Alternative medicine 2024, October

Useful properties of peppermint

Useful properties of peppermint

Useful properties of peppermint allow it to be used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, loss of voice, periodontal disease, bad breath, nausea, headache and toothache, emotional stress and nervous fatigue, acne, insect bites, sunburn, pronounced vascular pattern, as well as for the care of aging, wrinkled, irritated and oily skin

Useful properties of dandelion root and its use in traditional medicine

Useful properties of dandelion root and its use in traditional medicine

Folk medicine has long attached great importance to the dandelion, which was considered the source of the elixir of life. The name of this plant has Greek roots and means "to calm". It was in this direction that it was used by the ancient healers. In addition, dandelion has rare tonic properties

The benefits of ginger for men: ancient wisdom

The benefits of ginger for men: ancient wisdom

The benefits of ginger for men and women have been known for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It can be used in various forms. However, moderation must be observed, as this is a very strong and effective remedy

Folk remedies for wrinkles around the eyes - recipes for maintaining youthful skin

Folk remedies for wrinkles around the eyes - recipes for maintaining youthful skin

Bad ecology, stress, heredity, improper care - all this causes early aging and dehydration of the skin, which leads to the appearance of mimic wrinkles, sagging and partial pigmentation. Folk remedies for wrinkles will come to the rescue, which are inexpensive, but effective

How to care for kombucha? Growing instructions and useful properties of kombucha

How to care for kombucha? Growing instructions and useful properties of kombucha

A rather simple organism, which appeared as a result of the antagonistic relationship of yeast fungi with acetic acid bacteria, is one of the most popular and strange "creatures" grown at home. How to care for kombucha in order to get the maximum benefit from its use and what is this benefit expressed in?

Medicinal motherwort heart: indications for use

Medicinal motherwort heart: indications for use

More than 11 species of this herb grow in Russia, and only two of them (five-lobed motherwort and heartwort) are medicinal plants. The encyclopedia of herbs gives a complete description of this perennial. The plant begins to bloom from May to September, the fruits ripen in July. The stems of the motherwort are quite high, reaching 2 m in length. The tops of the leaves grow in bunches and resemble a lion's tail

Mesotherapy - what is it and what is it used for?

Mesotherapy - what is it and what is it used for?

Cosmetic parlors have been visited by any girl at least once in her life. What is mesotherapy, how this procedure takes place, and what it is used for, you will learn by reading the article

Sinusitis - treatment with folk remedies. How to cure sinusitis? Acute sinusitis - treatment with folk remedies

Sinusitis - treatment with folk remedies. How to cure sinusitis? Acute sinusitis - treatment with folk remedies

Very often viral or infectious diseases are accompanied by a runny nose. If it is not treated in time, the risk of developing sinusitis will increase. It is usually divided into acute and chronic. Curing sinusitis is much harder than the common cold. However, if you approach the solution of this difficult problem with all responsibility, then you can get rid of any form of the disease using reliable methods of traditional medicine

Potato flowers in folk medicine. Folk remedies, recipes

Potato flowers in folk medicine. Folk remedies, recipes

Potatoes have long been eaten and considered to be the most high-calorie food. It is the most affordable vegetable from which you can easily prepare a hearty dinner or breakfast. Unfortunately, many do not know the fact that potatoes are not only a very tasty product, but also quite useful for the human body. This is what we'll talk about today

How do healers treat? Does the evil spirit help them?

How do healers treat? Does the evil spirit help them?

Healer - healer, herbalist. This is a special person with secret knowledge. What is so special about it? And who can become one?

The best patch for the back: varieties, reviews

The best patch for the back: varieties, reviews

Back pain is not the most pleasant thing. Given the rhythm of modern life, a quick and painless way to eliminate unpleasant sensations is needed. Recently, the patch has become very popular

Aspen bark from parasites: how to take?

Aspen bark from parasites: how to take?

Aspen bark is a powerful natural remedy for helminths. How the remedy works, methods of preparing an infusion or decoction. Reviews about the treatment of aspen bark from parasites

Gentian pulmonary: photo, description and useful properties of a wild plant

Gentian pulmonary: photo, description and useful properties of a wild plant

We will talk about a small, unpretentious and very useful perennial plant - gentian pulmonary. The description and useful properties of this herb, which will be listed below, we hope will help you understand the features of its use and preparation. In the article you can see a photo of the plant

Warm cough beer: recipe and reviews

Warm cough beer: recipe and reviews

Despite the abundance of drugs sold in pharmacies, many are treated with folk remedies. One such medium is beer. Although it contains alcohol, the drink is used for starting colds and coughs

Urine therapy: benefit or harm? Urinotherapy: reviews

Urine therapy: benefit or harm? Urinotherapy: reviews

What is urine therapy, the benefits or harms of it to he alth? It is worth a little familiarization with this term of alternative medicine. So, urine therapy is a method of treating urine, which has not yet received official recognition from traditional medical practice. After all, modern experts cannot agree on one opinion about the meaning and benefits of such a controversial method of treatment

Herbal preparation of Ayurvedic medicine - "Triphala": reviews, benefits and indications

Herbal preparation of Ayurvedic medicine - "Triphala": reviews, benefits and indications

The sacred Indian treatises describe a miraculous drug with unique healing properties called "Triphala". The reviews of most consumers are really enthusiastic and speak about the quality of this drug

Beaver fat: what is it good for and how to use it? Medicinal properties and contraindications

Beaver fat: what is it good for and how to use it? Medicinal properties and contraindications

The healing properties of animal fats and their healing effects on the human body have been known since ancient times. One of the most commonly used in the treatment of serious ailments was and still is beaver fat

Sage: useful properties and contraindications for use

Sage: useful properties and contraindications for use

Medicinal plants have been known for a long time. They are widely used in the treatment of many diseases. Moreover, traditional medicine does not dispute their properties at all. Let's talk today about the benefits of sage herb. What ailments will be most effective for its use?

The benefits of grape seeds: use in medicine and cosmetology

The benefits of grape seeds: use in medicine and cosmetology

Perhaps it will come as a surprise to most that the very pulp of grapes contains no more than 10% of useful substances. Antioxidants, which are the main advantage of this plant over others, mainly contain grape seeds. Their benefits to the body simply cannot be overestimated. That is why this raw material is used in cosmetology, food industry and medicine

Useful herbs for the heart and blood vessels: a list, recipes and application features

Useful herbs for the heart and blood vessels: a list, recipes and application features

Mankind has known about the medicinal properties of medicinal plants since ancient times. The positive effect of herbs on the body is not fiction. Each gift of nature is necessary and effective for certain organs. What herbs are good for the heart and blood vessels? This issue deserves attention

Useful properties of pollen collected by bees

Useful properties of pollen collected by bees

Useful properties of bee pollen are not known to everyone. However, this is a real miraculous substance that people have been using for a long time. Useful properties of pollen are enclosed in a huge amount of those vitamins and valuable substances that are part of it. And it contains almost one fifth of the total number of elements of the periodic table

Mummy for bone fractures: how to take, reviews

Mummy for bone fractures: how to take, reviews

How effective is mummy for bone fractures? How to take this remedy and what properties does it have? You will find the answers to these questions in the presented article

Miracles of traditional medicine: cocoa butter for cough

Miracles of traditional medicine: cocoa butter for cough

Even in the 18th century, people actively used cocoa butter for coughs, inflammatory and colds. It is difficult to overestimate the vitamin and mineral set contained in its composition. According to experts, at least three hundred useful substances were found in the valuable product. More details in the material

Marsh myrtle: description, useful properties, photo

Marsh myrtle: description, useful properties, photo

Marsh myrtle is an evergreen medicinal plant with a pleasant smell. Not all people know that in its therapeutic properties it can even compete with antibiotics. Grows in sphagnum bogs and deciduous forests with high humidity. Young shoots and leaves contain poison, which is extremely dangerous for goats and sheep

How to treat cardiac dyspnea with folk remedies?

How to treat cardiac dyspnea with folk remedies?

Shortness of breath always accompanies heart failure. Traditional medicine today is able to effectively deal with this disease. However, along with the official methods of treatment, remedies made according to the recipes of herbalists and healers are used. Treatment of cardiac dyspnea with folk remedies is also welcomed by representatives of traditional medicine, but on condition that the intake of any means will be agreed with the attending physician

Nuts for potency in men. List of he althy nuts and their effect on male power

Nuts for potency in men. List of he althy nuts and their effect on male power

One of the tools that helps in the fight against various troubles is proper nutrition. It improves the natural functions of the body. During malfunctions in its functioning, fertility or fertility can be reduced, men have problems with potency, which are quite easy to solve with the help of nuts

A set of safe exercises to correct scoliosis

A set of safe exercises to correct scoliosis

Scoliosis is a unilateral curvature of the spine. Depending on various internal and external factors, this pathological process develops at any age. The disease affects the thoracic and lumbar regions, so special physical exercises are needed to correct scoliosis

Ostrich fat: benefits and harms, areas of application

Ostrich fat: benefits and harms, areas of application

Sometimes ostrich fat is used in medicine. This can be explained by the fact that the product has a number of useful properties. This raw material is a natural moisturizer that promotes the regeneration of the skin and prevents the growth of bacteria. Therefore, the use of this product guarantees a rejuvenating effect and healing properties

Projection of internal organs on the face. How to determine the disease of the internal organs in the face

Projection of internal organs on the face. How to determine the disease of the internal organs in the face

The fact that the head and face are a mirror image of the state of our body was first told by the famous neurologist Henry Head. Each area of the face is responsible for a specific disease of the internal organs. All wrinkles, large moles, papillomas and age spots are signals of a new disease

Crimean balm: types and reviews

Crimean balm: types and reviews

Crimean balms have long been used to improve he alth. Herbal drink has a rich composition, rich taste and aroma. In the article we will study in more detail the types of Crimean balsam and its effect on the human body

How to use black cumin? Treatment of various diseases, methods of using seeds and oil

How to use black cumin? Treatment of various diseases, methods of using seeds and oil

Traditional healers have long used the seeds and oil of black cumin. The valuable qualities of this product have been known for centuries. Healers say that there is no such disease in which black cumin seeds could not help. In the treatment of many diseases, this remedy is used today. What useful properties is this product famous for, who should use black cumin and in what cases is it better to refuse to use it?

Apple cider vinegar for varicose veins: recipes, method of application, effectiveness, reviews

Apple cider vinegar for varicose veins: recipes, method of application, effectiveness, reviews

When using apple cider vinegar for varicose veins, you must remember that this folk remedy has both beneficial and harmful properties. Due to the high content of trace elements in vinegar, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, making the product very effective in the treatment of varicose veins, as well as in the field of cosmetology

Oat decoction: reviews, cooking method, useful and harmful properties

Oat decoction: reviews, cooking method, useful and harmful properties

Even the ancient Greek healers and philosophers encouraged people to daily use oats decoction. Reviews of this tool indicate that this drink has extraordinary power. It is able to treat people from many diseases, improves the functioning of all internal organs, relieves inflammation, and also forms resistance to various ailments

Treatment of hemorrhoids with leeches: reviews, features, indications, contraindications and recommendations of doctors

Treatment of hemorrhoids with leeches: reviews, features, indications, contraindications and recommendations of doctors

How to treat hemorrhoids with leeches. Benefits and contraindications. How is the procedure of hirudotherapy. The principle of action of worms and their medicinal properties. Recommendations of doctors and responses of patients. Precautions during a session

Spike conspiracies: an overview of the most popular options

Spike conspiracies: an overview of the most popular options

What are conspiracies from thorns? How should they be read? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Spike conspiracies are one of the most famous healing methods among the people, since even today's highly developed medicine still does not have the means to rid people of the papillomavirus. To apply them successfully, you need to carefully prepare for the ritual. Consider some effective conspiracies from the spike below

Folk remedies for stomach ulcers: the best recipes of traditional medicine

Folk remedies for stomach ulcers: the best recipes of traditional medicine

Peptic ulcer is a chronic pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. It requires the patient to change lifestyle and nutrition. Without treatment, this disease can lead to serious complications. Therefore, it is very important to follow all the prescriptions of the doctor and take the medicines prescribed by him. But at the initial stage, as well as during the period of remission, you can additionally use folk remedies for stomach ulcers

Is it possible to drink a boron uterus during menstruation: useful and medicinal properties, description, recipe for preparing a decoction, dosage, rules for taking and recommendat

Is it possible to drink a boron uterus during menstruation: useful and medicinal properties, description, recipe for preparing a decoction, dosage, rules for taking and recommendat

Upland uterus has many useful properties. Such a plant has a positive effect on the functioning of the female reproductive system, so it is often used to treat various gynecological diseases. But during menstruation, it is better to refrain from taking this herb to avoid complications

Oxygen baths: benefits, indications and contraindications

Oxygen baths: benefits, indications and contraindications

Oxygen baths are a physiotherapeutic procedure, the main components of which are water and oxygen. Most often, you can try out such a therapeutic bath on yourself in sanatoriums or in other medical institutions. However, before diving into an oxygen-enriched bath, you should know what it is and in what cases it should be discarded. This article details the benefits of the procedure, as well as describes the indications and contraindications

Folk remedies for gum inflammation: the most effective recipes, application, reviews

Folk remedies for gum inflammation: the most effective recipes, application, reviews

In the life of each of us, sooner or later, a situation may arise when a tooth starts to hurt or the gums become inflamed, and at the wrong time. It is not possible to visit a dental clinic. What to do? In this case, folk remedies for gum inflammation will help. Their main advantage lies in the absolute accessibility. But it should be borne in mind that this cannot be called a full-fledged treatment, it is necessary to visit a dentist as soon as possible in order to avoid serious problems

Ice for hemorrhoids: instructions for use, pros and cons of use, features of the method, reviews and advice from proctologists

Ice for hemorrhoids: instructions for use, pros and cons of use, features of the method, reviews and advice from proctologists

How to use ice for hemorrhoids. Contraindications to the use of ice. Useful properties of cold in this disease. Recommendations from doctors and user reviews. Causes of hemorrhoids and methods of its treatment. How to prepare a bath or candle