Any pathology in the oral cavity should not be ignored. A bump on the gum is a dangerous sign that may indicate the rapid development of infection in the body. If at the same time a person feels bad, in no case should you postpone a visit to the doctor.
Hematoma after tooth extraction
Tooth extraction is the most common surgical procedure in dentistry. Statistical data indicate that only in 70% of cases the treatment goes without complications. If the patient asked for help too late or there are chronic diseases, problems may appear after tooth extraction. A hard bump on the gum is a common occurrence after surgery. It's a hematoma.

Especially often troubles appear after the removal of complex teeth with long roots. Often, the dentist cuts the gum. This is the only way to get all the elements of the molar. As a result, soft tissues become inflamed, bruising is observed. The appearance of a hematoma may be accompanied by a general deterioration in well-being. Often there is subfebrile temperature. After surgery, the doctor prescribes antibiotics to prevent infection.
A serious complication after tooth extraction is limited osteomyelitis. A white bump appears on the gum. In this case, the patient complains of severe pain and bad breath. A purulent inflammatory process begins to capture the elements of the jawbone. The disease can develop against the background of reduced immunity. Often, people suffering from alcohol or drug addiction experience pathology.
The treatment of osteomyelitis is a complex process. Complex therapy helps to achieve a good result. First of all, it is necessary to remove the primary purulent focus. Often, after tooth extraction, another surgical intervention is required. In addition, massive antibiotic therapy is prescribed.
If a bump appeared on the gum, it is possible that we had to deal with a tumor-like formation. Epulis is a benign gum tumor that develops as a result of exposure to local irritating factors. Most often, unpleasant symptoms begin to develop in the area of fangs or chewing teeth.
Most often, epulis is a consequence of regular injury to the gums by destroyed tooth walls. Also, a bump on the gum above the tooth may appear in owners of prostheses or low-quality crowns. As a result, a chronic inflammatory process develops. To a greater extent, the development of pathology is predisposed to people with malocclusion, pathologicalnarrowing of the teeth. A hormonal imbalance will also contribute to the appearance of a neoplasm.
A bump on the gum of a tooth can have a different shape. The most common is fibromatous epulis. Such formation grows rather slowly. At the initial stage, there are no unpleasant symptoms. Pain occurs when the lump becomes inflamed.

Angiomatous epulis has a loose structure. The bump bleeds even with minor damage. This is due to the large number of blood vessels in the formation itself.
Giant cell epulis is the most unpleasant kind of pathological process. The tumor grows rapidly, although it does not cause discomfort. The bump can reach an impressive size, contribute to a change in the patient's appearance.
Epulis treatment
The doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis already on the basis of the examination and complaints of the patient. Of great importance is the histological examination of the neoplasm itself. The surface of the epulis may be smooth or folded. If a white bump appears on the gum, an X-ray of the tooth may be additionally assigned.
The first task in the treatment of epulis is to eliminate local irritants. The specialist evaluates the condition of the teeth, treats caries, changes dental crowns and dentures. Be sure to isolate the protruding elements of the dentition. With the fibromatous form of epulis, such treatment may be sufficient. Often, after the elimination of irritating factors, a bump onthe gum disappears on its own within a few months.
Special therapy requires a giant cell form of the disease. The lump on the gum is removed under local anesthesia. Together with the neoplasm, a part of the periosteum is excised. Such measures are necessary in order to prevent the recurrence of the tumor.
If a bump on the gum is inflated, most likely, pathogenic microflora develops in the oral cavity. Gingivitis is a dangerous disease that can lead to tooth loss. The inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the gums is accompanied by several unpleasant symptoms. The mucous membrane begins to redden and swell. If bacterial microflora is present, purulent discharge may appear. A white lump is a cyst that forms as a result of the accumulation of exudate under the thin membrane of the gum mucosa.
The main cause of the disease is sticky plaque that accumulates in the gum pockets. If it is not removed in a timely manner, it serves as an excellent environment for the development of pathogenic microflora. Most often, gingivitis is experienced by people who do not pay enough attention to oral hygiene.

A bump on the gum may appear in women who take hormonal contraceptives for a long time. Such drugs contribute to a change in the microflora of the oral cavity. As a result, pathogenic viruses, bacteria and fungi rapidly begin to multiply. Side effects in the form of gum disease can also appear withprolonged antibiotic therapy.
In babies, a bump on the gum may appear against the background of teething. In this case, gingivitis develops due to soft tissue injury. The situation is aggravated by reduced immunity, lack of vitamin C. In children who do not eat properly, the risk of developing a pathological process increases.
The impact of external physical factors also matters. A lump on the gum may appear after drinking too hot a drink or damaging the gum with a hard or sharp object (fish bone).
Gingivitis treatment
The disease can be easily diagnosed by visual as well as instrumental examination in the dental office. However, it is important to find out the exact cause of the pathological process. The doctor interrogates the patient, clarifies when the lump appeared on the gum, how the patient conducts oral hygiene. In some cases, the patient additionally needs to visit a periodontist.
With gingivitis, it is enough to conduct high-quality local therapy. First of all, professional oral hygiene is performed, tartar is removed, as well as plaque from hard-to-reach places. Medicines are prescribed that stimulate the body's defenses. To eliminate the source of infection, antiseptic solutions for rinsing are used. At home, you can use regular baking soda.
Gingivitis prevention is of great importance. Patients should brush their teeth properly, change the brush monthly. Once a year it is worth carrying out professional cleaning of teeth, removing stones. It is also worth paying attention to immunity. Any diseases of the internal organs can lead to the development of pathologies in the oral cavity.
Dental granuloma
A cyst on the root of a tooth can lead to bumps on the gums. A photo of an x-ray of the pathological process can be seen below. Dental granuloma is a limited periodontal inflammation that should not be ignored. Late therapy can lead to the development of dangerous complications that threaten the patient's life.

A granuloma can have a different location in relation to the root. At the same time, at the initial stage of the disease, there are practically no symptoms. If a bump appears on the gum, this indicates that the inflammatory process is already strongly launched. The cyst gradually begins to increase in size. A fistula appears on the gum, through which purulent masses are released. A granuloma is a focus of infection in the body. Therapy of the disease should be carried out immediately.
In most cases, the pathological process develops as a complication of pulpitis. The patient suffers pain for several days, uses analgesics. After some time, the pulp dies, and the patient never goes to the dentist. A few months later, a bump appears on the gum, a cyst develops. Provoking factors in the development of the pathological process also include chronic diseases, hypothermia, decreased immunity against the background of stressful situations.
The rapid growth of the cyst can provoke the destruction of the tooth root. If the patient arrives latefor help, the incisor or molar has to be removed. In the most difficult cases, bone tissue is involved in the inflammatory process, osteomyelitis of the jaw develops.
Granuloma is a chronic focus of infection. Its complications can go far beyond dentistry. Gastritis, chronic colds, pneumonia - all this can be triggered by pulpitis not treated in a timely manner.
Treatment and prevention of tooth root cysts
A few decades ago, when a diagnosis of granuloma was made, a tooth had to be removed. Today, the timely appeal for help makes it possible to completely save the molar. After examining the patient, the doctor decides whether to perform surgery or conservative therapy. New technologies allow you to remove only the diseased root. At the same time, the tooth continues to grow.

At an early stage, granuloma can be treated with medicines. The specialist eliminates the source of infection, conducts antibiotic therapy. Then the cavity of the granuloma is filled with filling material. The cyst is accessed through the canals of the tooth itself.
If a vertical crack appears on the root, unfortunately, it is impossible to save the tooth. In this case, the molar is removed. After some time, an implant or bridge is installed in its place.
If there is a lump on the gum, what should I do? First of all, you need to contact your dentist. Often, formations on the gums indicate the development of periodontitis - inflammation of the connective tissue of the tooth. In the mostIn difficult cases, the pathological process also extends to the bone tissue. There is a serious risk of complications. Over time, the ligament that holds the tooth is affected. As a result, the cutter becomes mobile. Periodontitis is a common cause of he althy tooth loss.
Very often the disease is almost asymptomatic. Only when a bump appears on the gum and a tooth hurts, patients seek help. But the inflammatory process has already started. Sometimes there are irreversible changes. A large cavity (cyst) forms in the gum. If therapy is not carried out in a timely manner, dangerous complications will develop.

Poor-quality root canal treatment is another common cause of periodontitis. After filling, the patient complains of prolonged aching pain. The x-ray may show pieces of instruments left in the canal, pieces of a decayed tooth, etc. These teeth are most likely to be extracted.
Periodontitis Therapy
Treatment tactics are selected in accordance with the manifestation of the pathological process. In the conditions of a medical institution, the rehabilitation of chronic foci of infection is performed. If pus is present, antibiotics are prescribed. In the most difficult cases, surgery cannot be dispensed with. Diseased teeth are removed. Sometimes it is enough to perform a root resection with a granuloma.
Good results can be achieved through the use of special pastes that help eliminate the inflammatory process, regenerate soft and bone tissue. Oral care products are selected individually for each patient.
Bumps on the gums most often appear with acute apical periodontitis. In this case, therapy is carried out in several stages. The specialist opens the tooth cavity, removes the accumulated exudate, treats the affected area with an antiseptic. As a rule, almost immediately after performing such manipulations, the toothache stops. The bump on the gum does not appear again.

Turunda with a healing substance can be installed in the cavity of the tooth for several days. The tool is fixed with a temporary filling. After 2-3 days, the canals are cleaned, the final filling of the tooth.
It should be borne in mind that after suffering periodontitis, any hypothermia or injury can lead to a relapse. Therefore, you should pay special attention to your he alth. Vitamin therapy will not be superfluous. The dentist will prescribe a high-quality multivitamin complex.
A bump on the gum is a dangerous symptom that should not be ignored. If purulent discharge and severe pain appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is worth remembering that any focus of infection in the mouth can lead to the development of dangerous complications related not only to dentistry, but also to other body systems.