Not everyone knows that plaque and tartar need to be removed. Many consider it just an aesthetic defect. After all, neither the teeth nor the gums hurt, there is nothing to treat, so why go to the dentist? But in fact, plaque and tartar have serious consequences. We invite you to find out why it is necessary to remove plaque and tartar.
What is plaque?
Plaque is a thin film of food molecules and various bacteria that multiply on the surface of the teeth. It is formed after every meal, including snacks. If you do not fight it in any way, then every day the plaque will become thicker. Over time, it will turn into tartar. It is much more difficult to fight him.

Tatar is already a hard sediment. They consist of phosphate s alts, calcium s alts, food debris, bacteria and dead cells of the gum mucosa.
Types of Tartar
Tatar can be located in three places. ATdepending on this, it is divided into types such as:
- supragingival: calculus collects on the surface of the tooth;
- subgingival: gets under the gum, causing bleeding;
- stone bridge: located between the teeth.

Why does plaque and tartar appear?
The most common cause of plaque and calculus development is poor oral hygiene. But the following factors can also provoke the appearance of these unpleasant things:
- eating a lot of soft food, consisting of easily digestible carbohydrates;
- lack of fruits and vegetables in the diet;
- incorrect chewing process (when only one side of the teeth is used);
- chronic diseases of the digestive tract, metabolism and other internal organs;
- use of inappropriate toothbrushes, pastes and other oral hygiene products;
- having a bad habit like smoking;
- too much coffee and tea.

How dangerous is the presence of tartar?
Tatar is not only an aesthetic problem. It serves as an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms that cause inflammation of the gums of varying severity, as a result, periodontitis appears and caries develops.
The development of stones is accompanied by such things as bad breath, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, destructionjaws and so on.
Among the possible consequences, it is worth listing the following:
- deep forms of periodontitis;
- tooth extraction.
In order not to suffer from such serious troubles, it is better to remove plaque in time.

Methods for removing plaque and calculus
Today, there are two options for removing plaque and tartar:
- home;
- dental.
The home method involves the use of a special toothpaste and brush. This is a lengthy process, but it does not require a visit to the doctor. It is not recommended to use recipes for decoctions and home-made pastes, which are offered by some self-taught "specialists", at home, as they often do not help get rid of plaque, but only aggravate the situation by damaging the enamel.

Methods for removing plaque in dentistry:
- mechanical;
- chemical;
- ultrasound;
- laser;
- air-abrasive.
Removing plaque with special pastes and brushes
This method gives results only at not too advanced stages and helps to remove hard plaque, but not a massive stone. For the method to work, a special toothpaste is used for a long time. Removal of plaque can only be achieved with the one that includes:
- polishing and grinding components;
- plant enzymes bromelain and papain (theysoften the stone);
- compounds of pyrophosphates and zinc (they slow down the hardening process of plaque, thereby reducing the number of bacteria).

Such pastes include:
- "Lacalut White". It is recommended to alternate it with other toothpastes.
- "President White Plus". This toothpaste has a stronger effect, so it is not recommended to use it for daily brushing. It is enough to use it once a week.
Removal of soft plaque is best left to electric toothbrushes. They are not as aggressive to use as speci alty toothpastes and can be used every day.
Mechanical removal method
Previously, mechanical plaque removal was the only way. But now this method is rarely used.
Mechanical method involves the use of special metal hooks. Thanks to the original shape, they penetrate into hard-to-reach places. The whole process consists in chipping stones from the surface of the tooth and from the gum pocket. The method is quite painful and traumatic.

Chemical method
Chemical removal is extremely rare. The essence of the method lies in the fact that special means of removing plaque are applied. They include acid and alkali solutions. On the surface of the tooth, they begin to interact with the stones, causing the latter to soften, and it becomes very easy to remove them.
The disadvantage of the chemical method is that the reagents do not penetrate under the gum and into the interdental space, so the bacteria that provoke the development of plaque do not die. Accordingly, after a short period of time, the stones will appear again.
The chemical method is used when other methods are contraindicated or stones are firmly attached to the tooth enamel.

Laser stone removal
Removal of plaque and tartar is performed under the influence of a special laser. The laser beam is directed to the damaged area, as a result of which the stone is crushed into small particles, which can then be easily washed with a special spray. The device has several operating modes that allow you to cope with any type of tooth contamination: stone, plaque, and so on.

This is one of the most modern and expensive methods of brushing your teeth. But it is also one of the safest. Enamel does not suffer during this procedure, because the effect is only on the stone. Also, during laser cleaning of the teeth, all the bacteria that cause the appearance of plaque are destroyed. Therefore, the risk of caries or any inflammatory processes is minimized.
The main disadvantage of the laser method is its high cost and the availability of a small number of dental clinics.
Air-abrasive technique (Air Flow)
Removal of plaque by the air-abrasive method boils down to the fact that abrasive substances act on the stone, andthe stream of water that is supplied with them washes away his remnants.
This method does an excellent job of removing plaque in hard-to-reach places.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning
Removal of dental plaque by ultrasound is cleaning teeth with a special apparatus that generates ultrasonic waves of the required frequency. They affect pollution from a distance.
The benefits of this method include:
- enamel is not damaged;
- cleans any type of dirt: plaque, hard stone, and so on;
- no pain;
- during the procedure, tissues are disinfected with oxygen;
- the procedure not only cleans the surface of the tooth, but also its root, as well as the gum;
- zero chance of cavities or gum disease;
- teeth whitening in progress.

Despite the impressive list of advantages of the ultrasonic method of brushing teeth, this method has several disadvantages. So, this procedure is contraindicated for people with severe diabetes, heart disease and those who have a pacemaker. It is also not recommended to use ultrasound for those who have increased sensitivity of teeth and gums, have ulcers or erosion in the oral cavity, orthopedic structures. There are also age restrictions: children and adolescents do not undergo this procedure.
Preventive measures against the occurrenceraid
To reduce the chances of developing plaque and stones, you should follow the simple recommendations of dentists:
- brush your teeth at least twice a day;
- choose quality toothpaste and brush;
- change your brush every quarter, because even if it looks like new, a lot of bacteria has already gathered on the bristles;
- use additional oral cleaning products: floss, irrigators, rinses;
- add more raw vegetables and fruits to your diet;
- use less coloring drinks (strong teas, coffee, sweet soda, etc.);
- if the surface of the teeth has already been cleaned from plaque and calculus, then follow the recommendations prescribed by your dentist (for example, additional rinsing of the mouth with antiseptics and / or decoctions of medicinal plants);
- use electric toothbrushes with rotating heads - they do a better job of brushing your teeth.

These tips will help prevent plaque buildup and the development of stones, respectively, and visits to the dentist for medical purposes will be much less.