Medicinal motherwort heart: indications for use

Medicinal motherwort heart: indications for use
Medicinal motherwort heart: indications for use

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Motherwort as a medicinal plant was first mentioned in an encyclopedic dictionary of the 15th century. It has been used in folk medicine since the Middle Ages. It was introduced into traditional medicine only in 1932

motherwort cordial
motherwort cordial

More than 11 species of this herb grow in Russia, and only two of them (five-lobed motherwort and heartwort) are medicinal plants. The encyclopedia of herbs gives a complete description of this perennial. The plant begins to bloom from May to September, the fruits ripen in July. The stems of the motherwort are quite high, reaching 2 m in length. The tops of the leaves grow in tufts and resemble a lion's tail.

Motherwort is more common on waste soils and wastelands. In pharmaceuticals, the aerial part of the herb is used, in which there is a huge content of micro and macro elements valuable for medicine. The leaves contain a lot of alkaloids, tannicsubstances, essential oils, mineral s alts, ascorbic acid, vitamin PP, flavonoid glycosides, saponins, choline and much more.

During clinical trials, it was found that the herb extract increases the intervals between epileptic seizures. It also reduces intense headaches, fights insomnia, and calms the nervous system. Positive effect on potency. In addition, there is a high effectiveness of the drug in myocarditis, Graves' disease, brain contusions, heart defects, cardiosclerosis and myocardial dystrophy.

motherwort photo
motherwort photo

Motherwort is used for hypertension and cardiovascular dystonia. Infusions can be prepared independently from dry raw materials. For this, 15 g of grass is taken, poured with boiling water, and steamed (15 minutes). The extract is then cooled and filtered. Taken twice daily at 50g

The use of infusion is shown for menopausal phenomena, which are caused by unreasonable fear, anxiety, palpitations, sweating, shortness of breath. The herb has a good effect on flatulence, gastrointestinal disease. In combination with hawthorn and valerian, the mixture is indicated for enhancing cardiac work.

In alternative medicine, motherwort (photo - in the article) is used as an aphrodisiac, tonic and revitalizing agent. It is also recommended for the treatment of worms. It should be noted that this plant is the most valuable honey plant. It secretes a lot of nectar: a bee receives up to 600 g of sucrose from one flower. Honey has medicinal properties andpleasant taste qualities. It has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body and is indicated for the treatment of acute respiratory infections.

medicinal plants encyclopedia
medicinal plants encyclopedia

Actively motherwort is used in industry. Fatty oil is obtained from the seeds, from which varnishes are made, impermeable fabrics and fibers are obtained. They also impregnate paper. In veterinary medicine, infusions from the plant are used to treat cattle for various heart diseases and neuroses. Pharmacy alcohol tincture can be given to children. This is an ancient remedy that has been tested not only by scientists, but also by time.

Side effects

Because the plant is very poisonous, it should be used in small quantities. In case of an overdose, the following phenomena may occur: vomiting, diarrhea, intense thirst, pain in the intestinal area and the presence of blood in the feces.
