Bee pollen is an amazing substance. At the same time, it was created by nature itself. This miraculous product consists of flower pollen. It is collected by workers.

Useful properties of bee pollen are not known to everyone. However, this is a real miraculous substance that people have been using for a long time. Useful properties of pollen are enclosed in a huge amount of those vitamins and valuable substances that are part of it. And it contains almost one-fifth of the total number of elements in the periodic table.
The beneficial properties of bee pollen are associated with vitamins B, E, A, K, D, C, P, phosphorus, calcium and many other elements. Rutin, contained in a valuable gift of nature, strengthens the vascular walls and helps the heart muscle work. Produces pollen and antibacterial action. This becomes possible due to the presence of special substances in its composition.
For a normal metabolic process in the human body, there must be the necessaryamount of lecithin and cephalin. These elements, which are part of the membranes of brain cells, are also present in the composition of the natural product.

Working individuals, when collecting pollen, put it in pockets located on their hind legs. Then they take her to the hive. Other bees are busy processing the brought pollen. At the same time, they put it in honeycombs, adding honey to them. Thus, bee bread is obtained. This is a rather complex substance, which includes a huge amount of components necessary for he alth, including vitamins. Such beneficial properties of pollen make the product biologically important for humans.
Amazing substance gives a high therapeutic effect. Bee pollen, the beneficial properties of which have been known since ancient times, is perfectly absorbed when ingested. It is especially recommended during the rehabilitation period for the rapid recovery of the patient after suffering ailments.
Amazing bee product can improve sleep, blood circulation and appetite. Its use increases male strength and significantly speeds up the healing process of various wounds.
Bee pollen is used by athletes as a strong natural anabolic. At the same time, doctors do not reject such a product.
Bee pollen, the beneficial properties of which allow it to be included in the course of treatment for heart pathologies, is used in such therapy with honey. A healing product is recommended for solving problems with the liver (for hepatitis or cirrhosis) Benefits beepollen and during therapeutic starvation. An amazing substance provides invaluable assistance in case of poisoning. This is made possible by its ability to remove toxins from the body. Eating pollen can also slow down the growth of tumors.

The healing product is also used as an external remedy. A mixture of two hundred grams of swollen pollen in one hundred grams of water and chicken yolk is rubbed into the hair for fifteen minutes. This mask perfectly helps to stop the process of hair loss. For diseases of the respiratory system, folk healers recommend sucking sweet “pills” three times a day. They are prepared independently by mixing bee pollen and honey in equal proportions (half a teaspoon each).