Dentistry 2024, October

"Lakalut" (toothpaste). Toothpaste rating. Dentist advice

"Lakalut" (toothpaste). Toothpaste rating. Dentist advice

“Lakalut” is a toothpaste used daily by millions of people around the world. Developed in Germany, it soon won the trust of consumers around the world, as evidenced by the following fact: almost no toothpaste rating is complete without at least one name "Lakalut"

Dental cement: composition, tips for choosing

Dental cement: composition, tips for choosing

Today, in dental clinics, each patient can choose any material for himself. To preserve and restore the attractiveness of a diseased tooth, the establishment of a crown will help. Any dentist knows that prosthetics will be successful only if high quality dental cement is used for reliable fixation

What is periodontal disease? The reasons for its occurrence

What is periodontal disease? The reasons for its occurrence

Periodontosis is a disease that leads to dystrophy of the periodontal tissues and atrophy of the jaw. Because of this, pathological violations of the integrity of the interdental areas occur. Microcirculation in the blood vessels is disturbed, the gum becomes pale, descends, exposing the roots of the teeth. This leads to their loosening and even loss

Tatar. Removal and prevention

Tatar. Removal and prevention

Many people are very negligent about the he alth and condition of their teeth, turning to the dentist only with severe, unrelenting pain. In this case, it is not always possible to save the "Hollywood smile". To avoid this situation, you need to try a little. You need to look out for cavities and tartar in the early stages, the removal of which will refresh your smile and keep it for years to come

What is ultrasonic teeth cleaning?

What is ultrasonic teeth cleaning?

No matter how sweet advertisers would not sing in our ears, already an hour after eating, such a fabulous amount of bacteria lives in the mouth that a simple "Orbit" cannot save the matter. Over time, brushing your teeth with ultrasound becomes not a fashionable procedure, but a necessity

Ultrasonic scaler: description. Dental equipment

Ultrasonic scaler: description. Dental equipment

The ultrasonic scaler is an efficient dental device that facilitates the most complex procedures. The need for its use arises among a variety of specialists, from diagnosticians and therapists to surgeons

Bleeding gums: causes, treatment

Bleeding gums: causes, treatment

If you feel pain in the gums and they bleed, then this may be a signal that an inflammatory process has begun to develop in the oral cavity, caused by actively multiplying pathogenic bacteria. If there is no treatment during this period, this will lead to further periodontal inflammation and other dangerous dental diseases

Weleda, toothpaste: composition, reviews. Weleda S alt Toothpaste

Weleda, toothpaste: composition, reviews. Weleda S alt Toothpaste

Weleda is the oldest natural cosmetics company. This brand of toothpaste is safe and effective for many oral problems. It is suitable for both adults and children. And thanks to the natural composition, it can be used even by people with sensitive gums

Stone in the salivary gland: causes, symptoms, removal and treatment

Stone in the salivary gland: causes, symptoms, removal and treatment

A stone in the salivary gland or salivary stone disease is the formation of the so-called salivolitis in the ducts or less often in the parenchyma of these glands. Blockage of the duct causes acute pain, an increase in the size of the gland, and in severe cases, an abscess or phlegmon

Lumineers: reviews of doctors about the pros and cons

Lumineers: reviews of doctors about the pros and cons

In the field of dentistry, research is constantly underway, new methods of dental treatment, correction of deficiencies, whitening are being introduced. Just recently, all the usual veneers were replaced by lumineers. Feedback on this innovation in the field of dental cosmetic prosthetics is generally positive. Although some patients may complain of some discomfort at first, which passes quickly enough

Ointment for gum inflammation. Treatment of gingivitis

Ointment for gum inflammation. Treatment of gingivitis

The problem of inflamed gums is often underestimated. Meanwhile, gingivitis, and this is the name of this disease, is fraught not only with bad breath. A delayed reaction to its appearance can lead to the loss of all teeth! Ointment for gum inflammation, such as Cholisal or Metrogyl Denta, can significantly reduce the risk of developing the disease

Yellow teeth: causes and methods of whitening

Yellow teeth: causes and methods of whitening

Yellow teeth are the norm. Many people are embarrassed by their ivory shade, but few people know that a snow-white smile is found in only 20% of the population. But if a light, not very conspicuous yellowness is considered the norm, then bright and unnatural - no. She needs to be fought. And not just for aesthetic reasons. Yellow teeth usually indicate he alth problems. What exactly? But this is worth talking about in more detail

Tooth abscess: symptoms, causes and treatment. Abscess after wisdom tooth extraction

Tooth abscess: symptoms, causes and treatment. Abscess after wisdom tooth extraction

Tooth abscess is a serious disease accompanied by throbbing pain. In the absence of timely treatment, the pathological process can spread to neighboring areas, including bone tissue. Since the disease is infectious in nature, its complication is dangerous for human life

Oral freshener: composition, benefits and features

Oral freshener: composition, benefits and features

The oral cavity is constantly exposed to pathogenic bacteria. When there is no way to brush your teeth, but a business meeting or a date is planned, a mouth freshener will help to get rid of an unpleasant smell for a while

How teeth whitening is done: methods. Teeth whitening: the most effective and safest methods. Dentists' recommendations

How teeth whitening is done: methods. Teeth whitening: the most effective and safest methods. Dentists' recommendations

There are different methods that make teeth whitening easy and convenient. However, not all of them are equally safe

Domodedovo dental clinic: services

Domodedovo dental clinic: services

Domodedovo Dental Clinic is an institution that offers a wide range of services related to the treatment of the oral cavity. There is also a children's room

Computed tomography of teeth: diagnostic features, advantages of the method

Computed tomography of teeth: diagnostic features, advantages of the method

Maxillary computed tomography is an integral part of modern diagnostics in the field of dentistry. The procedure makes it possible to examine in detail the structure of the patient's teeth, as well as assess the condition of the soft tissues. Images obtained using the technique are used in orthopedic, therapeutic, surgical dentistry

Gingivitis in a child: causes, treatment, drugs

Gingivitis in a child: causes, treatment, drugs

What is gingivitis? Causes of gum disease. Forms of gingivitis and symptoms of the disease. Gingivitis in young children

Gazaev Omar – orthopedic dentist

Gazaev Omar – orthopedic dentist

Omar Gazaev is a very famous orthopedic dentist. His biography is not as well known as he is. Indeed, thanks to an affair with Bondarchuk's wife, Gazaev became famous throughout the country

Implant "Nobel": reviews, manufacturer, country, installation

Implant "Nobel": reviews, manufacturer, country, installation

A beautiful smile is the dream of millions. This is not only a visiting card of a successful modern person, but also a guarantee of he alth. Consider the Nobel implant systems, which occupy a leading position and have earned the love of patients from all over the world

Korean dental implants: review, design features, installation, reviews of dentists and patients

Korean dental implants: review, design features, installation, reviews of dentists and patients

Loss or removal of a milk tooth in a child is considered a natural and normal process. A similar situation in adults develops into a problem. The absence of even one tooth will certainly entail both aesthetic and medical consequences. It's all about the resulting empty space. Because of it, adjacent teeth are loosened and displaced. Malocclusion develops

Zirconium crowns: types, indications and reviews

Zirconium crowns: types, indications and reviews

Modern dentistry is constantly evolving. To date, there are a large number of methods of prosthetics. Many of them are a worthy alternative to dental units, both in terms of physiological properties and in terms of aesthetics

Symptoms of teething in a child

Symptoms of teething in a child

Sooner or later, every baby starts teething. How to tell mommy when little "pearls" appear? What are the symptoms of teething in a child?

Swollen gums - what to do?

Swollen gums - what to do?

Problems with teeth and gums had or have almost every person on our planet. Improper nutrition, lack of vitamins, poor oral hygiene, hereditary factors - all this greatly affects the he alth of teeth and gums

What to do if your teeth itch?

What to do if your teeth itch?

Why does an adult's teeth itch? Diseases that can cause itchy gums. How to treat itching in the gums and what drugs are prescribed?

Toothpaste "Aquafresh": description, types, reviews

Toothpaste "Aquafresh": description, types, reviews

The history of the Aquafresh brand began in Portugal, where in 1972 GlaxoSmithKline began to manufacture the products of this brand. The toothpaste entering the world market is produced only at GlaxoSmithKline factories without any licenses and intermediaries

Correct and incorrect bite of teeth: description, photo, correction

Correct and incorrect bite of teeth: description, photo, correction

A person's bite can be of two types: correct and incorrect. Correct bite makes the lower part of the face (dentofacial) symmetrical, which makes it possible to properly chew food and breathe without complications

Tooth bridge: reviews. Dental bridge installation

Tooth bridge: reviews. Dental bridge installation

Missing teeth can not only cause discomfort during a conversation, but also adversely affect the appearance of your smile. Moreover, the absence of such bone formations in the oral cavity causes the adjacent teeth to shift, bite changes, as well as jaw joint disorders and an increase in the risk of caries and periodontal disease

Dental First Aid

Dental First Aid

Every dentist has to deal with a patient emergency in their practice. Such cases include fainting along with anaphylactic shock, asthma attacks, epileptic seizures, and so on, up to a heart attack. In such situations, the main thing is to do everything right and quickly

Where to deal with acute toothache? 24-hour dentistry, addresses and reviews

Where to deal with acute toothache? 24-hour dentistry, addresses and reviews

It happens that a toothache occurs on the weekend or at night. At this time, most dental clinics are closed, and all hope remains only on duty points for receiving patients. In order to avoid a nervous breakdown from pain and other complications, you need to know exactly what to do and where to deal with acute toothache

Composite veneers: reviews. Composite veneers: before and after photos

Composite veneers: reviews. Composite veneers: before and after photos

Composite veneers are thin overlays for teeth that are made from composite materials by applying them in layers. The difference from ordinary overlays is that they are made directly in the patient's oral cavity

Biorepair (toothpaste): description and composition

Biorepair (toothpaste): description and composition

Biorepair is a unique formula containing Microrepair. Thanks to this component, it has a number of undeniable advantages over other oral cleaning products

Implant or crown - what is better for a tooth?

Implant or crown - what is better for a tooth?

Missing tooth can be replaced and restore its chewing function and aesthetic appearance. To do this, the dentist can offer several options for solving the problem: an implant or a crown is installed on the tooth. Which is better, the doctor decides for medical reasons, and the patient - for personal preferences

How to prevent receding gums - possible causes and treatment features

How to prevent receding gums - possible causes and treatment features

Receding gums (recession) not only damage the aesthetic plan, but also threatens to lose perfectly he althy teeth. Not to mention that this is a progressive process as over time it can take over the entire jaw. The cause of this condition is the destruction of bone tissue, which causes exposure of the roots of the teeth, because the gums prolapse. Treatment will be discussed in this article

The human dental formula. What does it mean and what types of formulas exist

The human dental formula. What does it mean and what types of formulas exist

Many people wonder how many teeth a child and an adult should have? For this, there are special formulas that help to learn in detail about the number of teeth in all age categories

False teeth: types and methods of implantation

False teeth: types and methods of implantation

97% of the population over the age of fifty have false teeth. Many complex about this. But it's not that scary at all. Modern technologies make it possible to manufacture such a prosthesis or tooth, which does not differ at all from the real one

Learn how stomatitis is treated

Learn how stomatitis is treated

Did you feel a cutting pain in your mouth? Is it difficult for you to speak, can't eat? Has the body temperature also risen? Perhaps you have stomatitis. Look into your mouth. Have white dots appeared on the gums, cheek or under the tongue? This disease is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. This article will be helpful to everyone. We offer to learn what stomatitis is and how to treat it

What to do if your jaw crumpled: step by step instructions

What to do if your jaw crumpled: step by step instructions

It's not uncommon for us to hear a complaint about a cramped jaw. Moreover, it is almost impossible to independently establish the cause of this phenomenon. Most often, this condition is not dangerous and passes without complications. However, sometimes there are situations when the jaw reduces due to serious he alth problems

Dental implants: patient reviews about the operation

Dental implants: patient reviews about the operation

Despite the fact that dentists have been installing dental implants for a relatively long time, reviews about this procedure are quite diverse and contradictory. Let's see how things really are

Effective treatment of stomatitis at home

Effective treatment of stomatitis at home

At the first signs of the disease, you can start treating stomatitis at home. Pain while eating, sores on the mucous membrane - all these are signs of stomatitis. Treatment is reduced to rinsing and rubbing. Chamomile, calendula, aloe are excellent for stomatitis