Crimean balms have long been used to improve he alth. Herbal drink has a rich composition, rich taste and aroma. In the article we will study in more detail the types of Crimean balsam. And its effect on the human body.
About the Crimean balm
What is this drink? Crimean balm is created on a soft basis of medicinal herbs, fatty and essential oils. The ingredients of the herbal drink gently and delicately affect human he alth, nourishing with vitamins and useful microelements. The balm has a wide spectrum of action, helps to cope with the problems of the digestive tract, blood vessels, skin diseases. The drug contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, especially in adulthood.
Black Coral Balm

The composition of the medicinal drink includes 16 types of medicinal plants: wormwood, thyme, yarrow, rose essential oil, calendula, basil, mint, rosehip, etc.
Dietary supplement "Black Coral" restores the functioning of the nervous system and improves blood circulation. With the help of the drink, respiratoryallergic reactions and minimizes the risk of atherosclerosis. Significantly increases immunity, thereby reducing the risk of contracting infectious diseases.
Crimean balm harmonizes the work of the endocrine system in women. According to reviews, after treatment with a drink, working capacity increases and metabolism improves, there is a rapid breakdown of fats in the body. Both men and women note that after the use of the drink, the energy potential of the body increases and the functioning of the organs of the cardiovascular system improves. Many have observed a choleretic effect after taking the balm.
Crimean + Stevia herbal balm

The composition of this drink includes an extract from herbs that grow in the Crimea (officinalis stevia, officinalis rosemary, ordinary thyme, peppermint, lavender, lemon balm, lemon wormwood, marigold, catnip), walnut, wild rose, natural honey, making it an effective therapeutic and prophylactic agent.
The unique technology and recipe of this herbal complex will help people who suffer from diabetes and diseases of the endocrine system. The Crimean balm was known among people as the "elixir of youth", which has a beneficial effect on the main systems and organs. True to its name.
Crimean balm, according to reviews, minimizes the risk of developing inflammatory processes and stimulates the protective functions of the body. Regular consumption of herbal drink significantly reduces the percentageblood sugar content. It is noted that the Crimean balm has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, the digestive tract, and strengthens the nervous system.
Balm "Resort Romance"

Multi-component product includes thirteen environmentally friendly herbs: lemon balm, rose, oregano, thyme, thyme, wormwood, elecampane, raspberry leaves, etc. The therapeutic effect of herbs that are part of the drink are successfully used by urologists and herbalists around the world for many decades.
In tandem, plant extracts have a pronounced immunological effect. According to reviews, the Crimean herbal balm strengthens the overall tone, improves hormonal function, and helps to get rid of broncho-pulmonary diseases. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the herbal drink has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, strengthening and healing the walls of the stomach.
Crimean balsam is a unique combination of medicinal herbal extracts, thanks to which many he alth problems are solved. Essential oils give the drink an incredible aroma and provide long-lasting positive results.