Petechiae are pinpoint hemorrhages in the mucous membranes or skin. As a result, small spots are formed, the diameter of which is about two millimeters. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that red blood cells penetrate through the walls of capillaries.

When the disease is just beginning, these dots are bright red. They turn brown over time. Such formations are on the same level with the skin and are not palpated. Petechiae differ from roseola in that they do not disappear when pressed with a finger.
Petechiae can look like red dots on the face. They can appear with typhus, purpura, septicemia, smallpox, Wergolf's disease, scurvy. When examining patients with these diseases, red dots on the face were always observed, which had a pink color and did not disappear after pressing with a finger, but over time acquired a brown color.
Petechiae are primary and secondary. With primary red currents on the face disappear after a few days. First, their outlines become blurry, the color fades, and then they cease to be visible at all.

Sometimes, red dots on the face can become greenish and blister with pus. This is characteristic of relapsing fever and is quite rare.
Petechiae are smaller in size than roseola spots and appear less intensely. Sometimes red dots on the face of a child can be mistaken for insect bites. But an experienced doctor immediately recognizes petechiae. They are accompanied by hemorrhage of blood vessels in the skin without ruptures, so this symptom is often not taken into account.
Secondary petechiae are characterized by the leakage of blood cells into adjacent tissues. This phenomenon does not disappear if you press with your finger. So, roseolous spots always develop into secondary petechiae. People of all ages can suffer from this phenomenon. Getting rid of petechiae is as easy as getting rid of pores on the face, it will not work if they do not go away on their own. In this case, only surgery will help.

This procedure is purely cosmetic and cannot guarantee that petechiae will not reappear.
Most often, petechiae appear due to injuries and strokes. On the face, they can occur due to severe coughing, vomiting. This is quite common in children. Strong pressure, applying a tourniquet can also cause the appearance of red spots. In these cases, petechiae pass on their own in a fewdays. They are not a symptom of a disease and are not dangerous to he alth.
However, in some cases, petechiae may indicate thrombocytopenia. This condition may be due to the use of specific medications or the presence of an infection in the body.
Red spots can also form due to bleeding disorders. Diseases such as systemic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Wegener's granulomatosis, infective endocarditis, periarteritis, hypercortisolism, scurvy can also be accompanied by the appearance of petechiae.