Marsh myrtle: description, useful properties, photo

Marsh myrtle: description, useful properties, photo
Marsh myrtle: description, useful properties, photo

Marsh myrtle is an evergreen medicinal plant with a pleasant smell. Not all people know that in its therapeutic properties it can even compete with antibiotics. The Latin name for marsh myrtle is Chamaedáphne.


common marsh myrtle
common marsh myrtle

This is an evergreen shrub growing up to 1m tall with straight spreading greyish branches. Grows in sphagnum bogs and deciduous forests with high humidity. Young shoots and leaves contain a poison that is extremely dangerous for goats and sheep.

This plant has many names, including "common swamp myrtle". It is due to the fact that it grows only in swampy areas, and its leaves are shaped like the foliage of a Mediterranean plant - myrtle, which in central Russia is most often found as a houseplant.

Hamedafna marsh is found mainly in the northern hemisphere (both North America and Eurasia). plant in Russiadistributed from the Arctic to the southern borders of the taiga. It is the only one of its kind. In the southern borders of the growing area, marsh myrtle is higher, and in the north - lower. The shoot of the Hamedafna is lignified and straight. The age of individual specimens of marsh myrtle sometimes reaches 50 years or more. According to some data, the age of the root system of a plant can be hundreds of years old, the aerial part - young shoots - decades.

The shoots of the marsh myrtle are brownish and gray, if you look at them through a magnifying glass, you can see whitish scales. Its leaves are small, from 1 to 5 cm long, they are arranged alternately on the stem, one after the other. The shape is elliptical elongated with slightly pointed edges. Leaves can be tightly pressed to the stem or loose. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they are very hard and covered with small dry scales. The upper part of the leaves of the marsh myrtle has a dark green color, and the lower part is a lighter brownish hue. Scales are clearly visible even visually. The central vein of the leaves is slightly depressed. The edges of the leaves are slightly bent inward. Another feature of this marsh plant is that the structure of the leaves resembles that of succulent plants, which grow in dry conditions and are forced to conserve moisture. Hard leaves are a good adaptation to reduce water evaporation processes.

plant flowers
plant flowers

The reason for this adaptation is that in raised bogs, plants live in conditions of lack of moisture, despite the high humidity in these places. It's relatedmainly due to the fact that the water is far under the layer of moss, and there is almost no water above, but there is also no oxygen below. As a result, the root system of the marsh myrtle (photo in the text) is located close to the surface of the earth. That is, where there is practically no water.

The flowers of the plant are white. They are collected in small racemose inflorescences. In one inflorescence up to 25 flowers, which are bell-shaped. The flower consists of five petals, 10 stamens and a pistil.

What is the benefit of swamp myrtle

This plant has numerous medicinal properties. The leaves, when rubbed, exude a strong aroma that resembles the smell of pine needles. This is how the essential oil of myrtle, contained in the plant, smells. In addition to it, it contains flavonoids, polyphenols, camphor, saponins and other useful substances.

In folk medicine

plant leaves
plant leaves

This evergreen shrub has been used in folk medicine for many decades. A variety of tinctures, decoctions, lotions are made from it. For example, for the treatment and prevention of various colds, it is very useful to chew fresh myrtle leaves. The antimicrobial components in its composition help to destroy pathogenic microbes in the body.

In the apartment

Swamp myrtle in the apartment perfectly cleans the air, which happens through the release of phytoncides from its leaves - substances that have bactericidal properties. An amazing fact, but one small tree can destroy up to 30% of streptococci and 50% of staphylococci. The chemical composition of the plant includes more thanten useful chemicals that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Medicinal properties of marsh myrtle

common myrtle
common myrtle

The plant is characterized by the following useful properties:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps in the treatment of colds;
  • used for a variety of respiratory diseases;
  • has a wound healing effect;
  • is a natural antiseptic;
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • actively fights various benign tumors;
  • is a highly effective antiallergic agent.

In addition, myrtle oil is successfully used in clinical cosmetology. Cosmetics with the use of marsh myrtle oil moisturizes and nourishes skin cells, eliminates acne and its consequences. In addition, this essential oil perfectly strengthens the hair, normalizes their structure.

Lotions for skin pathologies

In case of skin diseases, lotions from myrtle decoction are successfully used. With the development of angina, rinsing with such a decoction will bring significant relief and give a quick positive effect. They will help children best.

Tincture of swamp myrtle is excellent for the treatment of herpes infections. To do this, apply a cotton swab dipped in an infusion of this medicinal plant to the affected areas of the body.

With eye pathologies

swamp myrtle photo
swamp myrtle photo

In case of eye pathologies, lotions are made from infusionmedicinal myrtle directly on the eyes. In addition, it is useful to take healing tinctures inside. Alcoholic infusions with marsh myrtle help with purulent otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.

A few drops of the essential oil of this medicinal plant, dissolved in hot water, is a good remedy for inhalation in case of catarrhal pathological processes. Its rubbing into the gums effectively helps with the occurrence of periodontal disease. Myrtle oil is a good rub for a variety of colds and infectious diseases.

Harm from the plant

Plant in the swamp
Plant in the swamp

Despite the numerous beneficial properties of this medicinal plant, some negative consequences can occur if used incorrectly.

Don't grow this tree in the bedroom because the essential oils can cause headaches or sleep disturbances. It is also not recommended to use plant-based products in the afternoon, as they can cause excessive nervous excitement.

The use of funds based on marsh myrtle is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • women during lactation;
  • with individual intolerance;
  • in old age.

We have given a detailed description of the marsh myrtle.
