Toothache: treatment

Toothache: treatment
Toothache: treatment

Each of us has encountered at least once in his life with such a problem as toothache, it is accompanied by unpleasant and unbearable sensations. Occurs when tooth enamel is damaged, inflammation of the tissues of the tooth, gums and neuralgia of the nerve.

The role of teeth


Teeth play an important role in human life. Their physiological function is to mechanically process food and chew it thoroughly. Teeth are of great importance for the correct speech of a person. When they are lost, a person’s speech becomes slurred, words are distorted. The aesthetic side of this problem should not be forgotten. Remember! He althy teeth give you confidence in dealing with people and increase self-esteem!

Prevention of dental diseases

Some tips for preventing pain in the tooth. For this you need:

- floss after every meal;

- brush your teeth twice a day;

- change your toothbrush regularly (every two months) to prevent the growth of microorganisms;

- include in your diet foods rich in calcium, phosphorus,fluorine;

- visit the dentist at least once a year.

Varieties of toothache

how to rinse for toothache
how to rinse for toothache

Toothache can be:

- pulsating;

- spicy;

- intense;

- aching;

- permanent;

- paroxysmal.

Causes of toothache

Toothache comes from many causes. We list the most common:

- flux, abscess (suppuration in the gums, sometimes may be accompanied by pulsation);

- caries (gradual tooth decay);

- periodontitis (inflammation of the gums) - aching pain occurs;

- teething;

- unsuccessful tooth extraction;

- pulpitis (inflammation of the pulp of the tooth) - pain occurs mainly at night;

- periodontitis (causes tooth decay);

- cracked teeth;

- mechanical loads;

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get rid of toothache fast

- temperature effect.

How to get rid of pain

If you are at home, then first you should brush your teeth, thereby you will free your mouth from food debris, and then rinse your mouth. The question may arise about how to rinse with a toothache. For pain relief, it is appropriate to use the following folk remedies: sage, oak bark, raspberry leaves, chamomile decoction, eucalyptus, oregano, calendula. You can apply propolis, a mixture of garlic and onions, a slice of lard, ice, alcohol tincture to a diseased tooth. Oruse the medicinal method. It is necessary to take painkillers, for example, drugs "Aspirin", "Ibuprofen", "Analgin", "Ketanov" and others. To quickly get rid of a toothache will help the old way - water with baking soda. Dissolve one and a half teaspoons of soda in a glass of water and rinse your mouth with the prepared solution. If a toothache caught you outside the house, and there are no pharmacies nearby, then an unconventional method will help you - shiatsu massage. Press with three fingers on the following points: the carotid artery, the temples and the cheek. This method will relieve the condition for a short time. The use of these funds is appropriate only for temporary relief of pain in the tooth; in no case can they be a substitute for therapy. The best advice to relieve pain is to rush to the dentist as soon as possible. No need to self-medicate! The doctor will examine, take an x-ray of the teeth and make an accurate diagnosis.