What are conspiracies from thorns? How should they be read? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Spike conspiracies are one of the most famous healing methods among the people, since even today's highly developed medicine still does not have the means to rid people of the papillomavirus. To apply them successfully, you need to carefully prepare for the ritual. Consider some effective conspiracies from the spike below.
Spitz called a specific variation of the wart, which is localized on the skin in the area of the palms and feet. Education causes pain, when touched, itching, tingling, burning appear. A large number of healing technologies have been developed based on taking medications and changing the diet.

Traditional healers believe that a conspiracy from a spike has a special healing power. When an illness prevents you from enjoying life and sleeping,trust the magical powers.
Causes of occurrence
A painful outgrowth with a dark core inside is not an independent disease. It indicates infection of the individual with the papilloma virus. Penetration can occur both in adulthood and in childhood, it is impossible to accurately determine the moment of infection.
A virus in the body can hide for years without showing symptoms. But when suitable conditions are formed for development, it begins to become more active. Spike growth provokes the following:
- addiction to alcohol, smoking;
- chronic ailments;
- physical strain, stress;
- excessive sweating of the feet due to wearing tight shoes or made from artificial low-quality materials.
There is a belief among the people - the appearance of a spike is preceded by contact with toads, frogs, which personify evil spirits. Prayers help to remove the growth.

By the way, more than half of the population of our planet is carriers of the papilloma virus. Despite such a number of carriers of the disease, only a few inhabitants of the globe suffer from the virus. When the immune system becomes weak, the disease makes itself felt. Warts can be contracted like this:
- Household way. The cause of infection may be the use of the same utensils or personal hygiene items.
- Direct contact. You can catch the disease simply by shaking the hand of the patient, which has warts.
- The virus is also sexually transmittedway.

How to remove the spike? You must remember the following rules:
- The stronger sex should perform the sacrament only on men's days of the week (Tuesday, Thursday and Monday), and the weaker sex on women's days (Saturday, Wednesday and Friday).
- If the lunar phase in which the action must be performed is not indicated in the description of the spell, read the plot on the waning moon. It was at this time that the treatment of warts and other ailments with witchcraft technologies is most effective.
- Remember: a person's faith is very strong. You must definitely believe in the power of magic words and getting rid of adversity.
- Requests for help from above should not be abused. After all, magic does not always immediately help. After performing the ritual, you need to wait a bit. If after four weeks there is no improvement, read again the conspiracy you have already implemented or choose another one.
- Magic does not tolerate amateur performances. Follow the instructions from the description for the ceremony strictly. Any slight deviation from the conventions will negatively affect the effectiveness of the spell.
- Witchcraft can be combined with the remedies offered by traditional medicine. Moreover, very often conspiracies against growths stipulate such mixed influence.
Traditional medicine
Homemade products such as apple, potato, onion, garlic effectively fight the external manifestation of thorns, with a cut slice of which healers advise rubbing the growths.
The method of healing with herbs is also known (Kalanchoe, dandelion,celandine, oregano, valerian, flax, lemon balm), the best of which is celandine. Its fresh juice is a panacea for most skin ailments.
However, such treatment should be used very carefully and with the consent of an experienced dermatologist. After all, a person may be allergic to some plants, and celandine juice is generally poisonous!
On the withering of the build-up
Consider a conspiracy with a potato from a spike. From time immemorial, healers and fortune-tellers effectively removed warts from babies with this method. You need to have a potato and strong thread. Cut the potatoes in half with a knife at dawn. Rub the growth with the resulting halves in turn, saying three times: “As I wiped my hands with this potato, so let the warts come off! Amen!"

Then put the used slices together, tie them tightly with thread. Next, bury the vegetable so that no one disturbs it. For this purpose, you can take a flower pot without a plant. Burying a vegetable, say: “As this potato will rot in the ground, so the wart will disappear!”
When the vegetable has completely decayed, the spike should disappear. For the ceremony, you can take a fresh apple and do everything in the same way. And in the conspiracy, simply replace the word “potato” with “apple”.
How to remove growths on the hands?
What is a conspiracy on the spikes on the hands? Before the start of the ceremony, you need to insist water for 11 days. As soon as you fulfill this condition, go outside at dawn, taking a jug of water. Find a birch, squat down and wash your hands,saying: “I wash my hands with clear water, I wash the warts! They will leave me behind, they will leave my body alone! In the soil with water, where they will be from now on! Amen!"

This text must be said nine times while rinsing hands. Infused water should be all poured out. Improvement will come within a month.
On a string
Let's study the conspiracy of the spike on the thread. To perform the sacrament, buy a skein of red woolen thread. Over each growth that you want to get rid of, tie a knot and say three times: “Where you came from, you came from, go back there, go away.”
Take the thread to a deserted place and bury it dry under a tree. Warts will begin to disappear when the thread rots, so there is no need to use synthetics when implementing the ritual.
You can also use gray thread. In this case, wind it around the finger where the growth appeared, and say 21 times: “Sushi, plow, asa has dried up! I fold, twist, twist, twirl, with the power of words, with a strong thread, you will not grow, wart. Fall off, dry up, go away, don't come to me. Send the thread to the toilet and flush the water.
How to get rid of plantar warts?
Few know the conspiracy from the spike on the leg. If you want to get rid of plantar warts, take a straw and sit by the window at the time of the waning moon. Next, you need to poke the growths with a straw. This must be done very carefully so that the spikes do not pierce.

During this process, read the followingconspiracy: “There will be no dry young, there will be no bull from fish, you will not take milk from a rooster. So you can’t sit on my body, and die on a flawed month. Amen . After that, set the straw on fire and spread the ashes.
Another conspiracy to thread
Conspiracies for the waning moon are considered the most effective. Consider such a ceremony performed with the help of a woolen red thread. Tie as many knots on it as there are warts on your body (count them in advance). If you couldn't count all the growths, then tie 13 knots.
When you make knots, say the following conspiracy: “Harness 13 brothers, 13 devils, 13 marsh toads, drive along 13 roads, remove warts from the servant of God (name). Just as these 13 toads do not converge in one place, so the warts will not return to the servant of God (name). Steel tooth. Old oak. Key. Lock. Language. Amen.”
Then go to the crossroads and throw a red charmed thread with knots into its center. Then go home without looking back.
Milk Hex
How to remove the spike with milk? Follow these steps:
- Pour fresh milk into a bowl (store-bought is not suitable, take only homemade and fresh).
- Say a prayer over the container: “I will pray to the Holy Savior, crossing myself three times, arming myself with God's blessing. Hey you, evil hanging ailments, go away from the servant of God (worldly name), get out of the sick body as soon as possible, from the eye to the backs, from the backs to the legs, from the legs to the tubercle, from the tubercle to the twig, from the twig to the leaf. Mighty wind, take off that leaf, into a cleantake the field to the river and across the bridge into the dense thicket. An evil bear lives in that thicket. He only stamps his foot, and you, annoying ailments, are forever away from the servant of God (worldly name). Be my way. Amen.”
- Dip your right hand (left if you are left-handed) into milk for a couple of seconds after the spoken words. Then, in turn, with each finger moistened, touch the growth, starting with the little finger and ending with the thumb.
- Wash your hand, but do not touch the spike, it should dry naturally.
The conspiracy will take effect when the wart begins to dry out, blacken, shrink, change shape. These signs prove that the roots of the spines, placed under the skin, have begun to die off. A dried wart should not be removed, it must disappear on its own, otherwise the disease will grow even more.
Meat Conspiracy
How to speak a sizzle with meat? To implement the magical rite, wait for the waning moon. On the same day, buy fresh meat with blood. Cut off pieces from it at home, equal in parameters to the reduced growths. Rub the formations with these pieces, saying: "As soon as the meat rots in the ground, so quickly the wart will disappear from my body."
After that, go to a deserted place, dig a deep hole and bury the pieces of meat. It is important that they remain in the ground until they rot - it is this nuance that is the key to the successful impact of the conspiracy. If the animals dig the hole and eat the meat, you will have to repeat the ritual.
For millet
Buy a package of millet, but change withdo not take purchases. At home, send the millet to the dishes (no need to wash the grain) and say: “Wheat-wheat, help get rid of warts and other growths, let the skin become clean.”
In a bowl, wash your feet, hands, or other places where the spike appeared, as if in a container of water, not grain. After the procedure, go outside and feed the millet to the birds.
On the egg

When the moon wanes, buy a country chicken egg. Boil it, cool and clean it. Roll out a spike with a clean egg, saying: “The moon is old, you see everything, you go everywhere. I will give you a gift, and you take my warts and return them to the marsh inhabitants. As you, moon, become young, so my skin will be clear. You will come to heaven again, but you will never return the warts to me. Amen.”
Then bury the egg in the ground or feed it to the dog. The formations will disappear quickly and will never appear again.