The emu is a large flying bird belonging to the cassowary family. In Australia, these birds can be found as often as rabbits and kangaroos. On the territory of many countries, these animals are bred for the sake of feathers and meat on special farms. But the demand for ostrich fat, the benefits of which are described in the article, has arisen among people quite recently. The main consumers of this product are cosmetic companies. About 10 years ago, scientists also became interested in ostrich fat. Some healing properties of this product have been proven at the present time. However, this is not enough to ensure that the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries receive a significant income from unique raw materials.

Using ostrich fat
Clinical trials over 10 years have shown that this product has anti-inflammatory properties and is also quickly absorbed into the skin. Observations of doctors and scientists have proved that raw materials can be successfully used inmany pathologies. Ostrich oil can be used for the following diseases:
- Eczema. Those people who suffer from eczema often suffer from intolerance to cosmetics. The main amount of various moisturizers only increases the irritation of the skin. Reviews of ostrich fat say that it not only does not irritate the skin, but in some cases even alleviates the condition of patients with eczema.
- Fresh wounds. Raw materials are recommended to be applied to wounds that are in the stage of epithelialization. Speaking about the benefits of ostrich fat, it should be noted that it can reduce itching and prevent the appearance of keloid tissues.
- Dislocations. The product can also be used for various dislocations. If the dislocation is located close to the surface of the skin, for example, on the elbow or on the knee, fat helps relieve swelling and eliminate pain, while preventing the development of the inflammatory process.
Sometimes ostrich fat is used in medicine. This can be explained by the fact that the product has a number of useful properties. This raw material is a natural moisturizer that promotes the regeneration of the skin and prevents the growth of bacteria. Therefore, the use of this product guarantees a rejuvenating effect and healing properties.

Fat also has pronounced anti-inflammatory, wound healing, anti-edema effects. This raw material is a natural ideal conductor. The product is also quite effective in accelerating wound healing,that remained after the operation. Doctors recommend using ostrich fat after bruises, with sprains, for the treatment of hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, localized on the lower extremities and occurring at an early stage. This remedy is indispensable in the treatment of arthritis, burns, and various skin diseases.
The product is able to reduce inflammation and irritation that occurs with all types of eczema, including weeping. Ostrich fat significantly reduces the size of fresh keloid scars. When using this raw material, the healing of the skin after a burn proceeds very intensively. In addition, fat does not cause acne, so it can be used as a highly effective remedy for problematic skin.
Ostrich fat has a beneficial effect on the regeneration of the scalp, as well as on hair growth. This product reactivates over 80% of inactive hair follicles.

Composition of fat
If we talk about the composition of ostrich fat, triglycerides were mainly found in this raw material, which include the following saturated acids:
- 22% palmitic acid, which activates the formation of elastin, collagen, and also promotes skin regeneration.
- 51% oleic acid, which has a local anti-inflammatory effect.
- 12% linoleic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of joints and muscles.
- 9% stearic acid, which facilitates the absorption of the active ingredient intomucous membranes and skin, as well as enhancing local immune defenses.
- 4% palmitoleic acid, which repairs dry skin and gives it elasticity.
- 1, 5% gamma-linoleic acid, which produces some of the hormones as well as prostaglandins.
- 0.5% myristic acid, which is able to inhibit the development of pathogenic microflora, as well as yeast.

Which applications apply
Use of ostrich fat, due to its healing properties, found not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology, cooking. It is worth familiarizing yourself with all areas of use of this product in more detail.
Ostrich fat is often used to make various masks, serums, creams that are designed to moisturize and nourish the skin. Such products are able to perfectly saturate the skin, renew its cells, rejuvenate, even out tone. Oil based on ostrich fat has a pronounced healing and anti-inflammatory effect. The use of this product in the field of cosmetology helps in the following:
- Stimulates the formation of collagen.
- Improve skin elasticity and firmness.
- Relieves irritation.
- Relieves flaking and itching.
- Promotes the speedy healing of scars that form after acne.
- Significantly reduces the appearance of cellulite.
- Strengthens and stimulates hair growth.
- Nourishesdamaged hairs, and also fights split ends.
- Ideal for hair loss prevention.
- Prevents the formation of stretch marks on the skin of pregnant women.

Emu ostriches have excellent immunity, as well as a distinctive ability to quickly recover. Scientists say that these qualities could be transferred to fat, since this product manifests itself perfectly in the following situations:
- Relieves swelling, pain, muscle tension in injuries, sprains.
- Prevents and treats inflammatory processes on the skin, such as irritation, acne, abrasions, bedsores.
- Relieves various skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.
- Promotes the speedy healing of postoperative scars and burns.
- Reduces itching, moisturizes and softens the skin.
- Helps in the treatment of joint diseases, such as arthrosis, arthritis.
- Prevents the growth of bacteria.
- Strengthens nails and hair.
- Protects the skin from UV rays and frostbite.
Ostrich fat is somewhat reminiscent of soft butter in its structure, and the taste of this product is slightly pronounced. The advantage of raw materials is that it does not contain as much cholesterol as other foods of animal origin. For this reason, fat-based cooked meals are he althy and also easily absorbed by the human body.

This product can be used for cooking first courses, roasts, pilaf, stews. Many people prefer to fry meat in ostrich fat, as well as stew vegetables, potatoes or make bread toasts. Someone even uses this product to make sandwiches. The end result is not only nutritious and tasty, but also very he althy meals.
Possible harm
Before use, you need to familiarize yourself with the benefits and harms of ostrich fat. The beneficial properties of this product were mentioned above, but can this raw material be harmful to he alth? Answering this question, one should pay attention to the fact that scientists conducted a survey of 500 people who used ostrich fat for a long time for various purposes. Of the 500 people, no one had an allergic reaction, as well as other side effects. Scientists also failed to identify any contraindications to the use of this product. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that ostrich fat has not yet been fully studied. Therefore, one can only hope that the use of this product will not cause any harm to he alth.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the use of ostrich fat for various purposes began quite recently. This product has valuable medicinal properties. It is used to prepare various cosmetics, used in medicine to treat diseases and pathologies, and housewives prepare various dishes with the addition of this fat. Medicsit is recommended to keep ostrich fat at home in the medicine cabinet, as it can be used to heal wounds, bruises, burns and to treat skin diseases.