In any most neglected situation, when hopes for qualified doctors burst like a soap bubble, people know that the last hope is a healer. Traditional medicine is still in great demand. And the question of how healers treat excites the minds of many.
Who are healers?
This is an ancient concept. Witch doctor - healer, herbalist. This is a special person with secret knowledge. The healer remembers each herb in appearance, smell and property, with what to combine it, in what cases to apply, at what time and where it is better to collect, so that it is filled with the most useful properties. He uses his knowledge mainly for the treatment of people and animals, divination and other important areas of life. Such people are also called whisperers, for the fact that they often mutter ornate conspiracies. They are distinguished from others by special calmness, curiosity, wisdom and experience. They enjoy respect in society, quivering trust and are accompanied throughout their lives by rumors and gossip that envelop and pursue them, wherever healers appear.

Who can become a medicine man?
Blood relationship is of little importance here, except that it is easier for blood relativestransfer knowledge by reason of their constant presence. Anyone can become an apprentice herbalist or study medicinal science on their own. But this knowledge is not acquired in one year, because you need to absorb a very large number of secrets and wisdom, gain the necessary experience. It is often believed that being an herbalist is a true female calling, but a man can become a healer, which also has its advantages. Women are known as midwives, it is easier for a woman to entrust something personal, intimate, to entrust a child, but men's advice will be treated with much more respect. The best sorceresses, according to legend, women are "clean" - single or widowed. But according to the North Russian legends, the power of the healer is with the one who has all his teeth he althy. In some regions, they say that healers become those who somehow came into contact with the world of the mysterious, possibly stolen by goblins. Outwardly, they do not differ from ordinary people. So, with a strong desire, you can always find yourself a mentor-healer and find out what healers treat firsthand.
What abilities do healers have?
Any herbalist is just a treasure trove of information that the common man doesn't even know about. They are able to ward off the evil eye, get rid of spoilage, give the child a peaceful sleep, find the missing, predict, solve dreams, remove a love spell, protect a young family, strengthen relations between spouses, get rid of small pests and rodents, protect fields, bring good luck to hunters and fishermen. But most often, healers specialize in some main direction of folk medicine.medicine, just like regular doctors. Some believe that herbalists associate with the unclean, others argue that healers work only by turning to God.
How to tell a medicine man from a sorcerer?

It is strange that people involved in healing and the study of medicinal herbs are considered to be involved in connections with evil spirits. Village prejudices are guilty of these superstitions, where they still continue to consider healers as sorcerers. These prejudices arise because people are accustomed to suspecting the work of supernatural forces in everything unknown to them. And seeing, but not fully understanding what healers treat, people immediately ranked healers among a number of witchers. From the letters of zemstvo doctors dating back to the nineteenth century, we know about the hostile attitude of peasants towards doctors, there are known cases of killing doctors during epidemics, as they were accused of spreading diseases. Common people preferred to turn to healers, believing that doctors can only treat the diseases of the masters. The main difference between a healer and a sorcerer is that sorcerers shroud their deeds in mystery, and healers work openly, and conspiracies begin with an appeal to God. The healer has a bright, clean, warm hut with the smell of dried herbs. And the healer does not require money for his help. Although it is not shameful to thank with money, products or services, because knowledge, art, and not sorcery are valued.
How do healers treat?
Healers use special conspiracies for treatment, pronounced either over the patient or over the drug. They use the power of nature, water, objects, make upvarious mixtures for indoor and outdoor use. Herbalists conjure water and sprinkle people with it. The healer uses his hands, threads, candles, coal, wood chips in his work. Healers consider the disease on a different level, the energy level, therefore, first of all, they correct the damage to a person at the energy level. Sometimes illnesses are personified, and they are talked to, asked to leave the patient. In any case, it all comes down to treatment with herbs, infusions and decoctions. So did the herbalists and Ancient Russia.

And how do healers from other countries treat? Are there methods that are completely wild for our understanding? Witch doctors in India, for example, believe that cow urine can cure heart disease, and eating fish alive helps with asthma. They also believe that apples cure claustrophobia. Of course, these are dubious and controversial methods, but it is worth noting that in the vast majority of cases, even in India, they turn to plants and herbs for help.
If you are interested in joining at least a little and feel like a healer, you can use various literature, for example, read the Golden Manual of the Folk Healer. It is impossible to say unequivocally how useful it will be in everyday life, but at least in order to plunge into the atmosphere that interested you, it will come in handy. Moreover, it will never be superfluous to get acquainted with the options for amulets and conspiracies for all occasions.