During her life, any representative of the fair sex at least once, but visited a beauty parlor or beauty salon. Someone goes there regularly, someone was there only a few times. Nowadays, cosmetology has risen to a high level, and now specialists in spa salons do various procedures that help women stay beautiful, slim, young and attractive. One of the most common procedures in beauty parlors is mesotherapy. What it is? Let's find out.

This is the name of a special procedure that is done by professionals - salon workers. Microdoses of various preparations or, as they are also called, cocktails of useful substances are injected under the patient's skin. They are good for the skin. Here is a brief about what mesotherapy is. The effect of the procedure is not only due to injections, but also due to the stimulation of active points on the body or face of a woman.
Remember that body mesotherapy is a rather serious procedure, and, despite the seeming harmlessness, you should trust only a competent professional cosmetologist. He will not only do everything qualitatively, but alsosome diagnostics of your body in order to achieve the desired result.

So, you have received an answer to the question “mesotherapy – what is it”. Now let's find out what problems this procedure is used for.
- Aging, the appearance of mimic, age-related wrinkles on the skin of the face. Lack of elasticity, dull and yellow complexion.
- Cellulite and excess weight, excess fat.
- Postpartum stretch marks on the skin (stretch marks), scars.
- Recovery of the skin after plastic surgery, peelings.
- Hair loss.
- Acne and pimples, acne scars.
Mesotherapy is used for both body and hair. If your strands fall out, then injections will be made into the scalp. For cellulite and body fat, the injection will be made in a specific area of the body.
Mesotherapy – what is it? This is an excellent procedure that affects not only the desired area, but also the body as a whole. Microdoses of the introduced drugs have a good effect on the immune system and the immune system as a whole, improve the condition of some internal organs. Thanks to this, the effect is achieved not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Mesotherapy contraindications
As with any procedure, mesotherapy has its own contraindications, although they are few.
- Epilepsy and mental disorders.
- Problems with blood clotting.
- Oncology.
- Cardiovascular disease.
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- Allergy.
- Fear of injections.
To achieve the desired result, you need a course of procedures. Seven sessions are enough, this is the minimum number. The maximum will be determined individually for you by a specialist.
The composition of injections includes various vitamin complexes, fat-splitting drugs, vasoconstrictors. Natural plant substances are often taken as the basis.
Now you know about such a procedure as mesotherapy, what it is, and how it affects the body. Remember that you can only entrust your body to a professional with the appropriate education.