Oxygen baths are a physiotherapeutic procedure, the main components of which are water and oxygen. Most often, you can try out such a therapeutic bath on yourself in sanatoriums or other medical institutions.

However, before you dive into an oxygen-enriched bath, you should know what it is and in what cases it should be discarded. This article details the benefits of the procedure, as well as the indications and contraindications of oxygen baths.

The appearance of oxygen baths as a medical procedure is due to the fact that lately hypoxia (lack of oxygen) has begun to haunt a huge number of people. In the absence of the required amountoxygen in the body, a person begins to suffer from problems with blood circulation, he develops chronic fatigue, his working capacity decreases, dystrophic processes occur and the respiratory and drainage function is disturbed. Therefore, oxygen baths have become a popular procedure to benefit the human body.
There are two methods to saturate water with oxygen molecules.
- Physical. As a rule, the pressure with which oxygen is supplied to water during the physical method is in the range from 1.5 to 2.5 atmospheres. The duration of the procedure is up to 20-25 minutes. The amount of oxygen in water with this method reaches fifty mg / l.
- Chemical. Oxygen is obtained by mixing components such as copper sulphate, perhydrol and potassium bicarbonate. The resulting mixture is added to warm water and the patient is placed in a bath. All reactions that occur during the procedure are absolutely natural and safe for he alth. No other preparations, mixtures or gels for oxygen baths are used. The amount of oxygen in water is in the range of fifty to seventy mg/L.
The physiotherapist prescribes the required number of procedures depending on the condition of the patient's body. As a rule, the course of oxygen baths is from 10 to 15 procedures, which can take place both daily and every other day. The temperature of the water at which the procedure is carried out should be between 34 and 36 degrees.
Benefits for the body
During the procedure, the pores of the human skin expand, which contributes toabsorption of oxygen particles dissolved in water. When oxygen enters the blood, all organs and tissues are saturated, as well as their stimulation for regeneration.
Most of the oxygen bubbles rise to the surface, which provides a person with the opportunity to inhale clean, enriched air. This has a positive effect on the respiratory function of the body.
Oxygen baths normalize blood pressure and the state of the central nervous system, help to increase blood microcirculation, facilitate and soothe breathing. Already after the first procedures, a person feels some relief and a pleasant effect.
Oxygen baths: indications
There are a number of diseases and conditions in which such therapeutic baths can significantly alleviate a person's well-being and help during the recovery period. Typically, a physiotherapist will prescribe an oxygen bath course for the following illnesses or conditions:
- angina;
- cardiovascular disease;
- circulatory disorders;
- vascular lesions of the extremities;
- diabetic angiopathy;
- overwork;
- neuroses;
- neurocircular dystonia;
- recovery period after a stroke;
- myocardial infarction (in remission);
- polyneuropathy;
- coronarycardiosclerosis (in the initial stage) and others.
Despite the enormous benefits of the procedure, there are a number of contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to take oxygen baths in suchcases:
- in acute inflammatory processes;
- active tuberculosis;
- cardiovascular disease that is severe;
- tumors of various nature;
- infectious diseases;
- kidney failure.

Often the question arises whether it is possible to undergo treatment with oxygen baths during pregnancy. In this case, it should be remembered that the procedure is allowed only in the first half of pregnancy. However, if a girl experiences any serious difficulties in carrying a fetus, then she may be denied the appointment of the procedure.
Oxygen is an indispensable component that ensures the normal functioning of the whole organism. Often, its deficiency can lead to aggravation of he alth problems. Taking a procedure such as oxygen baths can help during the recovery period after serious illness.

In order to understand whether it is possible to use wellness baths in a particular case, you need to contact a therapist, who, in turn, will collect an anamnesis and write out a referral to a physiotherapist. The latter will determine the need for the procedure and select the desired course, as well as tell in detail about the benefits the patient will receive from this procedure.