Alternative medicine 2024, October

How to clean the intestines with activated charcoal: instructions and reviews from doctors

How to clean the intestines with activated charcoal: instructions and reviews from doctors

The he alth of the whole organism depends on the stable functioning of the intestines. Accumulated toxins significantly reduce immunity, which is why a person regularly suffers from respiratory diseases. In addition, fatigue and drowsiness are also associated with poor bowel function. There are many ways to clean not only this organ, but the entire gastrointestinal tract. The easiest and most comfortable cleaning is the procedure using activated carbon

"Noni Juice": reviews, useful properties and contraindications

"Noni Juice": reviews, useful properties and contraindications

Is it possible to achieve 100% he alth using some miracle potion? Let's look at this issue using the example of "Noni Juice". Reviews of doctors and consumers about this tool will be discussed in the article

Green pharmacy: what is the use of sorrel

Green pharmacy: what is the use of sorrel

The article talks about the beneficial properties of sorrel. Leaves rich in trace elements can have an incredible healing effect. This article provides several basic folk recipes with this product

How to choose a back applicator: tips and reviews

How to choose a back applicator: tips and reviews

Applicator is a device with a surface covered with needles. Kuznetsov and Lyapko applicators are widely used in medicine and at home

Mastitis: treatment with folk remedies. Mastitis in a nursing mother: treatment. Compresses for mastitis

Mastitis: treatment with folk remedies. Mastitis in a nursing mother: treatment. Compresses for mastitis

The affliction of many breastfeeding mothers is mastitis. The causes of this disease are streptococci, staphylococci and other pathogens that cause inflammatory processes. Acute mastitis can occur when these pathogens enter the breast through the milk ducts or cracked nipples during lactation. By the way, this disease can develop not only in nursing mothers. Medicine knows cases when this disease affected pregnant women

Ortilia lopsided: application. Borova uterus: application, reviews. Ortilia one-sided (upland uterus): reviews

Ortilia lopsided: application. Borova uterus: application, reviews. Ortilia one-sided (upland uterus): reviews

Upland uterus, or one-sided ortilia (photos are given in the article below), are the two most famous names for one of the most popular medicinal plants in folk medicine. Although there are many others - wine or female grass, pear, ramishia, hare s alt, wintergreen, women's dignitary. And this is not the whole list of names of the same plant

Caraway oil. Caraway oil - good. Caraway oil - contraindications

Caraway oil. Caraway oil - good. Caraway oil - contraindications

If you have a problem with high blood sugar and you are not recommended to use drugs to lower it, if you need additional he althy products of natural origin in diabetes, then black seed oil is exactly what you need. This substance has a healing effect on the human body

Treatment with soda: contraindications. Treatment with soda: recipes. Baking Soda Treatment Recipes

Treatment with soda: contraindications. Treatment with soda: recipes. Baking Soda Treatment Recipes

What do we know about baking soda? Only the fact that with it you can cook a magnificent dough and save the dishes from excessive pollution. But soda is not limited to these abilities. It turns out that thanks to it you can get rid of some ailments and unpleasant conditions of our body. In this article we will try to figure out in which cases this product is used as a therapeutic agent and whether soda treatment has contraindications

Compress for joints: a review of drugs and folk recipes

Compress for joints: a review of drugs and folk recipes

To treat diseased joints, not only medications are used, but also various folk methods. Most often, compresses for joints are used for treatment, which must be applied correctly, using the most effective means

Mishin's healing coil: reviews and description

Mishin's healing coil: reviews and description

Mishin's coil is a vortex device that helps to cope with many diseases. Patient reviews indicate that the device has a high level of effectiveness

Exercises for the elbow joint: types, mandatory consultation with a doctor, work of muscle groups and joints, positive dynamics, indications and contraindications

Exercises for the elbow joint: types, mandatory consultation with a doctor, work of muscle groups and joints, positive dynamics, indications and contraindications

The elbow joint is the connection of three bones: the ulna, humerus and radius. The junction of these three bones is enveloped by ligaments that form complex weaves and muscle mass. Very often, older people injure this part of the arm, which leads to pain and requires medical attention

Aloe cough juice: effective recipes, features and recommendations

Aloe cough juice: effective recipes, features and recommendations

On the windowsills of many houses you can often find aloe - an inconspicuous plant that has been used since ancient times as a powerful medicine, a panacea for many diseases, including ENT organs. Very effective aloe cough. This is what will be discussed next

Tincture of aloe, honey and Cahors: from what and how to take

Tincture of aloe, honey and Cahors: from what and how to take

Aloe, honey and Cahors are three components that are often used in traditional medicine. Imagine what would happen if you put them together! And there is such a recipe. A tincture of aloe, honey and Cahors can work wonders. It has been known for a long time, with its help various ailments are treated

How to use goji berries? Goji berries for weight loss: positive and negative reviews. Goji berry: benefits and harms

How to use goji berries? Goji berries for weight loss: positive and negative reviews. Goji berry: benefits and harms

How to use goji berries, we will tell below. But before that, I would like to bring to your attention another, no less important information about the mentioned ingredient. After all, not all people know what kind of product it is, where it grows and what its benefits are

Black Rowan - one of the he althiest berries

Black Rowan - one of the he althiest berries

Thanks to the navigators, Europe recognized such a plant as black mountain ash - chokeberry. The shrub not only took its place in the design of parks and gardens, the healing properties of its berries were appreciated. Since then, fans of traditional medicine have been using berries to treat many ailments, as well as for preventive purposes

Garlic and lemon for cholesterol: folk remedies, home recipes, ingredients, cooking instructions, dosage and doctors' reviews

Garlic and lemon for cholesterol: folk remedies, home recipes, ingredients, cooking instructions, dosage and doctors' reviews

Wrong lifestyle (bad habits, unhe althy diet) adversely affects the body. Excess cholesterol, or lipophilic alcohol, vascular pathology and a decrease in their tone - all this can provoke the development of brain or heart failure and even lead to death. In addition to performing regular exercise and diets, it is recommended to take folk remedies for cholesterol: garlic and lemon

Massage for hemorrhoids: technique, useful and harmful properties of the procedure, reviews

Massage for hemorrhoids: technique, useful and harmful properties of the procedure, reviews

If hemorrhoids are enlarged, anus massage is often prescribed. It can be carried out by both men and women, since this technique is highly effective. Massage allows you to quickly remove all unpleasant symptoms

Sea onion: healing properties, uses, common recipes

Sea onion: healing properties, uses, common recipes

Drimia maritime (sea onion) is a herbaceous perennial bulbous plant that grows naturally in the Mediterranean countries. Belongs to the asparagus family. Its specific epithet maritimus translates as "marine", since most often drimia is found on sea coasts

Manual therapy for scoliosis: description of the method, effectiveness, reviews

Manual therapy for scoliosis: description of the method, effectiveness, reviews

Scoliosis is a curvature of the spinal column of a congenital or acquired type. Treatment of the disease involves an integrated approach. Manual therapy for scoliosis is considered quite effective in this pathology, not even in the initial stages. The correct effect on the spine and joints helps eliminate pain, relieve muscle tension, increase mobility and flexibility of the back

Devil's claw: description with photo, flowering period, useful properties, therapeutic effect, tips and rules for reproduction and care

Devil's claw: description with photo, flowering period, useful properties, therapeutic effect, tips and rules for reproduction and care

Devil's claw is a herbaceous plant that has a wide range of medicinal properties. In its natural environment, it is a weed common in Latin countries. Due to its unpretentiousness to environmental conditions, the medicinal herb takes root perfectly in domestic latitudes. The plant got its name due to the specific type of seed box

Treatment of folk remedies for food poisoning at home: proven recipes

Treatment of folk remedies for food poisoning at home: proven recipes

Food poisoning is quite common. The cause of trouble can be not only the consumption of spoiled food, but also the absorption of exotic, unusual food. You can fix the problem thanks to the competent use of effective folk remedies

Badan root: medicinal properties, instructions for use, contraindications

Badan root: medicinal properties, instructions for use, contraindications

You may have seen tincture of bergenia root in pharmacies. It helps to strengthen the immune system, normalize the digestive tract, increase male potency. Traditional healers and herbalists successfully use the leaves and root of bergenia to treat many diseases. What such drugs help from, what medicinal properties and contraindications they have - you will learn about all this from our article

Zira grass: useful properties and contraindications

Zira grass: useful properties and contraindications

Chemical composition and useful properties of cumin seeds. Use in cosmetology and in the treatment of certain diseases. Contraindications for use. The use of cumin seeds in cooking. Description of the zira plant and its features

Wheatgrass: reviews, benefits and cooking at home

Wheatgrass: reviews, benefits and cooking at home

Sprouted wheat is used in various fields. Every day, folk recipes using this component are becoming more popular. Wheatgrass is of great interest. Reviews of people who have experienced the properties of this remedy on themselves testify to the expediency of its use in traditional medicine, and in dietology, and in cosmetology

Balynin's balm: recipe, preparation rules, ingredients, application features, treatment and reviews of doctors and patients

Balynin's balm: recipe, preparation rules, ingredients, application features, treatment and reviews of doctors and patients

How to make the balm of the Balynin sisters. Origin and composition of the medicinal product. The principle and method of treating wounds, joints, tonsillitis and runny nose with this balm. User reviews and cooking tips

How to stop blood after leeches: features of treatment with leeches, ways to stop blood and doctors' reviews of hirudotherapy

How to stop blood after leeches: features of treatment with leeches, ways to stop blood and doctors' reviews of hirudotherapy

In ancient times, a hirudotherapy session was called bloodletting. This name is not accidental, because the saliva of a leech contains special substances that prevent blood clotting. In some cases, non-stop bleeding is a concern, so anyone who wants to try this method of treatment should know how to stop bleeding after leeches

Remedies for heartburn: improvised and home treatments, folk recipes, medications and doctors' advice

Remedies for heartburn: improvised and home treatments, folk recipes, medications and doctors' advice

Many have experienced burning sensations in the esophagus and stomach. In such a situation, it is important to have a drug on hand that will help you quickly cope with an unpleasant symptom. Now there is a huge number of remedies for heartburn: improvised, folk and medicinal preparations. Which one to use is up to everyone

"He alth System" by Katsuzo Nishi: book, content, 6 golden rules of he alth, description of exercises and rules for their implementation

"He alth System" by Katsuzo Nishi: book, content, 6 golden rules of he alth, description of exercises and rules for their implementation

This is a Japanese healer, author of works on healing. He was born in 1884. After receiving his primary education, he was going to continue his studies, but the doctors forbade him to go to school due to poor he alth, and besides, his chest was smaller than normal. He couldn't handle the school load

How to treat the stomach at home: traditional medicine recipes

How to treat the stomach at home: traditional medicine recipes

Prolonged stress, unhe althy diet, unsatisfactory environmental conditions, exposure to bacteria - all these factors lead to disruption of the stomach and the development of serious diseases. In the acute stage, they require mandatory medical treatment, individually selected by the doctor after the studies

Aloe vodka tincture: recipes and methods of application

Aloe vodka tincture: recipes and methods of application

How to prepare aloe tincture with vodka or Cahors. The use of the drug and contraindications for use. The chemical composition of aloe and its role in traditional medicine. Rubbing with aloe, honey and vodka for sore joints

Cleansing the intestines with soda at home: features, recipes and reviews

Cleansing the intestines with soda at home: features, recipes and reviews

Through the organs of the human gastrointestinal tract passes a lot of not only useful substances, but also various toxins. Harmful substances enter the body with food, water, etc. In addition, the digestive system as a whole is responsible for the stability of human immunity. If the body is heavily polluted with toxins, it has a bad effect on the work of all internal organs and systems

Exercise therapy for arthrosis of the hip joint: the best exercises

Exercise therapy for arthrosis of the hip joint: the best exercises

Features of physiotherapy exercises for arthrosis of the hip joint. Causes of the disease and the degree of its development. Rules for conducting gymnastic exercises in a sitting, lying and standing position

Decoction of flax seeds: benefits and harms, reviews of doctors

Decoction of flax seeds: benefits and harms, reviews of doctors

Linen is very useful for the human body. If you prepare decoctions from this product, you can improve the functioning of the heart, gastrointestinal tract and other systems. However, this component also has contraindications. It is worth considering them in more detail

Is it possible to drink water with soda: proportions, benefits and harms, effects on the body, medical advice

Is it possible to drink water with soda: proportions, benefits and harms, effects on the body, medical advice

Soda can rightly be called a universal remedy. It is used for household purposes, in cooking and in cosmetology. Therefore, it is in service with almost every hostess. In the article we will tell you whether it is possible to drink water with soda, in what cases it is recommended in medicine and how to use it correctly

Pomegranate oil: reviews and useful properties

Pomegranate oil: reviews and useful properties

The pomegranate contains a huge amount of useful components, trace elements, vitamins and minerals. This fruit is widely used in cosmetology. Especially pomegranate oil helps to rejuvenate the skin and hair. Let's take a closer look

What to do with angina at home: traditional medicine recipes

What to do with angina at home: traditional medicine recipes

At the first manifestations of a sore throat, it is worth starting immediate treatment. As a rule, at this stage, most people prefer traditional medicine methods. It is worth considering the most effective recipes that will help you quickly get rid of pain in the throat in adults and children

Effective treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis

Effective treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis

Alcoholism is not only a tragedy of the individual, it is a problem of the family and even society as a whole. Few people are able to get rid of this addiction on their own. Therefore, the help of specialists is often required

Blood red hawthorn: photo, description, medicinal properties

Blood red hawthorn: photo, description, medicinal properties

Gardeners and summer residents love this plant, growing it as a hedge and collecting its fruits. It is especially appreciated by representatives of traditional medicine and traditional healers for its medicinal properties, which were successfully used in ancient Greece

Gymnastics "Eye of the Renaissance": reviews of doctors and practitioners

Gymnastics "Eye of the Renaissance": reviews of doctors and practitioners

As you can see from the reviews, the "Eye of Rebirth" is a fairly effective gymnastics, about which many say that it literally changed lives. If you believe the information on the World Wide Web, there are a lot of practitioners of this method, even more interested in trying it. Consider what basic exercises the technology involves, what is their exceptional feature

Do you know all the useful properties of apricots?

Do you know all the useful properties of apricots?

The beneficial properties of apricots should be known to everyone who cares about their he alth and longevity. What is an apricot? Why is it useful? Who is recommended to use this dried fruit? Residents of Central Asia have known the answers to these questions for a very long time, they get sick less often and live longer. Why? About this in the article