If your tooth hurts, what to do at home

If your tooth hurts, what to do at home
If your tooth hurts, what to do at home

Toothache can be very insidious. She overtakes a person by surprise precisely at the moment when he does not expect her at all. Very often, pain is transferred to the ear and head. What to do if a tooth hurts? In this review, we will look at the main ways to deal with discomfort.

Emergency funds

toothache medicines
toothache medicines

How to cope with discomfort if a tooth hurts a lot? What to do? As an emergency remedy, you can try to use medicines and folk remedies. Many also confirm the effectiveness of Chinese medicine. There are a number of points on our body that, when pressed, can relieve pain.

Incisor hurts: what not to do?

Let's take a closer look at this. What should never be done with a toothache:

  1. Heat the sore spot: Heat can trigger infection. This will only worsen the patient's condition.
  2. Sleep on a flat surface: the head should always lie on a slight rise. So the blood will not accumulate in the area of inflammation.
  3. Drink cold water: oncoolness may give relief for a while, but not for long. After a few days, a flux or inflammation of the dental nerve may develop.
  4. Taking antibiotics without a doctor's recommendation: this is a serious drug, so it is not recommended to take them on your own.

What medicines help with toothache?

aching toothache
aching toothache

Today there are enough of them. What to do if a tooth hurts? The first and most reasonable decision is to visit a dental office. If this is not possible, then special pills will help relieve pain. You can buy them at any pharmacy. You will probably find some of them in your first-aid kit at home. From a toothache, such proven and effective drugs as Aspirin and Analgin help well. It is better to start taking them in half a tablet. It should also be borne in mind that "Aspirin" adversely affects tooth enamel and the state of the gastrointestinal tract. "Analgin" can adversely affect the processes of hematopoiesis. For this reason, it is impossible to take such painkillers uncontrollably. They are used only for the relief of acute pain. They also help to reduce some inflammation. You can take no more than 4 tablets per day.

Another drug that is very effective for toothache is Ketanov. It has a strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. However, it has a number of contraindications. It should not be drunk by persons under the age of 16, as well as lactating and pregnant women.women. "Ketanov" is contraindicated in people suffering from kidney and liver failure.

Injections for toothache

How to choose the right one? What to do if a tooth hurts badly? Injections give immediate effect. They help to quickly eliminate dental inflammation. Due to the principle of action, the drugs quickly enter the bloodstream and instantly relieve pain. As a medicine for injection, you can use "Ketanov". A good effect is also given by the so-called triplets: a combination of Dimedrol, Analgin and Aspirin. Such an injection will allow you to instantly get rid of severe toothache.

We treat incisors with folk remedies

relief from toothache at home
relief from toothache at home

What if you can't see a doctor right away and have a bad toothache? What to do quickly at home? To cope with a toothache will help folk remedies. There are many of them today. With aching pain, propolis helps well. It is enough to attach a small piece of this remedy to the focus of inflammation in the mouth. And after 15 minutes, this useful product can significantly relieve pain. The effect is also brought by alcohol tincture of propolis. 3 ml of the product should be diluted in a glass of water and used as a rinse.

You can treat toothache with an iodine compress. A cotton swab dipped in the solution is simply applied to the aching tooth and held until relief is felt. You can rub your gums with iodine. However, this procedure should not be carried out more than 4 times a day.day. In addition, this method is not suitable for children. You can also prepare a solution for rinsing. To do this, in a glass of water you need to dilute 6 drops of iodine and 5 grams of s alt. This method is not suitable for pregnant women. If puffiness appears on the outside of the cheek, then you can draw an iodine grid on it. It should be applied three times with an interval of 15 minutes.

Another effective remedy for treating toothache is lard. It is enough just to attach a piece of this product to the focus of inflammation. Never use s alted lard.

Toothache can be treated with hydrogen peroxide. It has an excellent antiseptic effect. It is necessary to prepare a solution of 110 ml of water and 10 ml of peroxide. This liquid is used for rinsing. If the pain is severe, you can hold a small amount of the solution in your mouth.

Even in the distant past, people used garlic to fight toothache. The peeled slice is rubbed on the wrist. You can also wrap a piece of garlic in gauze and fix it on the fold of the brush with a band-aid. The vegetable must be used on the side opposite the inflamed tooth.

Rinses and solutions for toothache

Which is better to use? What to do if a tooth hurts? A good effect is given by rinsing with special solutions. S alt and soda are traditional remedies for treating toothache. They can be used both separately and together. For a glass of water you need to take 7 grams of soda. Rinsing is carried out 7 times a day.

Herbal infusions and products are good for oral disinfection. ThisThe procedure will help to get rid of inflammation and pain. You can use sage infusion. To prepare it, take 15 grams of grass per glass of boiling water. The liquid is heated in a water bath for 10 minutes. The strained product is cooled to a comfortable temperature and used for rinsing. The procedure is carried out every one and a half hours. In the same way, you can prepare an infusion of mint, plantain or lemon balm. Good help for toothache and fresh plantain leaves. You just need to pour boiling water over the leaves and knead a little in your hands.

Unconventional ways

aching toothache
aching toothache

Very often, toothache is transferred to other areas. As a result, discomfort occurs in the ear area. In addition, it also hurts under the tooth. What to do in this case? You can try the methods of Chinese healers. These include acupressure (acupuncture). There are three active points on the human body, when exposed to them, you can easily and quickly get rid of pain. This is a place located on the hand between the thumb and forefinger. Try massaging this area of the hand on the opposite side of the inflamed tooth. Within 4 minutes you need to make soft rotational movements. You can also use a piece of ice for a massage.

Another important point is the nail of the index finger. It is necessary to massage the hand on the same side where the aching tooth is located. You can also try massaging the top edge and earlobe. Massage movements are performed in the direction from top to bottom. The index finger should be pressed toappearance of slight redness.

Other methods

What should I do if my tooth hurts? You can cope with discomfort with the help of essential oils. Peppermint and clove oils work best. They can be dripped directly on the hole in the tooth or applied on a cotton swab to the sore spot. One drop will be enough. However, it should be borne in mind that essential oils can burn mucous membranes.

Toothache in children

toothache in children
toothache in children

What do you need to know about her? Since children have very thin tooth enamel, their incisors hurt quite often. For their treatment, it is better to choose safe and effective means. A child has a swollen tooth and hurts: what to do? Of the drugs, Ibuklin helps best of all. It is a syrup containing ibuprofen and paracetamol. You can also give your child to chew propolis. With severe pain, the remedy is applied directly to the site of inflammation. After a few minutes, even the most acute pain will pass.

For dental treatment, such a natural antibiotic as beets is perfect. It is enough just to put a little fresh vegetable between the gum and the incisor. Angelica leaves also have a good effect.

It is important to teach your child how to properly brush their teeth as early as possible. As soon as the baby's first incisor has erupted, you can start hygienic cleaning.

How to treat a toothache during pregnancy?

teeth hurt
teeth hurt

This issue should be given special attention. What to do if during the period of bearing a child, the expectant mother has a very painful tooth? Whatmake? It is very difficult for pregnant women to get rid of problems with incisors, because many drugs in their position simply cannot be taken.

The list of approved painkillers for pregnant women includes:

  • "Spazmalgon";
  • "No-shpa";
  • "Paracetamol".

But it's better to first try to get rid of the pain with the help of folk remedies. Cloves or powder from it work well. It disinfects the oral cavity and helps eliminate pain. It is only necessary to place the spice on the gum near the affected tooth. For acute pain, you can use a mixture of Kalanchoe juice and aloe. They must be mixed in equal proportions. This tool is recommended to lubricate the gums.

During breastfeeding, drugs such as Lidocaine and Ultracaine can be used. They are given in the form of injections. After the procedure, you will not be able to feed the baby for a couple of hours.

When else can incisor problems occur?


What to do if a tooth hurts after installing a prosthesis? If the operation was performed correctly, there should be no discomfort. Within three days after prosthetics, pain may persist. If, after the adaptation period is over, you still feel pain under the crown, then the procedure was not performed correctly. Most likely, these sensations are caused by improper turning of the tooth or perforation of the root canal. In this case, it is better not to self-medicate, but immediately contact your doctor.

What if the extracted tooth hurts? What to do in this case? If discomfort persists for a long time and the remedies described above do not work, you should visit a dentist.


Toothache is one of the most annoying ailments a person has to deal with in life. It is difficult to constantly monitor the he alth of the incisors, so it is extremely important to know how to cope with painful sensations. The situation can be complicated by the inability to visit the dental office.

visit to the dentist
visit to the dentist

What if a tooth hurts when pressed? What to do? In order to quickly stop the pain, use medications. Best of all, Analgin and Ketanov cope with toothache. The latter can even be used in the form of an injection. If there are no medicines at hand, try folk remedies to relieve pain. Even a simple solution of s alt and soda will give a positive effect. Good help infusions of herbs and propolis. You can also use essential oils. In the absence of the simplest folk remedies, you can try to relieve pain with the help of acupuncture. There are several points on our body, the impact on which helps to get rid of pain.
