you have sore gums? They bleed, do you feel discomfort? The article will talk about how to relieve inflammation of the gums and bring it back to normal

Periodontosis is Periodontal disease: treatment with modern methods

Periodontosis is Periodontal disease: treatment with modern methods

Many people are afraid of dentists since childhood. However, often diseases of the oral cavity are much worse. For example, periodontal disease can look innocent, but can have serious consequences if not treated promptly

Stainless steel dental probe. Manual dental instruments

Stainless steel dental probe. Manual dental instruments

In his work, the dentist uses a huge number of tools, including a dental probe. This tool allows you to diagnose the condition of hard dental tissues, as well as gums

Metal seals: service life, pros and cons, reviews

Metal seals: service life, pros and cons, reviews

Another name for metal fillings is amalgam fillings. This is due to the material that is used to install them. Metal fillings for teeth are an alloy of mercury with various metals (silver or copper)

Does it hurt to treat caries without anesthesia?

Does it hurt to treat caries without anesthesia?

Probably there is not a single person on earth who would go to the dentist without a shudder. What only many do not undertake to delay the visit to the doctor. They go to healers, self-medicate, and, of course, come up with many non-existent reasons that justify their again postponed visit

Wisdom tooth caries: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, tooth extraction if necessary and dentist recommendations

Wisdom tooth caries: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, tooth extraction if necessary and dentist recommendations

The main cause of wisdom tooth caries is its extreme position in the dentition. As a result, the unit is difficult to access for cleaning from food debris and plaque. The main difficulties are observed if the third molar does not erupt completely. In such cases, cleaning the tooth is difficult due to the gum hanging over it

Fluoride in toothpaste: benefits and harms. What and how to brush your teeth

Fluoride in toothpaste: benefits and harms. What and how to brush your teeth

What is fluoride in toothpaste for? Benefit and harm - what more? The same substance can both maintain the condition of tooth enamel and destroy it. Not always the right toothpaste can be found without the help of a dentist