So much has been written and said about the medicinal properties of bee products that there is practically nothing to add to this. Special literature, advice from traditional healers and medical professionals, programs, programs, and articles pointing to bees and everything they produce as a perfectly balanced natural factory of preventive and truly medicinal products - all this is not just a tribute to some kind of fashion. This is all very useful, and for some it becomes vital.
Pharmacy without limits

A bee hive is a huge social pharmacy in terms of its value to human life and he alth, which has everything for all occasions. From childhood, every personremembers the words of parents about the healing properties of honey. And bee venom is almost never associated with negativity, although the very word "poison" should have alerted. But no, bee venom is perceived and accepted only as a medicine.
Pollen is also one of the means of prevention and treatment of various diseases. And there is nothing to say about propolis - the healing properties of this product of the vital activity of the bee family have already acquired legends and have become part of the healing set of every healer who respects himself and his patients, and not only. Tincture from this product is an integral part of most family first aid kits. How to make propolis tincture at home will be discussed below.
What do we know about propolis?

About propolis, as a product of bee life, no one dares to speak up to the end. It is impossible to say specifically what propolis is, but a lot has been written about its healing properties.
If we touch on the origin of the very name of this wonderful substance in every sense, we will see that the word "propolis" is formed by two Greek words - pro and polic. The first means "in front", and the second translates as "city". This bee glue - in the Greek sense - is the protector of a numerous city, sometimes reaching hundreds of thousands of individuals in its numbers. Consequently, the Greeks knew about the healing, embalming, antiseptic and mummifying properties of propolis from ancient times. Apparently, the ancients were also in demand for tincture ofpropolis. The recipe for this tincture has naturally changed, but only in terms of the more modern technology used to make it.
The well-known mummy is the same propolis. It is only produced by bees living in wild mountain gorges. The properties of this product are more accentuated, and this is natural, given the fact that cultivated or domesticated plants and animals in most cases have less useful properties and qualities than their wild relatives.
What the legendary remedy consists of
Propolis consists almost half of fragrant resins, which contain amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates and balsams. The latter, having also a complex structure, contain cinnamic acid and alcohol. But that's not all. If you start to bend your fingers when counting other components of propolis, then not only on the hands, but also on the legs of two or even three people will not be enough. These are various enzymes, multiple essential oils, acids - benzoic and ferulic. Add to this antibiotics, vitamins - B1, B2, A, C, E, PP, a lot of aromatic aldehydes, flavones and flavonols, and it becomes clear that propolis is not just a lot of things, but an abundance of substances very necessary for the human body. In addition, all this is mixed up on a third of the wax and a twentieth of the pollen of plants. Only one thing can be said about trace elements - there are a lot of them. Propolis contains strontium, manganese, vanadium, iron, aluminum, calcium and silicon.
An inevitable thought comes to mind - all this is necessary and must be accepted andto a person. But in its natural form, simply using propolis is pointless. After all, this product itself consists of a third of wax, which simply will not give away substances useful to the human body. And here we come to the conclusion - we need to make a tincture. This is the easiest and most affordable way for many to make propolis easily digestible. Read on to learn how to make a propolis tincture.
Healing properties of tinctures
Now that propolis has become known, understandable and hence such a coveted healing product, a natural question arises: how to make propolis tincture at home? It should be noted right away that this substance is healing, but not for everyone. Some people have a clear allergic reaction to any bee product. Such people should absolutely not use anything related to bees - even in derivative forms.

How to make propolis tincture without any practical skills? This is an easy process. The main thing in it is compliance with the measures and terms specified in the recipe, as well as the storage conditions of the healing drink. Tinctures are made on the basis of alcohol solutions, which allows you to remove all the useful elements of propolis from the bound state.
Infuse propolis

Propolis tincture on alcohol, the recipe of which is discussed further, has a lot of varieties. The main difference in the recipe concerns the percentage of propolis and various additives. For example, if you want to have a means to deal withinflammation of the middle ear, it is necessary to make a 30% propolis tincture in alcohol with a strength of 70˚. Such a tincture of propolis at home should be infused for 2-3 days in a container with dark walls. However, the same tincture can be used for rinsing in the case of a sore throat. One has only to dilute it with warm water and flavored with a small amount of honey water at the rate of 1:1.
Propolis tincture on alcohol. The recipe for this tincture is somewhat different from the previous one. For 80 ml of alcohol - the same 70˚ - 50 g of pure and small propolis is added. This mixture is infused for 7 to 10 days with obligatory stirring. Then it settles for 2 days, filtered and poured into a dark container for further storage. It is used for stomatitis.

In a word, problems with how to make propolis tincture at home should not arise at the present time. In the world wide web, there are a lot of all kinds of recipes for all occasions. And even if you do not have alcohol, it does not matter. You can always use quality vodka. The formula is, of course, subject to change. And the duration of infusion is increasing.
Prevention of diseases with propolis tinctures
As a pleasant prophylactic in any kitchen, propolis tincture on vodka will be useful. It is prepared like this: about 200 grams of crushed propolis and birch sap are taken for a bottle of vodka. The container in which we mix vodka and propolis must be thoroughly shaken for 30-40 minutes. Then you should give the mixtureinsist. This takes 2-3 days. The mixture is also shaken repeatedly.

When using, or rather, before using this tincture, you can add birch sap to taste. And it is worth remembering that this is not a way to have a good time, but a method of preventing various ailments. Everything is good in moderation.
Propolis medicine for children

Propolis tincture for children is nothing special. Naturally, the child may not like some of the harshness and strength of the tincture. But no one is going to give him this - the medicine should not be tasty, but it should not cause unpleasant and painful sensations. Therefore, children's doses of propolis tinctures are calculated based on the age of the child. And if the adult dose can be from a tablespoon to half a glass, then the children's dose is 2-5 times less. In addition, when using these tinctures, you can use various diluents and sweeteners - honey or syrups. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to lose the healing properties.
There should be a measure in everything
Now that the question is: "How to make propolis tincture at home?" - has a completely understandable and clear answer, we should talk about the fact that self-medication is fraught with negative consequences. It is worth remembering the words of the respected and famous doctor - Paracelsus. He constantly mentioned this in his treatises and said the following: “Everything in life is poison! But only measure makes it a cure!”