Folk remedies for gum inflammation: the most effective recipes, application, reviews

Folk remedies for gum inflammation: the most effective recipes, application, reviews
Folk remedies for gum inflammation: the most effective recipes, application, reviews

In the life of almost every person there have been such cases when at the wrong time a tooth starts to hurt or the gums become inflamed, and there is no way to immediately visit the dental clinic. Just for such a situation, folk remedies for gum disease are provided - simple, effective, but most importantly - affordable. It is only worth considering that the folk technique allows you to get rid of the pain syndrome, and for a certain period of time. For this reason, it will not be possible to avoid visiting the dentist. But many patients are simply afraid of these doctors in white coats. What about children?

What could be the reason?

The main reason for the development of inflammation of the gum tissue is the impact of pathogenic microorganisms. But at the sametime is not the only one. There are other factors that lead to a similar problem:

  • Plaque - usually caused by bacteria that release toxins that are their waste products. It is they who contribute to the irritation of the gums, destroying their tissues. If the plaque is not removed in time, not only the gums, but also the bone tissue is destroyed.
  • Weak immune system - in this case, the body simply does not have enough strength to withstand the aggressive effects of various factors. Even minimal physical damage contributes to the activation of inflammation. Used folk remedies for inflammation of the gums and teeth can also help strengthen immunity.
  • Poor oral hygiene - in this case, nothing prevents the bacteria from doing their dirty work. And as a result of such activities, negative consequences cannot be avoided.
The problem can take you by surprise
The problem can take you by surprise
  • Tartar is the main cause of changes in the level of the gum surface relative to the tooth. Initially, it accumulates in the gingival groove, after which the volume increases, which causes pressure on the soft tissues. As a result, the inflammatory process begins.
  • Avitaminosis - as you know, for the full functioning of all body systems (including the oral cavity), you need a constant supply of essential beneficial trace elements (vitamins). They are part of most enzymes (they are also in saliva). Then the protective functions of the immune system work properlyway, and the body resists inflammation. But with a lack of these elements, the struggle becomes ineffective. Folk remedies for inflammation of the gums and teeth will make up for losses.
  • Heredity - here the risk cannot be avoided. If the patient's relatives have inflamed gum tissue, then he also has a rather high risk of such a problem.
  • Lifestyle - usually provoke inflammation of the gums bad habits that are inherent in a large number of people (abuse of cigarettes, alcohol). This can also include the active use of certain medications.
  • Changes in hormonal levels - this phenomenon is typical for adolescents, pregnant women, cases of extinction of the function of the reproductive system (menopause).

If you ignore the problem of gum inflammation, then later it can lead to serious complications that will require surgery. It is worth being vigilant and treating any soft tissue disease in a timely manner.

Even if the case is not serious, do not ignore the causes of gum disease. And treatment with folk remedies is appropriate here along with conservative methods. Otherwise, everything can end with soft tissue atrophy, which in turn leads to loosening and loss of teeth. Hardly anyone wants to part with them.

Traditional medicine to help

The inflammatory process itself is called gingivitis. Moreover, this disease is a harbinger of more serious complications - periodontitis, periodontal disease. On the mucosathe membrane of the oral cavity may appear sores, wounds, or suppuration may begin. In some cases, this eventually leads to the formation of a cyst, and then the inflammation of the gums becomes more threatening.

Poor hygiene is the source of gum problems
Poor hygiene is the source of gum problems

But the matter is fixable if measures are taken in a timely manner, and folk remedies will come in handy. At the same time, decoctions based on medicinal herbs that most of us know are widespread - chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula, nettle, sage, oak bark. S alt and soda solutions are no less effective.

These home remedies for gingivitis as rinses are as good as, and even superior to, pharmaceutical formulations. They have an antiseptic and healing effect on the oral mucosa. At the same time, many of the things that provide invaluable help with gum inflammation are easy to find in every home and even on the kitchen windowsill of your own apartment.

Healing masks

This procedure is recommended to be performed after eating, after brushing your teeth. Healing masks are obtained from the following beneficial ingredients:

  • Beets - it should be grated on a fine grater and add 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil. Put the resulting slurry on the inflamed gum and hold for 20 minutes. Do this every 6 hours.
  • Potato - a tuber, without peeling, rinse well with water, and then also grate on a fine grater. The mass should be applied to soft, inflamed tissues for 20 minutes. The course of therapy is a week.
  • Peelfrom a banana - the surest folk remedy for gum disease. It must be dried and then crushed. Then take 1 tbsp. l. of this raw material, mixed with 3 tbsp. l. sea s alt (it also needs to be finely ground). Add olive oil until it reaches a consistency similar to sour cream. The mass is applied to the inflamed gum tissue for 10 minutes. It is recommended to perform the procedure 2 times a day, and the course of treatment is 10 days.
  • Galgan, cloves, dried bergenia roots - all this should be ground in a coffee grinder, and then add tooth powder. To begin with, the mixture is placed on the inflamed gums for 3 minutes, and then the teeth are brushed with this remedy. The recipe is good for preventive purposes - the procedure should be carried out 3 times a week.

After such masks, you need to rinse your mouth with some herbal infusion.

Healing chewing gum

How to treat inflammation of the gums? Folk remedies are not limited to healing masks. Chewing gum, made personally, can bring no less benefit. To prepare it, you should take beeswax (75 grams), honey (1 tablespoon), essential oil (5 drops), lemon juice (a couple of drops). First you need to melt the wax in a water bath, then add the rest of the ingredients.

How to treat inflammation of the gums?
How to treat inflammation of the gums?

The resulting mass should be stirred until smooth, and then allowed to cool. Then you can start creating lozenges of different lengths and shapes. This exciting activity will appeal to children who will be happy to help adults solve their dental problem.


You can effectively deal with such a common problem with the help of infusions or decoctions based on medicinal plants. At the same time, using folk remedies for gum inflammation, it is worth following a certain sequence:

  • Take enough liquid into your mouth so that there is a feeling of free space.
  • Hold the solution on the side where the gums are inflamed for 5-6 seconds.
  • Now the liquid should be driven through the oral cavity along the affected area, inflating the cheeks one by one (from 4 to 5 times - such a massaging effect will distract from the pain).
  • After finishing the exercise, once again hold the liquid in your mouth for a few seconds.
  • Alternate cheek puffing with a static liquid position (3-4 times will be enough).

As for the baths, they are static - you just need to keep the solution in your mouth for a little longer (40 to 50 seconds). At the same time, it is important to systematically carry out such procedures - it is recommended to perform from 2-3 (at least) to 7-10 times a day per day. Now it's worth considering effective recipes.

Vodka plus cinnamon

Yes, this “healing” liquid for most people contributes not only to raising the mood (knowledgeable people understand what it is about). Rinsing with inflammation of the gums with a folk remedy of this type will also effectively deal with the problem.

Useful spice
Useful spice

For 1 glass of fire water, there are several tablespoons of cinnamon (2-3 will be enough). Ingredientsmixed, after which the medicine needs to be infused for a week. Immediately before use, the healing tincture must be filtered. For oral administration, such a remedy is not suitable, they only need to rinse the mouth. Alcohol solution has antiseptic properties, disinfects the affected area. Also, the tincture removes puffiness and redness.

Hydrogen peroxide

Each of us is well aware of the healing properties of hydrogen peroxide. This is an almost indispensable remedy for bleeding gums (may be caused by damage from acrylic prostheses), to strengthen the soft tissues of the oral cavity. It is also effective against inflammation. In addition, peroxide can be purchased at any pharmacy (usually a 3% solution), and its cost is low.

To prepare this folk remedy for bleeding and inflammation of the gums, take 1 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide. That's all - the solution is ready after mixing. Rinse should be several times a day (3-4 will be enough).

"Multiple" uses of soda

Soda is certainly present in every kitchen, and it is able to successfully perform many tasks. With the help of this tool, stains on dishes and any surfaces are effectively wiped off. Baking soda is indispensable in baking, and also provides he alth benefits when needed.

Baking soda solution for gum disease
Baking soda solution for gum disease

Rinse solution is prepared as follows: 200 ml of water, 1 tsp. soda, about 50 ml of sage broth. This herb should not be underestimated because it hasantiseptic action due to the content of resins and essential oils. Therefore, to relieve inflammation and heal wounds, this remedy will come in handy.

There is no need to cook anything here - the solution is ready after mixing the ingredients. The rinsing procedure should be carried out 4 times a day, no less.

Infusions based on medicinal herbs

Herbal infusions are also highly effective in combating gum disease. Their preparation does not take much time, and all you need is to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. This is a general principle for many beneficial plants.

Relieve inflammation of the gums with folk remedies using these herbs:

  • sage;
  • calendula;
  • chamomile (pharmacy);
  • thyme;
  • sequence;
  • oak bark.

You can also use different mixes:

  • sage leaves and oak bark;
  • lime blossom plus oak bark;
  • St. John's wort, yarrow, sage, string;
  • St. John's wort, yarrow, oak bark.

Many of these herbs have antiseptic, analgesic, strengthening properties. Without them, it is impossible to eliminate inflammation.

Useful decoctions

In addition to infusions, you can rinse your mouth with decoctions. Herbs can be used the same as listed above, only now they should be prepared a little differently. Here it is necessary to take a little more raw materials - 2-3 tablespoons per 500 ml of water. The grass is poured with hot boiled water, after whichcook for another 5 minutes. Then the broth should be removed to the side to cool completely. Before rinsing, the finished product must be filtered, and the procedure itself should be carried out several times a day.

Healing decoction of sage
Healing decoction of sage

As for the preparation of an anti-inflammatory agent from a mixture of different herbs, in this case they should be taken in equal amounts. After that, mix them well with each other and only then select 2-3 tbsp from the total mass. spoons, and then everything is done in the same way. Only when using oak bark, it takes a little more time to boil - about 20-30 minutes under a closed lid.

Oak bark

This is another effective remedy of natural origin that can successfully deal with many problems of the oral cavity in a short period of time. Bedsores from clasp prostheses, ulcers, inflammation of the soft tissues of the gums and other damage to the mucous membrane - not the whole list of indications.

To prepare a healing folk remedy for gum inflammation, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. pre-crushed raw materials and add 500 ml of water to them. Put on low heat and cook for 15 minutes. After that, let it brew for 20 minutes, then strain and rinse your mouth.

Things to remember?

When treating inflammation at home, you should always remember some important points. When rinsing the mouth with decoctions of plants, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the solutions - it should not be hot or too cold. This further contributes to the irritation of inflamed tissues.gums.

After rinsing procedures, do not eat for 35-40 minutes. This will allow beneficial substances to penetrate into the mucous membrane. This is especially important in the presence of periodontal “pockets”, which serve as an alarming sign of gum loosening.

Folk remedies for inflammation of the gums
Folk remedies for inflammation of the gums

But in addition to using folk remedies for gum disease, you should follow basic precautions. In particular, we are talking about a toothbrush - it is better not to use those with hard bristles, otherwise the inflammation can also worsen. In addition, it is highly recommended not to take antibiotics and other medications. The only exception can be their appointment by a specialist.
