Treat your teeth during pregnancy is safe

Treat your teeth during pregnancy is safe
Treat your teeth during pregnancy is safe

Pregnancy is great news! However, she obliges a woman to clearly plan her own life for quite a long time ahead, adjusting her to this delicate position. Complete he althy rest, tasty and nutritious food, positive emotions - all this will be a little later.

To treat teeth
To treat teeth

First of all, you need to visit a dentist so as not to suffer the question of how to treat your teeth in the later stages.

In fact, it is necessary to treat teeth, or rather, everyone, not just pregnant women, should come for a preventive examination. If you visit the dentist at least once every six months, then the likelihood of advanced caries and other complications is significantly reduced. All problems are fixed when they occur. But even if the teeth have never caused trouble, then during pregnancy they are likely to appear. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent this phenomenon.

A timely visit to the dentist will make pregnancy a little more pleasant. If the teeth are treated in time, then neither the mother nor the baby will have any problems.

In the state of pregnancy, calcium metabolism is disturbed in the body. Stocks maternalorganisms are sent to build the skeleton of the future baby. Therefore, it is so important to treat teeth on time, because calcium deficiency can easily occur during pregnancy, which is completely

Dental care during pregnancy
Dental care during pregnancy

will destroy unhe althy teeth. He althy teeth also suffer, but the risk of getting problems with them is much lower. Also, during pregnancy, the composition of saliva changes due to the restructuring of the salivary gland. The protective properties of saliva are lost. Against the background of a weakened immune system of a pregnant woman, this can lead to a serious development of caries. It is necessary to treat teeth at the first manifestations of this disease, otherwise the process will be aggravated at an extremely rapid pace. Also, scientists found that 30% of pregnant women who had hidden infectious foci, infection of the fetus and the birth of children with reduced immunity, problems with the digestive tract and other diseases occurred. Diseases such as gingivitis, pulpitis, and gum problems are also common. Therefore, it is important not only to treat teeth, but also to monitor the condition of the gums. During pregnancy, visiting the dentist is a must. The modern level of development of medicine allows you to dispel all fears about the use of anesthesia. Today there are drugs that do not penetrate the placental barrier and do not have any effect on the fetus. Dental care during pregnancy is safe, even if x-rays are required.

Where is the best place to treat your teeth?
Where is the best place to treat your teeth?

New generation lead aprons reliably protect the fetus from radiation, and the dose used today isten times lower than that which can have any effect on a person. The X-rays will not reach the baby in any case.

For all these reasons, you should not be afraid of dentists during pregnancy. An untreated tooth can be a much greater danger to the baby than harmless anesthesia or radiography. Dental problems should not overshadow the happy period of preparation for motherhood. The main thing is to decide where it is better to treat your teeth. It is best to trust a proven professional who can be recommended by friends. Or ask your doctor for advice. He probably has a dentist colleague who knows how to handle a delicate situation.