The fact that the head and face are a mirror image of the state of our body was first told by the famous neurologist Henry Head. Each area of the face is responsible for a specific disease of the internal organs. All wrinkles, large moles, papillomas and age spots are signals of a new disease. Thus, there is a projection of the internal organs on the face, the knowledge of which is very often used by traditional healers and psychics.
In order to determine the disease, it is not necessary to have superpowers. Any person, armed with knowledge in physiognomy, will be able to diagnose himself and his loved ones. But first of all, you should find out which parts of the face are responsible for the internal organs.
Pimples and blackheads
They appear on the skin of the face in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, the degree of slagging of the rectum can be determined by rashes on the chin, around the mouth and on the neck. To get rid of acne,cleanse the intestines and restore its work.
Regular constipation with dysbacteriosis often leads to increased oily skin and enlarged pores. Such a patient often has a headache and drowsiness. Only after the metabolism is restored, the skin condition normalizes and efficiency appears.
Poor gallbladder function is another reason why blackheads and pimples occur.
Spawn Locations

According to the projection of the internal organs, on the face, by the location of acne, it is possible to accurately determine the diseased organ. For example:
- A pimple on the tip of the nose speaks of a sick heart.
- Acne pops up on the forehead when there are problems with the small or large intestine. The forehead, like the chin, is the area of the face from which you can also learn about the state of the intestine.
- If pimples are located on the forehead just under the hair, then most likely the problem lies in the bladder.
- Eruptions on the right cheek indicate a diseased right lung. Accordingly, acne on the left cheek is about the left lung.
- A diseased liver is reflected in the form of acne on the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows.
- Sick bronchi often manifest themselves as small pimples on the nostrils. Such shortcomings can be seen in acute respiratory disease, which smoothly flows into bronchitis.
- Acne in the eye area indicates diseases of the genitourinary system.
- The area around the mouth is responsible for the work of the entire digestive tract, but the very corners of the lips -exclusively for the work of the ovaries and bladder. In men, rashes in this area signal the initial stage of prostatitis.
If acne occurs regularly, you should consult a doctor for a referral for an examination. Unlike teenagers, adult skin rashes should be a concern.
How to get rid of acne
First of all, the work of the esophagus and stomach should be adjusted. If the appearance of acne is associated with poor kidney function or lung diseases, then they turn to the clinic for further treatment. To get rid of pimples as quickly as possible, they are rubbed with salicylic acid lotion or medications are used with the addition of zinc, essential oils or brewer's yeast.
Fatty foods, spicy and s alty foods, alcohol and sugary carbonated drinks should be excluded from the daily diet. Also, to normalize the work of the esophagus, fresh cabbage, prunes, apples, boiled beets and fresh carrots are consumed. To fight acne, phosphorus is needed, which is found in fish and cottage cheese. All foods rich in vitamin C will also help rejuvenate the skin. These include rosehip decoction, blackcurrant, raspberry and citrus fruits.
Bags under the eyes

There can be several reasons for the appearance of bags. Often they appear when the water-s alt balance is disturbed. For example, a large amount of s alty or pickled food eaten at night is reflected in the next morning in the form of swelling under the eyes. As well as swollen eyelids oftenappear due to regular lack of sleep or work at the computer.
In children under one year old, bags can occur due to the first teeth. This process is quite painful, often accompanied by fever and swelling on the face of the baby. In addition, children at this age often suffer from stomach cramps, which disrupt their sleep patterns and increase intracranial pressure. It also causes bags under the eyes.
Often this symptom can be observed during allergies or viral eye diseases. There are diseases in which the lower eyelid swells. Bags under the eyes of a child signal problems with the heart and kidneys. Due to the poor performance of the latter, the water-s alt balance is disturbed and fluid is retained. Edema can be observed in other parts of the body, but they become most noticeable on the face.
Kidney disease is manifested by the following symptoms:
- Fatigue.
- Pain in the lumbar region.
- Swelling of the legs.
- Infrequent urination.
- Very often, when the kidneys are disturbed, the head hurts and the eyes watery.
If, in addition to bags under the eyes, the child has shortness of breath and weakness, then parents should pay close attention to the he alth of their baby. Such signs indicate heart failure.
Get rid of bags
First of all, you should find out if the appearance of bags is connected with the heart or problems with the kidneys, and only then proceed to get rid of them. Any swelling of the lower eyelidassociated with water-alkaline imbalance. Therefore, s alted fish, pickled and pickled vegetables, as well as smoked foods and fast food should be excluded from the menu. The child is recommended to take daily walks in the fresh air and rest.
Women may be advised to make special face masks from cold cottage cheese or raw potatoes. To do this, a small amount of cottage cheese is placed in a gauze bag, moistened in cold milk and applied to the lower eyelid. The mask is kept for a long time, at least 30 minutes, after which a nourishing cream is applied to the skin of the eyelids. A compress of raw grated potatoes can be done both in the morning immediately after sleep and in the evening. Compresses from hot and cold chamomile decoction, applied alternately, help well.
Children may be advised to apply slices of fresh cold cucumber or cotton swabs with a cool decoction of chamomile or black tea to their eyelids.
Vascular network

Otherwise it is called rosacea. The causes of the appearance of the vascular network on the face are diseases of the heart, organs of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. And also most often the vascular network appears in people with diseases of the endocrine system. It's pretty hard to fight her. First of all, you should reconsider your lifestyle and exclude spicy foods and alcohol from the daily menu. It was noticed that most often rosacea affects cooks, welders, metallurgists and other representatives of similar professions, who, due to their professional duties, are forced to work in adverse conditions. To themalso includes people whose labor activity takes place outdoors. Winter frost and summer heat adversely affect the condition of the skin of the face and damage capillary vessels.
Usually, after examination by a doctor and treatment of the underlying disease, procedures for getting rid of the vascular network begin. There are drugs that significantly strengthen the walls of blood vessels. These can be oral agents or topical ointments. Women should refrain from peeling, laser cleaning and facial massage.
Folk remedies
Collagen masks, grape seed oil and myrtle essential oil do an excellent job with the vascular network. Traditional medicine offers the following remedies in order to get rid of the vascular network on the face:
- A decoction is prepared from chamomile flowers and rowan leaves. To do this, two tablespoons of the dry mixture is poured with two glasses of boiling water. The resulting decoction wash the face twice a day.
- Excellently strengthens the walls of blood vessels parsley with horse chestnut. Three tablespoons of the dry mixture is poured with half a liter of water and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. The broth is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Twice a day, wipe the face with a cotton swab dipped in cool broth.
- Tea rose petals are infused in boiling water and a few drops of myrtle essential oil are added. The composition is also used to wipe the face.
You can also use raw potatoes, linseed and olive oil and milk with cottage cheese. Masks are made from these products,which are applied to the face and kept for 15 minutes. The mask is washed off with warm water.
If folk remedies do not help, then you can use the services of a beauty parlor. Professional cosmetologists will tell you how to get rid of the vascular network on the face. For example, one of the options for getting rid of rosacea is phototherapy. With its help, the visibility of the vascular network is noticeably reduced, but small scars and age spots remain.
With ozone therapy, there are practically no scars, the skin looks smooth and toned. The only downside is that this procedure is quite painful.
Pigment spots

Pigment spots are different. They differ in color, size and causes. What causes pigment spots on the face? There are many diseases that lead to the appearance of pigmentation:
- Diffuse toxic goiter, otherwise known as Graves' disease, often provokes the appearance of age spots.
- People with mental disabilities often have mottled skin, with brown uneven spots, reminiscent of senile pigmentation.
- Very often the cause of this symptom is a hormonal imbalance. That is why age spots appear during pregnancy or during menopause.
- Also, this cosmetic defect can be observed in diseases of the liver and pathologies of the development of this organ.
- Poor metabolism, resulting in poisoning of the body with toxins, adversely affectsskin and causes spots on the face.
There are many different remedies for the treatment and restoration of pigmentation. First of all, you should visit an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist and gynecologist and find out what causes age spots on the face in this case. If pigmentation is not associated with any diseases, then you can immediately begin treatment. Unfortunately, in most cases, traditional medicine is powerless to help in the fight against age spots. Such patients are helped only by beauty parlor procedures. For example, chemical peeling with fruit acids has proven to be excellent. Under its action, spots are perfectly discolored, and the skin acquires a uniform shade. In more complex cases, laser, mesotherapy and photoremoval are used.
Wen on the face

Lipomas are sticky fat. They can be located not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body. Many patients are interested in: what causes wen on the face? The appearance of a wen most often indicates the following diseases:
- Violation of the liver and gallbladder.
- Often, lipomas appear with kidney problems or urolithiasis.
- Diabetes is one of the causes of lipomas.
- Excess of cholesterol in the blood, as well as poor functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract provoke the formation of wen.
To get rid of this shortcoming, laser peeling or current is used, with which the wen is simplyburned off the surface of the skin. Small wen can be removed by hand, but the main thing is to observe sterility and do this under the supervision of a doctor. You can not pierce the wen with a needle, as there is a high probability of infection. The wen can become inflamed, and eventually the person will have a deep scar.
Sometimes wen occur with improper skin care. For example, if a woman has an oily skin type, but she nevertheless uses a nourishing cream containing oil, then she will experience blockage of the sebaceous glands, which will eventually lead to the appearance of wen. In a beauty parlor, they can tell you why wen appear on the face of an absolutely he althy woman.
Dark circles under the eyes

This unpleasant cosmetic defect often worries patients. The causes of black circles under the eyes in women are as follows:
- An acute lack of vitamin C, as a result of which the capillaries become fragile, and the skin loses its elasticity and density. You can fill the lack of this vitamin with the help of fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Often among the causes of black circles under the eyes of women is heredity. In such people, on the lower eyelids, the vessels are too close to the surface of the skin.
- Iron deficiency also causes dark circles around the eyes. In this case, they simply add as many products containing this microelement to the daily menu as possible. These include beef, liver, apricots and apples.
- In addition, the lower eyelids suffer ifthere is a lack of sleep. Very often, due to the wrong lifestyle, swelling or dark circles appear around the eyes. In such cases, it may be advisable to increase the number of hours for sleep and leave as much time for rest as possible.
Traditional medicine advises using masks made from cottage cheese or kefir. Dairy products perfectly brighten the skin of the face and narrow dilated blood vessels. On the eyelids, you can apply cold decoctions of medicinal herbs of mint or pharmacy chamomile. Linden flowers, brewed as follows, have proven themselves well: two tablespoons of dry raw materials per 1 cup of boiling water. From the resulting composition, ice can be prepared for rubbing the skin of the face. It perfectly tones and improves blood circulation.
Red dots

They can be both small and large. The red dot is a benign formation resulting from a protrusion of a blood vessel. Otherwise they are called hemangiomas. Cavernous hemangioma occurs both on the surface of the body and on the internal organs. The reasons for its formation are injuries, lack of vitamins, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as arthritis and arthrosis. Separately, it should be noted patients with a genetic predisposition to the appearance of red dots.
People working in hazardous industries and daily exposed to carcinogens are also at risk.
If a red dot appears on the face, then first of all you should find out the cause of the occurrence and eliminateher. The beauty parlor can offer the following services:
- Remove dots with electric current.
- Skin surface treatment with liquid nitrogen.
- Laser hair removal.
- Moxibustion with carbon dioxide.
Traditional medicine advises using garlic or onion juice for this purpose. You can also prepare a compress consisting of fresh plantain leaves.
Diagnosis by hair, lips and wrinkles
With poor blood circulation, the hair begins to turn gray early. Dry and sparse hair is a sign of a thyroid disorder. Oily greasy hair speaks of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
As for diagnosing a disease by the face, blue or white lips are a sign of heart failure, and small dots on the lips are stomach diseases.
Diseases of a gynecological nature give themselves out as many small wrinkles above the upper lip. One deep wrinkle on the bridge of the nose signals a malfunction of the nervous system. A well-defined horizontal forehead wrinkle signals a diseased liver.
Chinese diagnostics
The Chinese pay special attention to the diagnosis of diseases and the projection of internal organs on the face. They believe that all diseases can be read by looking at a person. According to ancient teachings, a person's face is divided into three zones.
- According to the face map, the chin area is responsible for the kidneys, genitals and bladder.
- The right cheek is the zone of the lungs, the right cheek is the liver.
- The appearance of a person's forehead can signaldiseases of the endocrine and nervous system.
According to the state of the middle zone of the face, which starts from the eyebrows and ends at the very tip of the nose, you can find out how long and harmonious the future life will be. Scars, warts, burns or papillomas should not be present in this area.
The Chinese paid special attention to the chin. According to them, a wide upturned chin, on which there are no flaws in the form of warts, moles or age spots, is a sign of a long and he althy life.
It is undesirable to have birthmarks or other flaws on the nose. Black red dots on the bridge of the nose indicate diseases of the kidneys or stomach.
How to diagnose a disease
The face is a kind of reflection of he alth. Each part of it is responsible for certain organs and creates a projection of the internal organs on the face.
- If the nose is covered with red capillaries, then this indicates a poor functioning of the digestive system. Very often, chronic alcoholics and stressed people have such noses. Acne on the tip of the nose is a sign of indigestion or frequent constipation.
- The vascular network on the forehead signals heart disease. Sometimes the skin on this part of the face changes color or becomes covered with a network of small wrinkles. A person with such a forehead is prone to stressful situations. He should focus on cardiovascular he alth as much as possible.
- Skin problems on the right cheek indicate problems with the lungs. During bronchitis, small pimples often pop up on it, and with asthma, redscaly eczema.
- The left cheek is responsible for the he alth of the liver. According to the diagnostics on the face, yellowness under the left eye indicates gallstone disease and high cholesterol. If there is redness on the left cheek, the patient most likely has pressure problems.
- Special attention should be paid to the area of the face located between the upper lip and nose. Women should not have horizontal folds or peeling in this place. Otherwise, all of the listed symptoms will indicate gynecological diseases or infertility. A rash on the chin in men signals the impending prostatitis.
Also, an important feature is the color of the skin, since there is a connection between the face and internal organs. For example, a bluish face indicates poor heart function, pale skin indicates iron deficiency or oxygen starvation, and a yellow tint indicates poor liver and gallbladder function.