Penicillin antibiotics have been used in the treatment of infections for many decades, but they do not lose their relevance, all thanks to a wide list of actions against various pathogens and high efficiency in the most common pathologies. One of these drugs is the antibiotic Flemoxin Solutab, which differs from analogues, with the same active ingredient, a kind of dosage form that is convenient for use in childhood.

Is it possible to give medicine to the smallest children, for example, a month-old or one-year-old child? How to drink these pills, in what dosage are they used in pediatrics? Can this antibiotic harm the child's body, what negative manifestations occur due to an overdose? All the features of this drug will be discussed in the article below.
Form of release and features of the composition of the drug
The drug is produced in the Netherlands in the form of tablets that can easily dissolve in water, which is why they are called dispersible, on the packaging of the drug there is the word "solutab". The main component in the composition of Flemoxin is amoxicillin. It is found in the form of a s alt - amoxicillin trihydrate.
Depending on the amount of the compound in the preparation, there are different antibiotic tablets "Flemoxin Solutab", which contain 125, 250, 500 and 1000 milligrams of amoxicillin.
Outwardly, all variants of the drug are light yellow or white tablets with a risk (the drug can be further divided into halves, which is very important when used in pediatrics). They differ in numerical designations:
- tablets containing 125 milligrams, numbered 231;
- tablets containing 250 milligrams - 232;
- drug 500 milligrams – 234;
- "Flemoxin" with a dosage of 1000 milligrams - 236.
Pills are sold in blister packs of five, twenty tablets in one box. Only the drug, in which 125 milligrams of the active ingredient, additionally has packs of 10, 28 and 14 tablets. They are packaged both in blister packs of five and seven.

Auxiliary substances in the composition of "Flemoxin" of any dosage are the same. In order for the drug to be dense and at the same time dissolve with ease after interaction with the liquid,dispersible cellulose, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate and crospovidone are added. To make the tablets and the solution prepared from them sweet, they contain saccharin. The aroma of the drug is provided by vanillin and flavors of lemon and tangerine.
How this drug works
Antibiotic "Flemoxin Solutab" is a group of penicillin semi-synthetic antibacterial drugs, which by their structure are included in a large group of beta-lactam drugs (in addition to penicillins, it also includes carbapenems, monobactams and cephalosporin antibiotics). Such drugs have a bactericidal effect on many types of bacteria, as they can disrupt the synthesis of significant components of the cell walls, which are called peptidoglycans. When exposed to bacteria during their growth and division, Flemoxin causes them to die.
The drug is active against numerous microorganisms, including:
- Streptococcus pyogenic;
- pneumococcus;
- helicobacter;
- meningococcus;
- listeria;
- tetanus bacillus;
- staphylococcus aureus;
- anthrax bacillus;
- gonococcus.

According to the instructions, "Flemoxin" may not work on Salmonella, Shigella, Enterococcus, E. coli, Proteus, Vibrio cholerae. Therefore, if such a pathogen has been detected, it is necessary to first determine its sensitivity and then begin treatment.
There are types of bacteria against which "Flemoxin Solutab" is ineffective in principle, for example, against Enterobacter or Pseudomonas. In addition, this drug does not affect viruses, and therefore its use is inappropriate for ARVI and other viral infections.
A solution from a tablet or a preparation in its pure form is absorbed quite quickly and does not break down in the stomach, since the drug is resistant to acids.
The largest amount of the active substance is found in the blood two hours after consumption. The diet has almost no effect on the absorption of the drug, so the antibiotic "Flemoxin Solutab" is allowed to drink at any time of the day, regardless of meals. The drug is excreted from the body with urine, and therefore renal pathologies can affect this process.
When is the medicine used?
Soluble tablets are used for infectious pathologies that were caused by bacteria sensitive to the effects of amoxicillin. The indications of "Flemoxin" are described in detail in the instructions. The drug is used in the treatment of:
- otitis media, pneumonia, sinusitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and other bacterial infections of the respiratory system;
- erysipelas, bursitis, myositis and other skin or soft tissue infections;
- leptospirosis, dysentery, salmonellosis and other gastrointestinal infections;
- peritonitis, endocarditis, scarlet fever and other diseases caused by streptococci;
- urethritis, cystitis and other bacterial inflammation of the urogenital organssystem.

At what age can this medicine be used?
"Flemoxin" is used for children of different age categories. The drug is more often prescribed to patients after the age of five, since dissolving tablets are very convenient to give to children at this age.
In this case, the use of "Flemoxin" for children should be supervised by a specialist. Only after examining a doctor can you be sure that such an antibiotic is necessary, as well as accurately calculate the dosage required for a particular disease.
Instructions for "Flemoxin"
Let's figure out how to take this medication correctly?
The tablet can be chewed and swallowed, divided into halves, washed down with water. But in childhood, the most effective method of administration is to make a suspension (one hundred milliliters of water is mixed with a crushed tablet) and syrup (a tablet ground into powder is dissolved in twenty milliliters of water). These liquid formulations taste good and are easy for children to swallow.
The dosage of "Flemoxin" should be determined on an individual basis, since the severity of the infectious process, the weight, and the age of a small patient affect the calculation of the required amount. Per day, children can receive 30-60 milligrams of the active substance for every kilogram of body weight. If the disease is of moderate or mild severity, the drug is often used according to the following scheme:
- One to three years - 125mg tablets three times a day(both a whole tablet and a half serving of 250 mg, sometimes patients at this age are prescribed a double dose of 250 mg).
- From three to ten years, they usually take 250 mg tablets, the drug is taken in a similar dose three times, however, in some situations, the specialist prescribes a double dose of 375 mg - one and a half tablets of 250 mg (simultaneous dissolution of two tablets of different dosages is also allowed – 125 and 250 mg).
- After ten years, the medication should be taken either three times a day from 375 to 500 mg, or twice a day from 500 to 750 mg.

When is a higher dose of a drug needed?
In severe cases of angina, the antibiotic "Flemoxin Solutab" is taken in a higher dosage three times a day. A similar tactic is used for a hard-to-reach focus of inflammation (for example, in the middle ear) or for chronic infections and relapses. With defects in renal activity, the dose is reduced taking into account the indicators of the analysis of urine and blood.
The duration of the treatment course is most often from 5 to 7 days. Only when diagnosing pyogenic streptococcus, an antibiotic is given for at least ten days. The drug is used for other infections while there are symptoms of the disease, plus two more days.
Contraindications to the use of medication
The drug "Flemoxin Solutab" is not prescribed for children when they have excessive sensitivity to it or other amoxicillin drugs. This medication should not be usedif you are allergic to all beta-lactam antibiotics. When using tablets, care should be taken in patients with allergies to other drugs, identified renal failure or infectious mononucleosis.
Specialist supervision is necessary when prescribing medication to patients with lymphocytic leukemia or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Side effects of this medicine
What are the side effects?
"Flemoxin Solutab" can negatively affect the patient's digestion in the form of inflammation of the tongue, nausea, loose stools, dysbacteriosis, stomatitis, vomiting or changes in taste. In some children, the drug provokes liver damage or colitis. In rare cases, it causes inflammation of the kidney tissues.
Children's nervous system can also respond with confusion, behavioral changes, insomnia, anxiety, headaches, etc. The use of tablets can also worsen the hematopoietic process, and therefore in the blood test in some patients a decrease in the concentration of platelets, neutrophils and other cells is detected. Among other things, allergic reactions (urticaria, skin redness, rhinitis) may occur.
Development of candidiasis in babies
With a decrease in immunity in a child, "Flemoxin Solutab" can provoke candidiasis. This side effect in infants often manifests itself in the form of thrush in the oral cavity: its mucous membrane itches and turns red, the mother may see a white coating upon examination. The medication maycause vaginitis in girls, the signs of which are white discharge, pain during urination, vaginal itching, redness of the mucosa.
Risk of superinfection
If the drug is taken incorrectly, superinfection develops due to the resistance of bacteria to the composition. This complication occurs if:
- does not take into account bacterial sensitivity to the drug;
- mother buys the drug herself and gives it to the child in cases where it is not needed;
- parents want to prevent the negative impact and reduce the dosage of the antibiotic themselves by one dose or the whole day;
- one or more doses of the remedy were accidentally missed;
- the child was not completed, the therapeutic course was interrupted after the patient's condition improved.
Patient reviews of this drug
Reviews of "Flemoxin Solutab" abound. The drug has a rather high demand among parents, since this form is convenient in the treatment of children of any age. The drug is well diluted with water, the finished solution has a very pleasant taste. Judging by the reviews, it effectively fights against various infectious diseases (for example, bronchitis, tonsillitis or otitis media), helping to eliminate earaches, coughs, fever and other symptoms. Due to the sweet taste, almost all children take the pill without much difficulty.
Negative comments
However, there are also negative reviews about Flemoxin Solutab, as somehe does not help the sick. Most often this is caused by the resistance of bacteria to the active substance. There are also complaints about unwanted effects when using pills.

Although side effects are rare, babies sometimes experience rashes, nausea, and other adverse reactions. Regarding the price of the drug, it must be said that some users consider it too high and purchase cheaper analogues, while others consider it acceptable.