Tooth anesthesia: doctor's appointment, rules, duration, indications, contraindications

Tooth anesthesia: doctor's appointment, rules, duration, indications, contraindications
Tooth anesthesia: doctor's appointment, rules, duration, indications, contraindications

Probably everyone has had a toothache at least once in their life. This is an unpleasant sensation that can be a symptom of a pathology, so you will need the intervention of a dentist. But many do not want to see a specialist because of fear of pain. But there is anesthesia of the tooth, which makes it possible to alleviate the condition of a person. This will be discussed in the article.

Types of anesthesia

Tooth anesthesia can be local, general, drug and non-drug. The latter type is used very rarely. These are hypnosis, audio analgesia and electro analgesia.

tooth anesthesia
tooth anesthesia

Dental anesthesia blocks pain impulses. Due to this, there is a temporary loss of sensitivity of individual tissues. After some time, the drug is removed from the body and the sensitivity of the surgical site is restored.

General anesthesia is rarely used. The main indication for the procedure is considered to be poor tolerance of local remedies, an extensive list of dentalworks. Local anesthesia is usually chosen when an anesthetic is injected into the treated area. This method of pain relief is used for adults and children.

Types of local anesthesia

Local anesthesia of the teeth is of the following types:

  1. Applique. The procedure freezes the surface layer of the tissue. For this purpose, creams are applied to the gums, a spray with "Lidocaine 10%". The application is performed before the injection. This will make the procedure less painful. Application anesthesia is used to treat stomatitis, gingivitis and other infectious diseases of the oral mucosa.
  2. Infiltration. The main difference of this method is the sparing effect. With the help of infiltration anesthesia, there is a loss of sensitivity in a limited area. The method is used during the treatment of the teeth of the upper jaw, since the drug is distributed more efficiently in these structures.
  3. Conductor. Anesthesia is designed to freeze large areas. This type of anesthesia is required for the loss of sensation of several elements that are far from each other. It is used for pulpitis, complex caries, opening of purulent capsules, periodontitis. After the introduction of the agent, there is a loss of sensitivity of the entire nerve bundle of the site.
  4. Intraligamentary. The method is used in pediatric dentistry. The drug is injected into the place between the alveolus and the root of the tooth. Mucous membranes do not lose sensitivity.
  5. Stem. The procedure is performed in a hospital. It is required for injuries of the maxillofacial apparatus, neuralgic pains. An injection is made at the base of the bones of the skull to ensure the loss of sensitivity in both jaws. Pain relief lasts longer and is more effective than other types of anesthesia.
  6. Intraosseous. This type of anesthesia of the tooth is required when it is removed. Perform it in several stages. First, the anesthetic is injected into the gum, and then into the jawbone. The freezing effect appears faster compared to other types of anesthesia.

Are teeth treated with anesthesia? With most dental diseases, this procedure is mandatory in order to alleviate the condition of a person. And what type of anesthesia to choose, the doctor must decide.


Local anesthesia involves the injection of an anesthetic with a syringe. The procedure allows you to reduce the sensitivity of a certain area where dental manipulation will be performed.

anesthesia for teeth
anesthesia for teeth

The active ingredients block impulses that are transmitted to the brain with the help of nerve endings. But the person will be conscious and will not feel pain even during surgery. This only causes a feeling of numbness in the area where the agent was injected.

Pros and cons

The advantage of local anesthesia is the absence of pain during the procedure. This anesthesia lasts 1-2 hours, which is suitable for a small amount of dental work. Of the advantages of such anesthesia, it is distinguished that it is suitable for pregnant women, as well as for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. For this, special tools are used,for example, Artikain. Another advantage is the convenience for the patient and the doctor. But it is important to consider that there may be allergic reactions to painkillers injections. Therefore, the patient needs to know what drugs he is allergic to.

The disadvantages include the presence of contraindications. Local anesthesia is prohibited in diabetes mellitus and renal failure. The downside is the short exposure time, especially if the procedure is serious. If the dentist cannot do all the work during the period of action of the remedy, then it is necessary to postpone the work for the next appointment, since the second administration of the medication is dangerous to he alth.


Is it possible to treat teeth with anesthesia? This procedure is necessary when:

  • treatment of medium and deep caries;
  • pulp removal;
  • surgical interventions;
  • denture implantation;
  • fitting some orthodontic appliances.

Do they anaesthetize the tooth with superficial caries? In this case, anesthesia can also be used. Enamel and dentine are sensitive areas, so pain is often felt when drilling.

anesthesia for tooth extraction
anesthesia for tooth extraction

If there was a lot of stress before visiting the dentist, but at night it is advisable to take a sedative - an extract of valerian or Afobazol. It is desirable to postpone dental treatment in case of weakness associated with SARS. It is undesirable to perform dental procedures during menstruation. At this time, there is a strong nervous excitability. Moreover, atsurgical intervention on "critical days" can lead to prolonged bleeding.


Dental anesthesia cannot be performed at:

  • allergies to drugs, therefore, before treatment, patients should notify the doctor about the side effects of freezing;
  • violations of metabolic processes - in these cases, an individual calculation of the amount of the administered drug is required;
  • children's age - smaller dosages are used for children.


In anesthesia for teeth, several drugs are used: Ultracain, Ubistezin, Septanest, Scandonest. Each tool has its own characteristics:

  1. Ultracaine is available with and without epinephrine. Due to the absence of a vasoconstrictor, the freezing time is 15-20 minutes. The drug is used for children and pregnant women. Contraindications include heart failure, hormonal disruptions.
  2. Ubistezin. They are produced in 2 forms, which differ in the concentration of epinephrine. The duration of action of the anesthetic is 40 minutes. The drug is used for patients who have heart problems and high blood pressure.
  3. "Septanest". The remedy includes adrenaline, articaine, preservatives. It cannot be used in the anesthesia of teeth in allergic people, but it is used during pregnancy and lactation. Duration - 45 minutes.
  4. "Scandonest". It contains no preservatives, so there are few contraindications. The tool is used in the treatment of teeth with diabetes mellitus, diseases of the thyroid gland, heartvessels. The action is 40 minutes.
Can teeth be treated with anesthesia?
Can teeth be treated with anesthesia?

Means selection

Is it harmful to treat teeth with anesthesia? The answer to this question depends on the correct choice of a suitable tool. For allergies and bronchial asthma, it is advisable to use a medication that does not include preservatives, for example, Ultracain D, and also not to use drugs with sodium disulfite. In case of diabetes mellitus and thyroid dysfunction, the dentist should choose an anesthetic without vasoconstrictors (Ultracain D, Scandonest).

With high blood pressure and pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, teeth should be anesthetized with a concentrated solution - "Ultracaine DS" or "Ubistezin". If there is heart disease or severe hypertension, drugs with adrenaline are prohibited. In these cases, it is better to choose "Ultracain D".

Totally he althy people need epinephrine anesthetics at a concentration of 1:100,000. Adults need to simultaneously enter up to 7 capsules without harm to he alth. When breastfeeding, injections of "Ubistezin" 1: 20000 or "Ultracain SD" are performed. These drugs are also safe for pregnant women.

The concentration of the active ingredient in anesthetics does not have a negative effect on the fetus. During pregnancy and lactation, you should not refuse funds with vasoconstrictor components. Adrenaline slows down the absorption of active substances, which reduces the concentration of the drug used in the body of a pregnant woman.


Before anesthesia when extracting a tooth or other dentalprocedure requires preparation. The day before, it is necessary to exclude the use of alcohol. In pregnant women, it is necessary to identify contraindications to the drugs used, if necessary, they are replaced with analogues.

anesthesia after tooth extraction
anesthesia after tooth extraction

Completely he althy people are allowed to take a sedative before anesthesia. For this, herbal and pharmacological preparations are used. Take the medicine 15-20 minutes before the procedure.

Duration of anesthesia

How long does anesthesia last after tooth treatment? The answer to this question depends on the type of agent used. Preparations for application anesthesia act no more than 2-3 minutes. If injections are carried out in the upper jaw, then the action lasts 2.5 hours. The interval may be different depending on the age of the person, the activity of his internal organs and the depth of the drug injection.

How long does anesthesia last after tooth extraction if the drug was injected into the lower jaw? If injections are performed into the deep layers of tissues, then the analgesic effect can last up to 4 hours or more. The time interval depends on the type of tooth being worked on, as well as on individual characteristics.

If numbness does not disappear for more than a day, then you need to see a doctor. If anesthesia was used for a child, then it is important for parents to monitor his condition for 1-2 days. After the treatment of a tooth with anesthesia, adults should not drive vehicles or engage in work that requires increased attention. After the procedure, it is not advisable to exercise for 2-3 hoursactive sports and physical activity.

After freezing

What can be done to quickly restore the condition after anesthesia of the tooth? To remove the symptoms of anesthesia will not work with medications. After anesthesia of the tooth, warm compresses can be used. It is impossible to heat the treated area with hot objects: this leads to a bacterial infection. It is allowed to close the damaged area with a warm scarf, ironed on both sides. Under the influence of heat, vasodilation occurs and anesthesia passes faster.

administer dental anesthesia
administer dental anesthesia

After anesthesia, do not drink alcohol. Patients should abstain from alcoholic beverages for 3-5 days thereafter, especially after tooth extraction. The aggressive components of alcoholic beverages corrode the protective clot that appears at the wound site. After its destruction, pathogenic bacteria enter the deep layers of the gum.


Sometimes a tooth hurts after anesthesia. In this case, you can drink non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Nimesil, Nise, Nurofen. When taking painkillers, it should be borne in mind that the period of their use should not be more than 3-4 days. Prolonged pain can be a symptom of a complication when medical attention is needed.

In addition to pain, after anesthesia during tooth extraction or its treatment, there may be other complications, manifested as:

  • disorders of the digestive tract;
  • skin allergies;
  • malaise;
  • headache.

Severe consequences appear when the dosage is not suitable. In this case, there is a risk:

  • nerve bundle damage;
  • necrosis of nerve cells;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • fatal.

To prevent these complications, you need to follow the recommendations of the dentist after the treatment: do not eat, drink alcohol. If after a day the anesthesia does not pass, then an ambulance is needed. The hospital administers an antidote that eliminates anesthesia in half an hour.

After tooth extraction

After the "departure" of anesthesia, the wound that appeared from the extracted tooth may hurt. In such cases, painkillers are taken. Often doctors advise the use of "Ketanov". This tool is able to stop severe pain, including postoperative. It is taken 1 tablet every 6 hours. But you need to use the medication for no more than 7 days.

Probable and side effects in the form of drowsiness, dyspepsia, increased dry mouth and heart palpitations. If the patient has such ailments as bronchial asthma, stomach or duodenal ulcers, kidney problems, you can not use this drug. It is also prohibited for pregnant, lactating women.

On the first day after tooth extraction, you should not rinse your mouth with anything. You can't drink alcohol or drink hot water either. And if swelling and pain reappear after 3 days, then an urgent visit to the dentist is required.

In pediatric dentistry

Anesthesia of the tooth is used for children, if there are indications for this and there are no contraindications, althoughmany drugs are powerful. In modern clinics, amide anesthetic drugs are used, which have a minimal allergenic potential (Scandonest, Ultracaine in small doses). These anesthetics provide pain relief for any amount of time, depending on the period required to complete the job. Anesthesia for children is used at any age.

If a child is afraid of needles, then preparatory procedures are performed, including psychological support and medical pain relief with a gel or spray. Especially in demand is a special gel that has a sweet or fruity flavor, so it is often used in the treatment of children and adolescents. The gel provides application anesthesia. Therefore, using it solves several problems.

When Pregnant

In the treatment of teeth during pregnancy for anesthesia, agents with a moderate concentration of vasoconstrictor components that slow down the penetration of the anesthetic into the blood and placenta should be used. On this issue, you should definitely consult with your dentist.

after dental anesthesia
after dental anesthesia

When breastfeeding

It is believed that dental anesthesia is prohibited during this period. But this is not so, since modern anesthetics are not harmful to mother and baby. Therefore, nursing mothers are not forbidden to treat their teeth with anesthesia. This is not only allowed, but recommended.

If necessary, it is necessary to engage in dental treatment during lactation, since constant discomfort and pain have a worse effect on the quality and quantity of milk than anesthesia of the toothwhen breastfeeding. Modern products have a short duration of action, they are not toxic, they are not considered an allergen, therefore they are absolutely safe for children.

Before treatment, a woman should notify the dentist about breastfeeding. In this case, the specialist can choose the optimal set of anesthetics and their number. Dental anesthesia during lactation can protect a woman from stress, pain, nervous shocks. But is it possible to breastfeed after such a procedure? This is allowed, since even potent drugs are excreted from the body within 5-6 hours.

Thus, anesthesia of the tooth is a mandatory procedure for many dental procedures. She will not feel pain or discomfort. Which type of anesthesia to use should be decided by the doctor based on the patient's condition.
