Very often viral or infectious diseases are accompanied by a runny nose. If it is not treated in time, the risk of developing sinusitis will increase. It is usually divided into acute and chronic. Curing sinusitis is much harder than the common cold. However, if you approach the solution of this difficult problem with all responsibility, then you can get rid of any form of the disease using reliable methods of traditional medicine.
General Description
Sinusitis is an inflammatory disease of the nasal sinuses such as ethmoid, frontal, maxillary or sphenoid. Bacteria and microbes that penetrate one of them cause an inflammatory process.

Varieties of sinusitis
- Frontitis - in this process, one or two frontal sinuses are affected.
- Sinusitis isan infectious disease that is accompanied by inflammation in the maxillary sinus.
- Ethmoiditis is a type of sinusitis in which inflammation is concentrated in the lattice cells.
- Sphenoiditis is an inflammation of the sphenoid sinus.
Main treatments
Regardless of the principle of treatment (medication or folk), it is extremely important to follow the leading therapeutic rules:
- at the very first symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to refrain from walking in the fresh air for several days;
- to alleviate the condition and ensure the removal of swelling from the sinuses, you should double the fluid intake;
- if the diagnosis is confirmed, it is recommended to start treatment with hot foot baths and inhalations, the only exception is purulent sinusitis, in which it is strictly forbidden to resort to any warming heat;
- in order to efficiently clear the nasal cavity of accumulated mucus, the usual blowing of the nose will not be enough. How to cure sinusitis under this condition? It is necessary to rinse the nose several times a day with a variety of solutions.

Sinusitis. Treatment with folk remedies
Before you start getting rid of the disease, you need to understand that taking antibacterial chemotherapy drugs does not help cure the disease in all cases. If you take antibiotics without special need, then they will not bring any benefit, and even, on the contrary, will reduce immunity. Similar therapyis indicated only for those patients who have a bacterial nature of the disease.
Vasoconstrictor drugs are also best not used for the treatment of sinusitis. The action of this medicine is to rid a person of edema, but not to treat the disease. The use of such drugs for more than a week is contraindicated.
Most harmless ways
Based on the foregoing, folk remedies for sinusitis can be safely called the most reliable and safe method of treating the disease. Despite this, this principle should not be resorted to without consulting a doctor.
Alternative medicine has a large supply of ways to effectively help eliminate sinusitis. Traditional treatments are as follows:
- Cure sinusitis with potatoes. To do this, this vegetable is boiled until tender. After that, they knead it and breathe over the container, after covering the head with a towel. This should be done carefully to avoid burns to the nose.
- A mixture of water, iodine, and potassium permanganate is effective in washing the cavity. How to cure sinusitis in this way? In this case, you will need a glass of water, in which you should add three drops of potassium permanganate and the same amount of iodine. The solution is thoroughly mixed and used as directed during the course of treatment.
- Getting rid of the disease using radish. One medium-sized vegetable is chopped on a grater. Then juice is squeezed out of it, which is instilled into the nose two drops three times a day.

How to treatsinusitis folk remedies: other ways
Getting rid of fir oil. It is purchased at a pharmacy and used for inhalation. For this type of treatment, oil is added to boiling water. The patient should then slowly inhale the fir vapor until the fir no longer smells.
Folk treatment of sinusitis with a 2% mummy solution. It can be bought at a pharmacy and used as regular nasal drops. Along with this, it is recommended to take a mummy-based solution inside. The duration of the course of treatment is approximately ten to twelve days.
Juice from onion, aloe, and cyclamen roots is a reliable remedy for sinusitis. For this method, all the ingredients are crushed and juice is made from them. After that, all the juices are combined together one teaspoonful, the mixture is mixed. At the end, add a teaspoon of Vishnevsky's ointment. The agent lubricates the sinuses. This procedure is repeated three times a day for 2 weeks.
The use of bay leaf is infinitely effective in frontal sinusitis - one of the varieties of the disease. To do this, ten leaves are poured with three liters of boiling water. Then all this must be put on the stove and simmer for about seven minutes. The tincture is used for steam inhalation. The duration of the course is a week.

Chronic sinusitis
The recipe for getting rid of this pathology can also be found in the books of healers. Chronic sinusitis, treatment with folk remediesinvolves chewing small pieces of honeycomb, can be easily eliminated in this way. The following methods are also used:
- Sinusitis, the treatment of folk remedies which is quite effective, is perfectly healed with the help of dry menthol. The substance is used as a component for inhalation. To do this, menthol is dissolved in water heated to a boil and, covering your head with a towel, gently breathe over the steam.
- Onion juice is a wonderful remedy for chronic sinusitis. Treatment with folk remedies is as follows: a medium-sized onion must be chopped, and then juiced out of it. The resulting liquid is poured with hot water and mixed. After cooling the onion solution, add a tablespoon of bee honey to it. Leave the product in this state for about three hours. It is then used to rinse the nasal cavity.
- Healing with spruce resin. To do this, two hundred grams of raw materials must be brought to a boil. After adding fifty grams of vitriol, the same amount of olive oil and one small chopped onion. Everything is thoroughly mixed. The mass is used as a compress.

Acute sinusitis
In the treatment of this type of disease, propolis infusion, which is used as an inhalation, helps very well. Add one teaspoon of alcohol infusion to hot water. Breathe until steam comes out of the vessel.
Inhalation withusing apple cider vinegar and garlic. Acute sinusitis, which is treated with folk remedies using these components, is perfectly healed thanks to the method described below. Five cloves of garlic should be chopped, pour one glass of boiling water, after which a teaspoon of vinegar should be added to the solution. Everyone mixes and breathes over the steam, covering their heads with a towel. This procedure should be carried out daily. Garlic has strong bactericidal properties that can rid a person of staphylococcus and streptococcus.
Launched acute sinusitis, which is treated with folk remedies using a solution of iodine water and sea s alt, can lead to severe pathologies. To prepare the product, you should take a container. You need to add water to it, then six drops of iodine and the same amount of potassium permanganate. Thoroughly mix the resulting mixture by adding one teaspoon of sea s alt. The finished solution is necessary to rinse the nasal cavity. The mixture is drawn in through the nostrils and spit out through the mouth.
Treatment with mint, cinnamon and green tea. To do this, based on the ingredients, you need to brew tea and drink the liquid in slow sips. The remedy will help relieve the intense headache that often occurs with acute sinusitis.

Use of medicinal herbs
St. John's wort is often used to relieve the symptoms of sinusitis. To do this, a teaspoon of medicinal herbs is poured with a glass of boiling water. The liquid is then used as a nasal rinse.cavities. It is also recommended to take brewed St. John's wort inside. In this case, the solution is drunk for twelve days.
Very effective tincture based on elderberry flowers. To make it, one tablespoon of raw materials should be poured with hot water and left for half an hour, covered with a lid. It is allowed to add honey to the decoction.
Tincture of wild clover flowers will ease the headache. One tablespoon of raw materials is brewed with a glass of boiling water and left for about twenty-five minutes. Infusion is recommended to drink half a cup three times a day.
If the disease is accompanied by a cough, then any decoction can be supplemented with a teaspoon of plantain herb, oregano or sage.
Celandine juice is a great helper for purulent sinusitis. The plant is crushed in a meat grinder, juice is squeezed out of it. The liquid is placed for a week in a dark, cool place for fermentation. After seven days, the juice can be used in both nostrils for a month.
Sinusitis prevention
Any disease is much easier to prevent than to cure. Sinusitis is no exception. Therefore, in order to prevent its occurrence, you should follow simple rules:
- do not forget to ventilate the room and prevent inhalation of cold air;
- prevent hypothermia;
- regularly carry out hardening procedures;
- do breathing exercises;
- avoid inhaling tobacco smoke, dust, and contact with various substances that can provoke allergies;
- drink as much liquid as possible.

If sinusitis is not treated in time, it can become a significant problem for the he alth of the human body. Ultimately, such complex diseases as meningitis, purulent otitis media, osteomyelitis and others can develop. Getting rid of the disease on your own is a risky business, so sinusitis, the treatment of folk remedies for which is so popular in modern society, should be healed only after consulting a doctor.