Pathological condition of the spine and musculoskeletal system is characteristic of 80% of the population. Most of them are people aged 30-50 years. According to statistics, these diseases are in third place after cardio and oncology. Scientists identify different reasons: ecology, stress, the technological component of life, etc. Bubnovsky's gymnastics is a proven way to treat and prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system, most of which are called osteochondrosis.

The essence of gymnastics
Dr. Sergei Bubnovsky's patients are people who were denied by representatives of traditional medicine. They are not able to move without outside help, to perform elementary life support functions. However, this does not mean that only this category uses the developments of Bubnovsky. His technique is designed for heterogeneous diseases: spine, knees, gynecology,osteochondrosis, recovery from injuries, etc. Such treatment refers to non-traditional methods.
The basis of the technique is kinesitherapy (movement), a specially designed set of unloading movements, implemented on the author's simulator. This is possible only in stationary conditions. At home, the simulator is partially replaced with an expander. The treatment takes place without taking painkillers and surgery.
Skeptics may argue that there is yoga, exercise therapy, and Dr. Bubnovsky has nothing to do with it. However, practice shows that yoga is designed for he althy people, and exercise therapy for patients without serious pathologies. In other words, Dr. Bubnovsky's technique is unique. It has shown effectiveness in the treatment of non-athletic people with diseases and bad habits. Bubnovsky's gymnastics for beginners and experienced patients has received recognition in Russia and abroad.

Traditional medicine's principle of treatment is to provide medicines in the absence of exercise. Improvement occurs only in the process of taking medication. And then the condition returns to its original state or worsens. Added to this is muscle atrophy.
Kinesitherapy is built on other principles: the absence of drugs and the increase in movement. An important component is breathing: oxygen in the body restores he alth. Treatment takes 1 hour per day. Bubnovsky developed two variants of gymnastics - adaptive and articular.
Benefits of gymnastics
- Movementreplace drugs.
- No surgery.
- Preparing for inevitable surgery.
- Recovery after operations.
- No side effects.
- Natural state.
- The age of the patient does not matter.
- Safety.
- Pain relief.
- Reduce potential recurrence of ailments.
- Relief from accompanying ailments.
- Complete recovery of the body.
- Chronic disease prevention.
- Normalization of metabolism.
- Ability to perform at home.

- Oncology.
- Pre-infarction and pre-stroke status in acute form.
- Hemorrhages.
- Thrombophlebitis.
- Presence of a benign tumor.
- Heart disease.
- Kidney failure, etc.
- Regularity of classes. Exercises are performed 3 times a week for 20 minutes. The complex, taking into account the warm-up and hitch, lasts an hour.
- Breath control. Avoid an increase in heart rate.
- Exercises are done based on ability and preparation 5-25 times.
- Diary entries. Daily fixation of exercises and achievements increase the effectiveness of the technique.
- Drinking fluids. A sip of water moisturizes the mouth. Without this, the exercises cannot be continued.
- Cryotherapy. After exercise, you need to swim in cold water for 5 seconds. It complements the treatmenta set of physical exercises.
- Perform the complex in any state. No diseases, including colds, are an obstacle to the implementation of the complex, with the exception of fever.
- The performance of the complex is commendable. Compliment yourself for accomplishing and overcoming apathy. Pride in accomplishments boosts mood and increases motivation for the future.
- Gradually increase the load, especially after a long break.
- The reaction of muscles to stress in the form of pain is normal. Cold water helps relieve pain. Hotter, on the contrary, interferes with recovery.
- The number of drugs taken for hypertension should be reduced gradually. It is important to control the pulse.
- Don't complain about your he alth. Enjoy it.
- Therapeutic gymnastics is an individual course, therefore it does not involve a team.
- You can't expect improvement after the first session. This process is not designed for quick and clear results. Changes in the state are judged after 10 sessions.
- It is important to complete the course and not stop in the middle of the journey.
- After the condition improves, you need to choose a general strengthening course that will serve as a warning for subsequent diseases.
Adaptive gymnastics
Adaptive gymnastics by Dr. Bubnovsky - treatment for beginners. It is used for pain relief and rehabilitation. Training is carried out without sudden movements, slowly, overcoming pain.
Bubnovsky's adaptive gymnastics for beginners at homeconditions:
- Moving on all fours with long steps - 30 minutes.
- Walking on your knees - 20 minutes.
- Pelvis wiggle on all fours - 10 minutes.
- Standing, the bent leg is pulled up to the opposite elbow - 20 times.
- Movement on the buttocks with straight legs and arms.
- Sitting legs apart: one leg straight, the other bent.
- "Fold" with bent legs resting on the hands behind the back - 15 times.
- "Fold" with straight arms and legs, it is important to touch the legs with the hands - 15 times.
- Twisting the body: reach the right elbow to the left knee - 15 times. Do the same with the left elbow and right knee.
- Rise of the body with a turn of the bent leg to the side - 15 times in each direction.
- Push-ups: bringing the elbow to the right angle - 20 times, followed by an increase.
- Forward bends in a sitting position: grab the foot, legs straight.
- "Scissors" - sitting without relying on hands.
- Mahi legs lying on your side: bent and straightened leg. Change sides.
Articular gymnastics
Pain in the joints is manifested by swelling, burning and other unpleasant sensations. But this is only a superficial perception of the disease. The cause of the disease lies in the weakness of the muscles, which leads to disruption of the blood supply to the joint. Treatment - the load on the muscles and their strengthening. This is possible provided that the patient does not have infectious diseases or injuries associated with a violation of the ligaments and meniscus. A special complex will strengthen muscles and relieve pain.

It is important to exercise while overcoming the pain. If you feel sorry for the joint and anesthetize with medication, then this will end in dystrophy, which will require implantation.
Articular gymnastics of Bubnovsky - the second stage of treatment, restores joint mobility and strengthens the spine. Separate classes have been developed for each group of joints.
Complex with exacerbation of pain for the hip joints
- Lying face down, raise the straightened leg 15 degrees. Hold for 30 seconds.
- Lying face down, lift legs alternately at an angle of 15 degrees.
- Also lying on your stomach, lift both legs at the same time, gently spread and lower.
- Lying on your side, bend one leg, leave the other straight. Raise and hold the bent leg. Repeat with other leg.
- Bending forward from a sitting position. Reach for your fingers. Hold for a minute. Straighten up. Repeat.
An important rule for the implementation of the complex: do the exercises measuredly and slowly.
Exercises-exclusions from the complex:
- squat;
- walking;
- load on the hip joint.
Knee nourishment
- Lying on your stomach, raise your leg 20 cm. Play the same with the other leg.
- Lying on your stomach, alternately raise your bent legs.
- Sitting on a chair, bend your legs. Alternately raise the straightened leg, lingering in this position.
- Leaning on a chair, rise on your toes anddrop to heels after 10 seconds.
- Repeat the previous exercise, but rise on your heels, pausing for 10 seconds.
- Leaning on a chair, roll from one sock to another.
- Foot massage with rubbing - 5 minutes.
The complex is performed when relieving joint inflammation or prevention.
Bubnovsky's gymnastics for the spine
- In the prone position, raise both legs at the same time. Linger in a state of tension in the lumbar.
- Lying on your back, press your bent legs to your stomach.
- Become straight, raise your shoulders. Then lower.
- Lying on your stomach, lift the body as high as possible.
- In a standing position, slowly turn your head to the left, then to the right.
- Standing tilt your head forward for 1-2 minutes.
Bubnovsky's restorative gymnastics for the hip joint
Lying on back:
- Alternately raise your legs up.
- Pull legs to chest.
- Raise the body, bending the knees.

Gymnastics for the knees
Exercises are done on the back, slowly and without sharpness, with a delay at the end point for 20 seconds. First with one foot, then with the other.
- Press bent leg to chest.
- Touch the heel of the bent leg to the buttock.
- Mahi with a straight leg to a height of 15 cm.
- Raise the bent leg and turn the foot to the side.
- Pull the bent leg to the shoulder.
- Raise your straight leg as high as possible.
- Raising the body to the legs bent at the knees with the elbow touching the opposite knee.
- Mahi with straight legs.
Lying on stomach:
- Scissors with straight legs.
- Taking the legs off the floor from the "star" position.
- Rise of straightened legs.
Gymnastics for the spine
- Relax your muscles while on all fours.
- On all fours as you exhale, bend your back.
- On all fours, pull the body forward.
- In the prone position, lifting arms, legs and body.
- Rise on toes with flat heels 100 times.
- Butt lift in supine position.

Neck gymnastics
Bubnovsky's cervical gymnastics complex reduces pain, strengthens the muscles of the neck and allows you to live fully.
- Traction on an expander attached to the ceiling, or a horizontal bar.
- Rows on an expander attached to the wall while sitting.
Exercise combined with push-ups. The muscles of the neck are closely connected with the vessels of the brain. Their violation leads to headaches. In the presence of a herniated disc, it is impossible to perform rotational movements of the neck. This increases disturbances in the body. In this case, it is important to strengthen the muscles of the back, not the neck.

Dr. Bubnovsky has developed a special complex for this disease:
- Tractionmovements from top to bottom to the chest on an imitated horizontal bar made of an expander and a bar.
- Repeat the previous pull, but behind the head.
- Push-ups with touching the floor.
- Progressive movements from top to bottom with an expander, imitating sawing firewood.
- Expander can be replaced with dumbbells.
Exercises are done 20 times in 5 sets. Distribute the execution by day for muscle recovery: one day - an expander, the other - sawing firewood, etc.
Dr. Bubnovsky is sure that it is possible to be treated without the use of medicines. Medicines bring short-term relief and additional destruction of the body. Physical exercises, formed into a medical complex, strengthen muscles, improve metabolism, and heal the body as a whole.